Chapter 42

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Hope: You sure it glowed again?
Alaric: I sleep with the damn thing under my pillow.. It's hard to miss.
Audrey: What do you think it's gonna be this time?
Hope: Hmm? Cyclops? Slender Man? Santa?
"What is with you and Cyclops? You always mention them." Said Kol. Hope shrugged.
Alaric: (snorts) Well, given our luck, I think it's safe to rule out Ol' Saint Nick.
Audrey laughs.
"What?" Asked Elijah.
"Nothing. It's just everyime some says sint Nick or Santa claus. I remember dad, because he has same..." said Audrey.
"Don't finish that sentence!" Interrupted Klaus. Others laughed.
"I hate him." Muttered Klaus.
"Why? Because you were always in a naughty list?" Said amused Audrey. Everyone laughs.
"If you don't stop, you'll be in naughty list and don't get christmas gifts." Said Klaus.
"So you do admit you are the santa!" Joined Hope in teasing. Klaus groans. Everyone laughs. Hope and Audrey high-five.
Hope: I don't know. I mean, Santa Claus is kind of terrifying when you think about it. Breaks into your home. He sees you when you're sleeping. Not to mention, judge-y.
"Wait. She is right." Realised Davina.
Audrey: (chuckles) You have got a point.
Alaric: Hope, Audrey, I need you to focus.
Hope: Look, I'm trying. I just wish that Satan's nightlight would give us some rest. [Jinni is sitting in a chair, but Alaric, Audrey and Hope can't see her.]
"Wait. I have never seen her." Said Audrey.
"Neither did i." Said confused Hope. Everyone looks worried now.
Alaric: Yeah. And I wish that Knife was never in our school to begin with, but it's not like we can change that now. All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors. [Jinni snorts. Lizzie and Josie enter.]
Audrey: (corrects) Creature.
Hope: Too late. [Audrey chuckles at Hope's sass.]
Alaric: Oh, God. Uh, girls. What are you doing here? You're not supposed to get in until tonight.
Lizzie: Mom was able to get us direct into Dulles. Then faxed, texted and e-mailed you our revised itinerary.
Alaric: I am so sorry. It's-it's chaos around here.
"Why didn't i call?" Asked Caroline.
Josie: It's okay, Dad. We know that you're overwhelmed. But Europe was amazing. And seeing Mom was really good. [Jinni looks at Lizzie curiously.]
Lizzie: Jo's covered the bright side. Far less sunny was waiting for you in the chilly dark of morning at the terminal and you not showing up.
Hope: In his defense, um, we've been in crisis mode around here.
Lizzie: Oh, we've heard all about it. Hope and Audrey got bamboozled by one of the monsters and now only two keys separate the entire supernatural community from being consumed by a hell portal.
"We at least did something unlike some." Grumbled Audrey.
Audrey: Creature. Is it seriously so hard to call them creatures? Not all of them are bad, they are just trying to get their freedom. [Now Jinni looks at Audrey with interest.]
Hayley smiles at Audrey's compession.
[Lizzie sees the urn.]
Lizzie: I'm guessing that weird little vase is one of them?
Hope: It's an urn, actually.
Lizzie: I don't care what it is. I care that instead of being welcomed at the airport, we were forced to take a three-hour shuttle ride that smelled like an open sewer. And feet. Thanks a lot, Hope and Audrey. Way to ruin life for the rest of us. [Lizzie rushes out of room.]
Audrey: How is it my fault if her father doesn't pay her enought attention?
Caroline frowns.
"Exactly." Said Audrey.
[Lizzie rushes into her room and stands in front of mirror.]
Lizzie: Breathe. Just breathe.
Jinni: Come on, you beautiful beast. Say the magic words.
Lizzie: I wish Hope and Audrey had never come to this school. [Jinni appears. Lizzie jumps startled and shrieks.]
Lizzie: Where did you come from?
"I don't understand. If there was Malivore creature. Why didn't we know? Or why didn't Lizzie tell whole school?" Said Audrey.
"I don't know." Said Hope.
Jinni: Mm. First things first. I'm...
Lizzie: Blue. Y-You're so blue.
Jinni: My name is Ablah.
Lizzie: And you're obviously a monster.
"Goddamn creature! Why can't people just call them creatures?" Rolled her eyes Audrey
Jinni: Would a monster grant your wish?
Lizzie: Holy crap. You're a freaking genie.
Jinni: Jinni. And your wish is my command. [Jinni snaps her fingers and she and Lizzie disappear.]
[Lizzie is laying in bed. There is knock on a door.]
Alaric: (O.C.) Elizabeth. [Alaric opens the door and enters.]
Alaric: Rise and shine. What, you taking the day off, Lizzie B? [Lizzie sits up.]
"Was that a dream? I don't get it." Said Freya.
Lizzie: Dad, what time is it? I had the weirdest dre... What happened to your face?
Alaric: Quit stalling. It's time... for fight training.
Lizzie: Pass. I'm not really in the mood to watch Hope be a ninja today, Dad.
