The ball III

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Devin's P.O.V.

"Ok girls! Tonight is the dance so we HAVE to figure out our outfit," Raina says. Sasha and I laugh at how excited Raina is.

"Raina, I already have a dress to wear, what else do I need?" I question her. She gapes at me.

"Wha-what ELSE??? What about makeup? Your hair? Your SHOES!!!" she exclaims.

"Okay! Okay!" I respond, "jeez." I say that last word under my breath, because Raina would kill me if she heard me say that. Correction, she would kill me like a lady. We go out to meet the boys at the lunch room in the afternoon.

"Hey girls," Logan calls out.

"Hey," we all respond. We take our usual seats, me next to Heath, Sasha next to Logan on the other side, and Raina next to me.

"So! Do you guys know what you're wearing to the ball," Logan asks. I groan. I would literally talk about ANYTHING else right now. Sasha smirks.

"Yeah, I have my outfit. I'm sure Devin is SOOO excited, aren't you Devin," she says. I glare at her.

"Devin, glaring isn't very ladylike," Heath teases.

"Well, you should know by now I'm not one to be ladylike," I respond simply. He laughs, and so do the others. I laugh too. For a moment, we forget about the ball. We're just laughing and talking like normal teenagers. Not princes and princesses getting ready for a ball. It's almost like if we were to live in the village. It feels nice.

Jax's P.O.V.

"So Jax, are you going to the ball with anyone?" Maxine asks me. Oh no. If I tell her I'm going with Gilly she'll make a HUGE deal out of it. Out of all our friends, Maxine probably wants us to get together the most. Which, of course, will never happen. Obviously. She's just my friend. Best friend. Really pretty- I snapped out of my thoughts when Maxine says my name again, and I realize I never responded to her. I sigh. She's going to find out eventually.

"Yeah, I'm going with Gilly," I tell her. She looks like she's about to explode.

"BUT, we're just going as friends," I add. She seems to calm down a bit, but I know she doesn't really believe me. We walk out of our class and we head our separate ways.

Kayla's P.O.V.

I'm so excited for the ball. I'm going with Ollie, who asked me in the cutest way. He invited me to go get lunch over the weekend we had at home, so of course I said yes. I've a had a crush on him for a while, but I never really told him. Anyway, after we ordered our food he told me he wanted to tell me something. I asked him what it was, and just then, the waiter came out with our food. He told me he would tell me after I ate, so i took a fork full of the food. When I looked at it, it has a small piece of paper in it, so I opened it up, because who wouldn't, and it said, 'will you go to the dance with me'. OMG it was ADORABLE. I said yes. It was literally a dream come true.

"Kayla!" Someone shouts.


"I was asking you a question," Gilly tells me, exasperated.

"Oh! Sorry," I apologize.

"It's fine," she says, "do you think this hair clip matches with my dress?"

"Hmmm, do you have a purple one?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I do," she responds, getting up to put the one she's holding back.

"Hold on, you're wearing a HAIR CLIP???" I exclaim. I don't think I've ever seen Gilly wear one by choice before.

"Yeah, I am," she says, looking confused. I smirk.

"Trying to look good for Jax, are you?" I tease. She turns red.

"Wha- no! I-I-don't you say- I'm just trying to-" she sputters. I laugh. It's fun to see Gilly trying to look good for a boy.

"Gilly, you look great," I tell her. Her face softens.

"Thanks," she says. I start to wonder if Jax is doing the same thing. He probably is. I don't need my fairy senses to tell me that.

Jax's P.O.V.

I look into the mirror and fix my hair.

"Wow Jax, you look good," Ollie says from behind me.

"Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of people there," I tell him. As I know from experience, first impressions are everything.

"So are you looking good for everyone, or someone in particular," he asks me. I turn around to face him, confused.

"Wha-" I start, but then I realize what he's talking about. I roll my eyes.

"First of all, it's not just for Gilly," I say, "and second, I could say the same for you. Are you trying to look good for Kayla?"

"Well, yeah, if I don't look good, she'll kill me. You know how she is," He responds.

"Sureeeee, that's why," I tease.

"Whatever," he mumbles, his face red, "we have to go meet the girls if we want to get there on time,"

"Yeah let's go," I say, walking out of the door. We are, after all, the guests of honor. Just then, I hear a loud BOOM. I turn around to find...

Hey guys! Wow, it's been a while. So, hope you like the story so far. Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger, but as an author, I have the power to torture my readers as much as I want. MWAHAHHAHAHA- *spots the flames outside where the torch people are camping out* I mean, I'll post the next one soon! Byeeeeeeee!

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