[Mg, Audrey and Kaleb are cleaning windows.]
Lizzie: Come on, MG, any slower and you'd be going in reverse.
MG: Look, I'm doing the best I can without vamping in public.
Kaleb: That's plain pitiful, bruh.
Lizzie: Well, at least he's trying. I don't see you pitching in.
Audrey: You haven't done anything, but complain and order Mg around, Saltzman, so stop being a hypocrite. I know it's hard, after all it's in your genes, (fake smile) but you can do it! I believe in you! [Lizzie and Audre glare at each other, but before Lizzie says something Kaleb interrupts.]
"What does that mean?" Said Damon.
"Just the fact that you and whole Mystic falls' gang are bunch of hypocrites." Said Audrey.
"We aren't." Said Caroline.
"Oh, really? Didn't you hate dad for killing Jenna and Elena to break his curse, but are friends with Elena who knowingly and purposely commited mass genocide by killing uncle Kol to get back to being human? Dad did it to get back his wolf, Elena- to get back her human life. How is it any different? What about you all hating dad for taking Tyler and other hybrids' free will, but don't care about Elena and Damon taking Jeremy's free will or why your friends never cared when Damon took your free will? Didn't you use my father's feelings for you and distracted him while you and your friends where trying to kill him and his whole family? The family who did nothing to you! I get why you hated dad, but others didn't do ANYTHING to you! Didn't you kill Finn who did nothing, but help you? Didn't you dagger Elijah when he offered help against dad? Twice. Didn't Elena stab aunt Bex literally in the back when all she did was try to become your friend? You hate my family for killing few you knew, but what about Damon who did exact same when he came back to town? What about Damon who tried to kill Bonnie multiple times? What about Damon who used you as blood bag and puppet, but your friends still hided supernatural world from you? What about Damon killing Jeremy only because he got rejected by Elena? What about Damon killing Stefan's best friend on Stefan's own birthday? What a great birthday gift fot his little brother. What about Alaric killing vampires just because they are vampires because of one bad vampire- Damon, who he became besties with? What about you killing those twelve witches to save Bonnie? What about Stefan taking away coffins and starting war when dad offered peace? How is that after all this you are heroes and dad and my family monsters when you did as much terrible things as them? Go on. Answer it." Said Audrey to speechless Caroline and Stefan. She has silenced Damon long ago, so he wouldn't interrupt.
"Like i said hypocrites." Said Audrey. Mikaelson siblings and Hope smiled at Audrey for standing up for her family fiercily.
Kaleb: (interrupts) This whole thing's wack. What, we get punished for wanting to win a game fair and square?
Mg: It wasn't fair. We're supernatural, they're human.
Kaleb: And LeBron's maybe the best player ever. Should he quit scoring? 'Cause no one on the court can check him. We're faster, we're stronger. We're better. And we ain't got nothing to apologize for. Nothing.
"I like him." Said Damon.
"He is right." Said Kol about Kaleb.
Audrey: If someone finds out about our powers they will hunt us. Is it fair? No, but the world isn't fair place. [There is silence. Then Connor and his group show up.]
Connor: Hypothetical question.
Kaleb: Great.
Connor: How bad would it suck if whoever did this graffiti just came back tonight and put it right back up again?
"Brats!" Glared Caroline.
Lizzie: Well, whoever it is, I hope he improves his spelling. [Audrey and Kaleb chuckle.]
Offscreen People chuckle, too.
"You tell them!" Cheered on Caroline.
Dana: Hey, MG.
Mg: Dana. What's good?
Lizzie: Uh, he's busy, Dana.
Dana: Um, he can speak for himself, Saltzman.
Mg: You know what, I was just getting ready to grab a break.
"Nooo. Don't do that." Said Caroline.
Dana: Mm.
Lizzie: MG... [Connor pours milkshake on Lizzie.]
Lizzie: (Gasps) Oh! [Connor's group laughs. Audrey glares at them.]
"How dares he?!" Glared Caroline. Stefan glares, too.
"I will kill him!" Said Damon.
Connor: That's my bad. My bad. [Lizzie walks away angrily. Connor and his group keep laughing. Audrey mutters a spell and Connor pees his pants. Connor looked down at himself and get horrified. Audrey pointed at Connor.]
Audrey: Oh my god! I knew you were child because of your childish insults and not being able to write, but... (laughs) that's too much don't you think? [Connor's group looks shocked. Connor runs away. Kaleb and Audrey are laughing.]