Alaric: (Chuckling) Who?
"Wish came true." Said Audrey. Mikaelsons glare at Lizzie.
"We still went there, so something might have changed. Maybe she regretted it?" Said Hope.
"You are so gulliable." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
Lizzie: Never mind.
Alaric: All right. Well, come on. Josie's down at the dock. Come on. Let's go. Get out of bed. [Alaric leaves smiling Lizzie.]
[Alaric is sparring with Lizzie and Josie.]
Lizzie: I'm so good at this. How am I so good?
Alaric: Quit bragging. You're losing.
Josie: Lizzie, go high. [Lizzie and Josie defeat Alaric. Alaric laughs.]
Caroline smiles at their happiness.
Alaric: I'm really proud of you guys. Help your old man up. [Lizzie and Josie help Alaric up.]
Alaric: (Grunts) Oh, God. Oh, yeah. Our years of training have really paid off.
"Someone's getting old." Said Damon.
Lizzie: So, there's, like, no one else you'd rather be training with?
Alaric: Well, who else would there be?Now go get dressed. You're giving a tour in ten minutes, and I really need you to sell the new recruit on our place. He's not sure he wants to go here.
Lizzie: Who wouldn't want to go here?
Josie: Exactly. We'll reel him in, Dad. Don't worry.
Alaric: What would I do without you guys?
[Seems like Jed is the new student.]
"Jed! Why wasn't he there before?" Asked Audrey.
Lizzie: Welcome to the Salvatore School. We're your tour guides.
Josie: I'm Josie.
Lizzie: I'm Lizzie.
Josie: Sisters. Twins.
Lizzie: Fraternal, obvs. [Lizzie and Josie grabs his arms and take him in school.]
Josie: Come on. We'll show you around. Everybody gets along with everybody here.
Lizzie: For the most part. The wolves are pretty cliquey. They mostly like to hang with their... Oh. [School looks poor. There is webs on window.]
"What happened to school?" Asked Caroline.
"Dad." Realised Audrey.
"What?" Asked Klaus.
"You gave the money to school for me and Hope, so if we don't go there..." said Audrey.
"School doesn't have enough founds." Realised Klaus.
"Makes sense." Said Hope.
Jed: This place is a turd stain.
Lizzie: Uh. The maintenance staff must be on holiday or something. Um... Why don't we introduce you to your pack?
Jed: Okay.
Lizzie: Where's the pack? [Josie tilts her head. Luis approaches.]
Luis: Hey, Jed. I'm Luis. Uh...Your alpha.
"He is Alpha? He looks like alley cat could beat him." Said Audrey incrediously.
[Later, Josie and Lizzie are sitting on couch and eating cereal.]
Josie: Do you think he'll stay? It's so hard to get anyone to stay.
Lizzie: Well, if these are the breakfast offerings, it's no wonder. Where are the pastries? The Belgian waffles? The smoothie station?
Josie: (Laughing) Right. I'll tell Dad to add that to the budget after he pays the gas bill.
Lizzie: Wait. (Laughs) Are we... poor?
Josie: Lizzie, you know how expensive it is to run this place, how hard it is to get benefactors. I mean, Damon Salvatore has been as generous as he can be, but he and Elena have kids of their own that they need to take care of.
"Kids??? As in plural?" Said Damon.
"Yep. You have three kids." Said Hope.
"Congrulations." Said Caroline and Stefan to Damon, who still look too stunned to respond.
Josie: I'm gonna make sure that Dad eats. He works so hard. [Josie leaves.]
Lizzie: Oh, crap. (Exhales) Genie? Genie.
Jed: Is she, like, uh, talking to herself?
Lizzie: Genie.
Louis: The Saltzman twins are blazing hot. But the blonde one es muy loco.
Salvatores glare at him.
Jed: Huh.
Lizzie: Genie. [Jinni appears next to Lizzie.]
Jinni: Yeah?
Lizzie: This place sucks. Hope and Audrey's dad wrote my mom a big check to fund the school when it opened, so no Hope and Audrey, no funding, no fun. Fix it.
"Spoiled brat." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
Jinni: Oh, is that to be your next wish?
Lizzie: Yes, that will be my... Wait. I know how this goes. I waste my first wish by not being specific enough. I waste my second one trying to clean up my first, only to make things worse, and then my third gets wasted by wishing that I had never had any wishes in the first place. I won't fall for it, Genie.
Jinny: It's Jinni.
Lizzie: That's what I said. I'll beat you at your own game. Make the best of this rat trap. Send me back in. [Jinni snaps her fingers to make Lizzie's wish come true.]
Alaric: (sighs) I know, Caroline. I am sorry I sent you on a fool's errand to Idaho, but this is an inexact science and we only have so much to go on. We'll find new recruits, I promise.
"Now they don't have tribrids, they don't have face of school, so no one goes. They need us so bad." Said smug Audrey.
Lizzie: This is how we find new recruits?
Josie: Why are you acting so weird today?
Lizzie: Well, no wonder our school is lame. But fear not, family. I know how to help.
