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Don't judge. I literally woke up like 10 minutes before I decided to make this. By the way, I'm gonna start posting whenever I want, instead of every other day.

"Anna?" I whisper, "Is that you?" I'm standing near the edge of a cliff with Jax, watching Anna. "Yes, it is," she replies sweetly. Then she turns to Jax and her smile disappears. "You," she growls. Jax slowly starts to fly up, against his will. "Gilly, help me!" he yells out. But I'm unable to move. All I can do is watch as Anna moves Jax over above the cliff. I want to scream, but I can't. I watch as Jax falls off the cliff.

I wake up to 2 violet eyes looking at me with concern. "Thief, are you okay?" Jax asks me. "Yea, I'm fine," I respond, "What are you doing here?" " Um, that's not important," he says, "What is important is that you're in a library at midnight crying in your sleep." Oh, I remember now. I came down here to study last night, and I must've fallen asleep. "I'm fine," I insist, "I just had a bad dream." "Do you want to tell me about it?" He asks softly. I shake my head. "Not yet," I tell him. I'm not ready to tell him yet.

"Anyway, I came down here to study, and I don't think I got a lot done," I explain to him. "Now you have to tell me why you're here." He sighs.

Jax's P.O.V.

When I saw Gilly crying, I felt helpless. In truth, this had happened a lot. But after a while, she always seemed to forget about it, so I never felt the need to confront her about it. She asks me why I'm down here and I sigh. "I zoned out during class and I need to study for the test tomorrow," I tell her. "Really???" she exclaims. Good thing there's no librarians here right now, or they just might kick her out. "I never thought you- you of all people- would zone out during class," she says, grinning. "Whatever," I mutter. "Anyway, do you wanna study together?" she asks. "Sure," I respond.

We study for an hour, then decide to head back to our dorms. "Bye thief!" I say. "Bye!" she responds. When I get back to my dorm, I narrow my eyes. "Ollie, what are you doing?"

Ollie's P.O.V.

I'm caught. I thought Jax would be gone for a LOT longer. Now he knows that I'm eating the pattycakes that he confiscated from me. "Ollie, put the pattycakes DOWN," he says. "Not until you tell me where you were," I respond. Really, I'm just stalling until I can finish them all. "I was studying," he says. "ith or irlfend?" I say with my mouth full. Somehow, Jax understands me. He blushes and says, "Gilly is not my girlfriend." I swallow my food. "Sureeeeee," I tease. I finish the last of my pattycakes, and say, "well, now I'm going to bed. 'Night." "Goodnight," he responds back.

Kayla's P.O.V.

"Where were you?" I demand as soon as Gilly returned to the room. She rolls her eyes, which, in my opinion, is very rude. "Relax, I was studying with Jax," she says as she heads to her bed. I smirk. Perfect. Now I can get her back for rolling her eyes at me. "Oh, so it was like a study date," I say, grinning. "No it was like a I-zoned-out-during-class-and-I-need-to-study type of thing," she replies, glaring at me. "Sure it was," I say, tossing my hair back. "You know, I could tell Ollie now that you-" "YOU WILL NOT SAY THAT" I cut her off. I would kill her if she ever told anyone about my TINY crush on Ollie. Okay maybe not that tiny but STILL. She smiles and says, "Goodnight Kayla." "Goodnight" I respond.

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