Damon and Kol laugh.
"Audrey! That's not kind." Said Hayley.
"Neither was pouring milshake on Lizzie. He has been bulling people for years. It will do him good to taste his own medicine. He needs humbling." Said Audrey.
"You shouldn't stoop on his level." Said Hayley.
"So i should just let him get away with walking over my classmates?" Said Audrey.
"There is other ways to deal with it. Violence isn't answer." Said Hayley.
Mg: You did that. I heard you whisper spell.
Audrey: (innocently) I don't know what you mean.
Mg: That isn't funny.
Audrey: He bullied your crush, shouldn't you be happy i paid him back?
Kaleb: Yeah. He and his stupid group have been mocking us all the time. That will teach him! [Kaleb raises his hand and Audrey high-five.]
[Alaric is doing research. Knocking is hear.]
Alaric: Now's not a good time. [Emma enters office.]
Emma: When I was brought on, I was told that counseling was mandatory for everyone at school, by you.
Alaric: I've got things to do. I'm gonna have to, uh... (Clears throat) rain check therapy.
Emma: Mm. Is that the knife the dragon was chasing? (After seeing Alaric's look) Dorian never misses his appointments.
"Isn't using information she got from her clients or talking about it illegal?" Asked Audrey.
Alaric: Yes. And if my translations are correct, whoever wields it has the power to save the world. Or end all life as we know it. It's hard to say. (Chuckles) Fourth century Gaulish is tricky.
"If he let me help, i could translate it." Shrugged Audrey.
"You know Gaulish?" Asked Hayley.
"Yep. Uncle Kol taugh me." Said Audrey.
"How many laungueges do you know?" Asked Elijah.
"Let's see: Egyptian, Aramaic, Old North, French, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German and little bit Arabic and Georgian." Answered Audrey. Everyone looks at her surprised.
"What? I love learning new things. Uncle Kol helped me study some langueges which made understanding grimmoires easier for me like: Aramaic, latin, greek and Egyptian. And i learnt Arabic by dictionaries, apps and youtube videos because of necromancy books, when i was trying to bring you back." Said Audrey.
"That's too dangerous magic!" Said Kol.
"Don't get into that!" Scolded Freya.
"I took spanish lessons in school. And i was interested in old north, so i asked dad to teach me. Also Me and dad lived in France, Germany, Russia and Italy for a while and i learned them there. I also know little bit Georgian. I mean country, not state. It's very beautiful country next to Russia. It has Black sea to the west and Georgia has many rivers and lakes. So there is both beach and mountains. It is very small county, but it looks magical and their foods are to die for. I loved their people, too. We stayed in Samegrelo, one of the regions of Georgia and people were very hospitable and friendly and even invited us to their table and offered us their homemade food and wine on our first week there." Said Audrey.
"Sounds like a great country. You wanna visit again?" Asked Hayley.
"Yeees. Excpecially if we are gonna eat Khachapuri. It's one of the georgian traditional food." Said Audrey.
"How did you learn so many langueges? Don't they get hard to remember or mixed up in your mind?" Asked Davina.
"Like i said i like learning new things. Also, My eidetic memory helps." Said Audrey.
"You have eidetic memory?" Asked Klaus.
"Yep." Nodded Audrey.
Emma: Well, in that case, stop cleaning it and destroy the damn thing.
Alaric: Hmm. [Alaric throws apple in jar, knife is in.]
Alaric: Hydrochloric acid. I've tried explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw. I've even run over it with my truck. And according to legend, it's indestructible. And I'm starting to agree.
"Everything has weakness. There must be some way to destroy it." Said Marcel.
Emma: So in addition to father, teacher, mentor, you've also added linguist, slayer of mythical creatures, and demolitions expert to your résumé. (Alaric chuckles) That's a lot to take on, especially all by yourself.
Alaric: Emma. When I say I'm fine, I'm...
Lizzie: A jerk. You are a total jerk.
People laugh.
"Great timing." Laughed Damon.
Alaric: What happened to you?
Lizzie: A Neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake.
Some laugh at Lizzie's dramatics.
Lizzie: This stupid girl Dana was being... You know what? I can't even talk about it. But now Hope and Josie are all sisters in solidarity. But as I was walking home, I did the work and I dug deep, and I realized that this is all his fault.
"What? Why?" Asked Damon.
Alaric: How is this my fault?