[Lizzie brings out big globe.]
Josie: Where did you get that?
Lizzie: In the archive room.
Alaric: We don't have an archive room.
Lizzie: Well, now it's more of just like a storage closet, but no matter. This is the solution to all of our recruiting problems. It's like a locator spell, only it's interactive. The instant a new, young, supernatural being is awakened to their powers, this bad boy lights up.
Alaric: That's incredible. H-How do you know how to do this?
Lizzie: An annoying, know-it-all witch I knew in another life created it, so I just copied her spell.
Hope rolled her eyes at Lizzie.
"Where is her copyright?" Said Audrey.
Lizzie: Go ahead. Give it a spin. [Alaric spins the globe and it lighs up.]
Alaric: There's so many of them.
Josie: All waiting for us to come to their rescue, Daddy.
Alaric: Oh, well, there...
Lizzie: The bigger the glow, the more powerful the being. [There is two that glows the most.]
"New Olreans? Seems like you and Hope will show up after all." Said Marcel.
"They can't live one hour without us. So codependent." Said Audrey mockingly.
Alaric: Well, then we need to bring this two in immediately.
Josie: Yeah, it's huge. Where is that?
Alaric: New Orleans.
[There is jazz music playing. Audrey is talking to Hope, who is vampire and is feeding off people to the point of death.]
"Hope?" Asked shocked Mikaelsons.
Audrey: Hope, this isn't you. Our parents died, but you still have family. You have me and uncle Kol and our aunts and even Marcel. Just come back.
"Wait! I'm the one calming down Hope? What kind of universe is that?" Said Audrey.
"You seem to be more attached to your family. Hope is distancing herself, so Salvatore school is her home. Now that she doesn't have Salvatore school, she... isn't dealing with it well." Said Caroline.
"When did you became psychologist?" Said annoyed Hayley.
[Alaric Lizzie and Josie enter. Bar is filled with corpses. Head rolls down and music stops.]
Mikaelsons look worried for Hope.
Lizzie: Gross. [They see Audrey turn around and stand on defence. Hope pushes away someone she was feeding from, who is already dead.]
Lizzie: You have got to be kidding me.
Hope&Audrey: Who the hell are you?
Lizzie: Uh-uh. Time out, Genie.
Hope: My name is Hope. And you need to leave unless you want to be dessert.
"That's something i would say." Said Audrey.
Alaric Wait. Hope Mikaelson? And you must be Audrey. I knew your parents. I know where all this darkness you're feeling comes from. If you just talk to me, I... really think I could help. [Hope looks tempted, which gives Audrey the hope she'll get her sister back.]
[Hope and Alaric are sparring. Audrey is standning near them, looking at Hope and Alaric intrigued. Josie and Lizzie are watching from a far.]
Josie: You really saved the day. Look at him. He just looks so happy.
Lizzie: Yay, me.
"I can feel her jaelousy here." Said Davina.
Josie: And we have a couple of tours later today. Now that we have a tribrids, we're in the game for real.
Alaric: You belong here, Hope. This could be your home. The family you lost.
Hope: I can't stay. I've done so many awful things.
Alaric: (panting) That's because no one was there to guide you. [Audrey looks jaelous and angry Alaric could do what she and her family couldn't.]
Audrey: (glares) I was and so was our family. She just keeped pushing us away.
"I'm sorry." Said Hope.
"It is alternative reality. Why are you apologising?" Said Audrey.
Hope: (yells) Because it's my fault. It's my fault you lost parents, our aunts and uncle a brother...
"It was not your fault." Says Mikaelsons to Hope.
Hope: I-- I shouldn't have come here. [Hope starts to walk away. Audrey stops her.]
Audrey: It was never your fault, Hope. [Alaric looks Hope in the eye.]
Alaric: You sister is right. I don't blame you, Hope. I should have found you sooner. [Alaric pulls Hope into hug. Audrey looks jaelous again and so does Lizzie.]
"You look jaelous." Pointed out Stefan.
"When he did what me and my family couldn't. I'm sure you were jaelous that Elena brought out good in Damon when you couldn't." Said Audrey.
Lizzie: Oh... screw this. Genie? Genie?
Jinni: Jinni. J-I-N-N, adding "I" at the end...
Lizzie: To sound exactly like "Genie."  Now, tell me something. Are all J-I-N-N-Is' this terrible at their jobs, or did you completely miss the part where I wished for Hope and Audrey not to go here?
Jinni: "I wish Hope had never come to this school," and they hadn't... Until today. Fascinating that your father's dream couldn't be realized without their presence, isn't it?
Lizzie: Go back inside your lamp.
Jinni: You must choose your words carefully. Precision is key. I can only grant what it is you wish for, so... you should figure out exactly what your heart desires, or, in your case, what it does not.
Lizzie: Well... what my heart does not desire is Hope always showing up here to be my dad's pet and Audrey tagging along. So... I wish... that there was never a Salvatore School to begin with.
Jinni: Your wish is my command.

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