Nightly Visits Part I

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"I just- I wish he didn't do this stuff," Jax sighed. He turned to face Gilly, and buried his face into her neck.

"I know Jax," She soothed, "It'll get better. I promise." Just as he was about to thank her, she abruptly stood up. He stood up too, slightly confused.

"Gilly?" He said, reaching his hand out to her, "What are you-"

"Don't touch me," She snapped. He pulls away.

"Ok, sorry," Jax's voice stayed calm, "Just tell me what's happening."

"I hate you," She stated, "And I never want to see your snobby face again." He blinked back tears. Why was she saying that?


"Go." She demanded, "Now." He turned and walked towards the door. Throughout the whole conversation, he never once looked into her eyes. If he had, he would see the desperation in her eyes. If he had, he would have see the pleading. But he didn't.

And if he waited, or even looked back, he would have seen Gilly collapse to the floor, the back of her sweatshirt slowly soaking with blood.


Jax bounced the basketball he was dribbling with much more force than needed. He was still thinking about what had happened that morning. A new pang of sadness and hurt rolled through his stomach. But the thing that pained him most of all was the unbearable amount of loneliness he felt. It wasn't like he didn't have anyone to hang out with, he could just go to Ollie, but he missed Gilly. She was a part of him, and without her he felt incomplete.

The doors to the gym bursted open with a loud BANG. Jax turned to the entrance in confusion and saw Kayla fluttering towards him, a panicked look on her face. A second later, Ollie emerged from the doors.

"Jax!" Kayla exclaimed, "Gilly's in the infirmary." His eyes widened.

"Why?" He questioned. This time, Ollie answered.

"Jocelyn and Maxine found her on the floor of her bedroom bleeding and unconscious," He explained calmly. Jax found it slightly amusing that Ollie was the calm one here. Jax was no where near calm. He was freaking out with worry and confusion and sadness.

"We have to go there," He stated. Without looking back, Jax marched to the infirmary.

"Jax," Ollie called after him as they neared the door, "I don't think you should go in there." Ignoring Ollie's warning, he walked through the door, and was met by a very jittery Nurse Cathy.

"Oh, hello Jax," She smiled, but it wasn't a real one, "Gilly's in the first door to the left." Jax thanked her, and continued on his mission. He didn't want to admit it, but he was terrified. What had happened to Gilly? He was about to find out.

Slowly, he opened the door. There, on a bed near the side of the room sat Gilly. She looked up to see who had come, and her expression saddened. She still felt horrible for what had happened that morning, even if it wasn't her fault.

Jax let out a breath of relief. He was so happy she wasn't unconscious. He probably wouldn't be able to see her if she was. He walked across the room and hugged Gilly tightly, careful of her injuries.

"I'm sorry," She whispered into his shoulder.

"Don't be," Jax shook his head, "Do you know what happened though?" She looked down, and Jax knew the answer immediately.

"Gilly, who is it?" He pressed. Reluctantly, she told him. It took a minute for him to process what she had said. So if it really was... oh. That was bad. He could see her panicking, so he sat down next to her on her bed, and hugged her. She hugged him back, gradually calming down. Then, he let go and texted the rest of the crew to come over. In about 5 seconds there they were.

Then, the questions started.

"What happened?"

"Who is it?"




"Tell us!"

"What's going on?"

Jax looked to Gilly and found her rubbing her temples. As everyone continued to shout and yell, she squeezed her eyes closed.

"Guys!" Jax's voice climbed over the others, "Stop. We're going to explain everything, but we can't do that if you're all talking over us. So stop." Gilly gave him a thankful smile as the rest of the crew quieted.

"Gilly, would you like to tell them or should I?" He asked her.

"I'll do it," She said. Then, taking a deep breath, she started. "You guys know that I fell and was bleeding, but when I was unconscious, I found out why." Everyone leaned close in anticipation.

"It was Alva," She stated. Everyone gasped. "She visited me and told me her intentions. She's in the Land of No Returns but she still has a lot of power. Alva wants to control me, torture me, then kill me." There was silence. No one knew what to say, what to do, or who to ask for help. Jax grabbed Gilly's hand, squeezing it tight.

"It'll be ok, Gilly," He whispered in her ear, "I'm here for you." She leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

"I'm so tired," She whispered quietly. He nodded.

"Alright, guys," He said loudly, "We'll figure this out tomorrow, but right now, Gilly needs to sleep." They all smiled sadly.

"We'll leave now," Kayla told him, looking sympathetically at Gilly, "Bye, Gilly." Then, they left. Jax turned to face Gilly. His eyebrows furrowed in concern when Gilly turned deathly pale.

"Thief?" He asked, "Are you ok?"

"I'm scared," She mumbled, pulling her knees up to her chest. "She's gonna visit me in my sleep. I know it." Jax gently lifted her chin up so she was facing him.

"If she does, I'll be right here," He comforted her, "Don't worry, I won't leave you."

"Thank you Jax," Gilly yawned. Her voice was so quiet, it scared him. He held her face.

"I'm worried about you, Gilly," He sighed, "I don't want you to have to go through all this." She leaned her face forward, pressed a kiss on his lips, and he sunk into the happy, content feeling. Sure, they'd had some nice kisses, but this topped all. It wasn't rushed, wasn't sad. It was perfect.

This was supposed to be a super long one parter but i rlly need to update so it's gonna be multiple parts.

Hope you enjoyed! Byeeee! <3

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