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Y'all Felix is like my fav so ima write abt gilly having a weekend home and them having sibling bonding time. Got it? Great let's get started.

"Do you need any help Gilly?" Maxine asks me, putting away the last of her stuff.

"No, I'm fine," I respond, closing my suitcase. We head down to the lobby to say bye to the rest of our friends, and wait for our rides home.

"Hey guys!" Ollie calls out, motioning for us to join the rest of our friends. Jax waves, and I nod my head in his direction. Jocelyn looks back and forth. Oh no, I know what's coming.

"Jax must be devastated that his 'friend'-" She made air quotes when she said that- "is going to gone for a whole weekend," Jocelyn snickers. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"We waved, Jocelyn. Waved!" I exclaim, "Is it so bad to acknowledge that Jax exists?" I might of came out sounding a bit mean, but I can't help it. I barely slept last night. I don't think anyone notices, except for Jax. He can read me like a book. He raises an eyebrow, like 'are you ok?'. I nod, and mouth that I'll tell him later. Just then, Miri appears.

"Maxine, Ollie, and Hayley, your rides are here," Miri tells us. We all wave goodbye, and they leave. Now it's just, me, Kayla, Jax, Jocelyn, AG, and Jack. AG and Jocelyn are just there to say bye. We all stand around and talk until eventually, Jack and Kayla leave too. AG yawns.

"I think I'm going to take a nap, I'm so tired," she tells us. Jocelyn follows after a while. Now it's just me and Jax.

"You look tired, Thief," Jax tells me, a hint of concern in his voice. I can't hide anything from him, so there's no point in hiding.

"I had a bad dream last night," I admit. Worry flashes across his face. Lately, I'd been having these a lot. When I told Red, she had told me that it was PTSD. All that fighting, when I was so young, left me scarred.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" he asks me softly. I nod.

"I had a dream that Hansel and Gretel were stealing, and I was with Anna. Then Anna left to join them and Alva and Stiltskin were back and they killed the twins and you disappeared-" my voice breaks off as I start to sob. Jax holds me tight as I cry into his chest. After 5 years, Jax was still my closest friend. He had stayed with me when I acted totally horrible to Maxine, and comforted me no matter what. He was my best friend, my partner-in-crime. He was always there when I needed him.

My thoughts started to calm me down, and I pulled away from his grip. He wiped the tears off my  face, and I started to blush a bit, even if no one was there.

"Are you okay now," Jax questioned softly.

"Yeah," I whisper. He smiles, and I smile back. We sit down on the bench, and Jax groans.

"Where is Raz? She should be here by now," Jax complains. I nod my head.

"My dad must really be running late," I agree. Thats not very normal, Father is always on time. That leads me to one answer.

"They forgot us here," I state. Jax rolls his eyes. 

"Of course they did," he mumbles. We make a bet that if they really did forget us, he owes me 5 bucks, and if I'm wrong, he- well actually, he didn't tell me. All he said was that it was a surprise. I lean my head against the wall. After about another 10 minutes of waiting and complaining, they finally get here. 

"Where were you?" Jax whines. Raz winces.

"We sort of forgot you," She says apologetically. I smirk and Jax hands me 5 bucks. I get in the car with my dad. We drive home, and I'm immediately greeted by 4 of my younger siblings. Anna is already home. She got the week off because of a bet she made with Professor Blackbeard.

"Where were you Gilly," Han and Hamish say at the same time.

"Father forgot me," I whisper to them, after looking around to make sure he isn't there.

"Hey, where's Felix?" I ask them, glancing at his usual spot at the couch.

"He's in his room," Trixie informs me. I nod, and start towards the stairs. Once I reach my room, I drop my stuff off and head to Felix's. I knock on the door.

"Come in," I hear a voice say.

"Hey Fee," I say, walking in. He looks up from the book he's reading, and his face lights up.

"Gilly!" he exclaims, moving over to make space for me on his bed. I laugh.

"How are you?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"I'm fine," he tells me. I curl up with him, and read to him for a bit. Suddenly, and idea forms in my head.

"Hey, what do you say to a day out," I question, "just you and me." He looks up intrigued.

"Sure," he answers, and I can see excitement on his face, "where will we go?"

"Well, we could go to Gnomolia bakery, and then catch a show at Pinocchio theatre." We start planning, and when we're ready, we walk downstairs.

"Hey, guys, I'm going to go to the village with Felix. I'll be back soon," I tell them.

"Have fun!" Anna yells from the kitchen. She's recently taken interest in baking, and Mother was teaching her how to make Pattycakes from scratch. We head out the door towards the bakery and Felix rants on about what books he's been reading and the one's he wants to get. I smile. Felix can come out as shy, but when he's alone, he talks and talks. When we reach there, we order a bag of pattycakes, and sit down at a table.

"So Felix, what's new?" I ask, eager to catch up with him. Suddenly, a pretty girl that looks to be about his age- which is 13- walks into the store. I catch Felix staring at her, and when she notices she smiles and waves. He waves back, and once she's got her stuff, she leaves. Felix smiles, and looks out the window we're sitting next to. I'm in shock. My brother, who's obsessed with books, likes a girl??? Once I recover, I take the opportunity to have some fun.

"So, Fee, who's that," I ask, starting simple. He looks at me.

"That's Aria," he says carefully. He knows what I'm about to do. Sometimes I feel like he's smarter than me.

"So," I start, "do you like her?" His face turns red.

"What? No! Why would I- what makes you ask that?" he says quickly. I smirk. So this is how Ollie feels when he teases me about Jax.

"Oh just the fact that you stared at her when she came in, smiled when she waved, and kept looking out the window when she left," I state all the facts. He narrows his eyes.

"We're just friends. Well, best friends, but still," he tells me. I smile.

"Relax, Fee, I'm just teasing you," I laugh. He laughs too, and we spend the rest of the day going from place to place, and just hanging out. When we get home, I change and flop onto the bed. Felix and his friend remind me of someone, though I can't put my finger on who. Oh well, I think. I turn around on my bed and drift to sleep.

Sooo, what do you think? I wonder who Gilly is thinking about *cough* not *cough*. Oh well, we can leave Gilly's oblivious self alone. What do you think about Felix's 'friend'? I might do a chapter from Felix' point of view. Maybe. But not the next one, I have something planned for the next one. Anyways, byeeeeee!

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