Gilly has a mental breakdown

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I know the title sounds terrible. I've been wanting to make this jilly story but had NO idea what to call it. If you don't like sad stuff, don't read this. Hope u like it! (P.S. I started crying while i made this lol)

Dear Gilly,

I know you're happy about me not being evil anymore and you wanna spend time with me. I'm sorry but even though I turned good, I still can't help but feel misunderstood. So until I can figure it out, I don't really want to communicate with you. So don't talk to me, or write to me.



I can't believe it. After all I've gone through to get Anna back, she wants nothing to do with me. I thought I could handle myself. Until I read this. I'm sitting with my friends at lunch as I think about this, so I quickly excuse myself, and dash out of the room before I cry.

Jax's P.O.V.

As soon as Gilly excuses herself, I know somethings wrong. She hasn't touched her food, and there was chocolate! She loves chocolate. I tell the others that I'll be right back, and follow after her.

Gilly's P.O.V.

I walk as far as I can before I lose it. Nobody's in the hall, thank goodness. I slide down the wall, sobbing. Why me? I hear footsteps but don't look up. Does it really matter who it is? Nothing matters right now

Jax's P.O.V.

I walk up to my best friend. "Thief? Are you okay?" Stupid question, I know. Of course she's not okay. "Y-yeah," She mumbles. I sit down next to her. "No, you're not. Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask. She takes a deep breath and says, "It's Anna, she- she," Her voice breaks off, and I hug her. She starts crying again as I try to soothe her. "It's okay, Gilly," I whisper, "You can tell me later." She nods as she cries into my shoulder.

Gilly's P.O.V.

After I'm done, crying, I look up. Ugh. You probably look horrible, my mind tells me.

Shut up, I tell it. I look into the big violet eyes, staring at me with concern. I'm so lucky to have a best friend as good as Jax. And a handsome one. No way I thought that. I block that thought out of my head. I look down at his shirt and wince. "Sorry about that," I apologize. He looks at his shirt. "Oh that's fine, I'll just wash it," he replies. "Do you think you're ready to go back?" He asks me. "Yeah, just give me a second to clean up," I run to the bathroom and wash my face. I look up. Much better. I meet up with Jax and take his hand as we head back. As soon as we walk in our friend start to giggle. I look at Jax. Is there something on my face? He looks just as confused

Jax's P.O.V.

Okay this is weird. Why are they laughing at us? I look down to see if I stepped on something, and then I see it. Oh boy, Ollie will never let me hear the end of this, I think. Gilly must've seen my face because she looks down too. We both pull our hands apart as fast as possible. "Wow holding hands? I never thought you'd do that," Jocelyn says, cracking up. My face burns. Gilly's looks red. Like, bright red. But then she gives me a sly smile. We walk over and she says, "Hey Kayla, did you ever tell Ollie that you-" Before Gilly can finish her sentence, Kayla slaps her hand over her mouth. "Shut. Up." She glares at Gilly. Gilly's distraction has gotten us out of hell. Thank goodness.

Okay that was really sad. I hadn't planned to make it that sad, but I kinda just went with the flow, you know? Anyway, hope you guys liked it, and comment any ideas for me to write about! Seriously I get writers block a LOT.


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