Lizzie: Because if you had just been at that game instead of running around with Hope, then everything would've gone differently. And it is not fair that she gets to know secrets that your own daughters don't.
"She has a point." Said Caroline.
Emma: She has a point.
"Great minds think alike." Smirked Caroline.
Alaric: Not helping.
Lizzie: I am not going back there.
Alaric: Okay, that's fine, um... Why don't you go help the primary school students out in the garden.
Lizzie: At least now you know why I am so screwed up.
"Damn." Said Audrey.
[Lizzie is laying on a rock.]
Pedro: Aren't you supposed to help?
Lizzie: Consider this a life lesson, Pedro. People disappoint.
"Isn't it too early for that lesson?" Said Caroline
[Gorgoyle statue moves forward.]
"What the--?" Said Marcel.
Pedro: That statue just moved.
Lizzie: Good one. I mean, I deserve to know what's happening just as much as Hope and Audrey. I'm his freaking daughter. [Statue gets closer.]
"Another dragin thing is happening?" Asked Hayley.
"Lizzie, please, get out." Pleaded Caroline.
Pedro: It's doing it again.
Lizzie: We're being punked, Pedro. The sixth grade witches are learning illusion spells this semester. [Lizzie turns around, but statue isn't in sight.]
"Doesn't look like prank." Said Stefan.
Pedro: It's... It's... It's...
Lizzie: Let me guess, it's right behind me? [Pedro sees Gargoyle in front of them and it's growling.]
"Run! Run! Run!" Yelled people.
Pedro: Lizzie. [Lizzie turns back.]
Lizzie: Pedro. (Gargoyle is screeching) Run! Get inside, Pedro! [Lizzie and Pedro run in school, Gargoyle follows.]
Lizzie: I need you to give me your hand. [Lizzie siphons Pedro.]
Lizzie: Now find my dad. Go. [Lizzie faces Gargoyle. It screeches.]
Lizzie: Imperium monstrum. [Gargoyle attacks.]
"Nooo!" Yell Salavtores. (Yes, Caroline, too.)
Alaric: Lizzie? [Lizzie opens her eyes, but she can't move and she is wimpering.]
"My girl." Said worried Caroline.
"She will be okay." Reassured Hope.
Alaric: Oh, my God, Lizzie. Oh, what
happened? What happened? Can you...? She isn't moving. Why-why isn't she moving?
Pedro: The statue hurt her.
[Alaric is in corridor, talking on phone with Dorian.]
Alaric: Tell me what you know about gargoyles.
Dorian: Did you say "gargoyles"? Okay, uh, search Medieval French folklore. Look for "The Legend of the Gargoyle Petrotho."
Alaric: If I'm right, I think he's poisoned Lizzie with some sort of actual grayscale. She's paralyzed. What if it spreads to her heart?
People look worried, but knowing she will surivive gives them a little relief.
Dorian: I'm on it.
[Hope and Josie are picking up trash.]
Hope: You have a future in waste management.
Josie: Cleaning up messes is kind of my thing.
Hope: Well, your sister is kind of a dumpster fire.
"I love when you are being mean." Said Audrey.
Josie: Why do you always pick fights? We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke.
"Lizzie starts them. Hope just doesn't back down." Defended Audrey.
Hope: You guys do your fair share of poking.
Josie: Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes. And with you spending so much time with my dad and keeping secrets...
Hope: We're not keeping secrets.
Josie: Oh, yeah? What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby?
Hope: Nothing happened.
Josie: Something clearly did happen. Rafael never showed up at school, my dad was rattled, so why won't you just tell me?
Hope: Because there's nothing to tell. [Hope stands herself with stick she is picking trash with.]
Hope: Aah!
"Hope!" Said worried Mikaelsons.
"Careful where you are stabing it, moron!" Scolded Audrey.
Josie: Oh, my God.
Hope: Aah! Ow.
"Seriously? Ow?" Said Caroline.
Josie: Are you okay? I mean, what do I do?
Hope: Help me pull it out.
Josie: What?
Hope: I can heal myself. Pull it out. [Josie pulls it out and falls back with force.]
Hope: Ow!
Josie: You poked yourself. [Both of them burst out laughing.]
Hope: Shut up!
"Cute." Said Freya.
Legacies(Season 1)
Fanfiction[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey? What if instead of staying in New Orleans Audrey decided to follow her father? Audrey was raised by Niklaus Mikaelson. Hope was raised by...