Chapter 59

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[Audrey and Hope are already dressed up. Hope is wearing Caroline's dress. Audrey is wearing:]

 Audrey is wearing:]

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"Wow." Said Davina.
"Dress looks good on her." Said Caroline, looking at Hope.
"You.. you look amazing." Said Hayley with teary eyes, noticing hoe much her daughters her grown.
"So beautiful." Said Klaus with adoration.
"Take after their uncle with looks." Said Kol and winked at them.
"Yes, they do." Smirked Elijah.
"They take after me." Glared Kol.
"Sure." Said Elijah with smirk. Audrey and Hope look amused.
Audrey: How do i look?
Hope: Beautiful. Me?
Audrey: Absolutly gorgeous. [Hope seems to notice Audrey's tiara.]
Hope: Is it... are you wearing tiara dad gave you on 15th birthday?
"Is it real diamonds?" Asked Freya, looking at tiara.
"Duh. Does dad look like someone who would gift fake diamonds? Excepecially to his daughter." Said Audrey. Klaus smiles, then looks at Hope.
"What about Hope?" Asked Klaus.
"You gave me one, too. You said both of them were princesses." Said Hope.
"It was." Said Klaus, recognising Audrey's tiara.
"You are spoiling them too much. What does fifteen year old want diamond for?!" Said Hayley.
Audrey: (smiles sadly) Yeah. Last time... last time i danced was with dad, if we don't caunt the practice today and it was hard for me to... do it.
Klaus holds Audrey's hand. Audrey hugs him.
Audrey: Last time i participated in tournament was with dad, too. And I- i though... it would be nice to have him here like this. [Audrey takes deep breath to calm herself..]
Audrey: Will you wear yours?
Hope: I- i don't know.
[Vera is announcing contestants. Jed, Audrey and Hope are standing together with other contestants. Hope is wearing diamon tiara, which she got from her father:]

 Hope is wearing diamon tiara, which she got from her father:]

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"So you decided to wear." Smiled Klaus.
"Yeah." Said Hope.
Audrey: Tiara suits you and your dress, by the way.
Hope: (smiles nervously) Thanks. [Lela comes to see Hope, Jed and Audrey. She stops when she sees Hope.]
Lela: You look very beautiful.
"Aww. It's so clear she's saying it honestly and she definetly said what her first thought was." Cood Caroline. Mikaelsons men glare at Lela.
Hope: (blushing) Thank you. [Layla blushes a little and turns her head away. Lela notices Audrey.]
Lela: You look beautiful, too.
Audrey: I know. [Few contestants went by while they were talking.]
Vera: Miss Sasha Stoteraux, escorted by Bartholomew Fell Jr. [Sasha and her partner come down. Josie is standing to go next and Penelope joins her.]
"He again." Said annoyed Caroline.
Josie: You are like a lingering cough.
Penelope: MG's M.I.A. You're stuck with me. Riddle me this. How does you losing everything help Hope win?
Josie: I'm the fall girl. I had to make it into contention to this point, the final event, so I could take a literal fall and take out Hope's competitor.
"Stop being pathetic!" Said Damon to Josir.
"No, Josie. Stop sacrifising yourself." Sighed Caroline.
Penelope: For real? Josie, you are so much better than that. I know Lizzie doesn't think that you can win, but I do.
(Whispering) Go down swinging. You deserve to walk down those steps with your head held high, like your mom did.
"I hate to agree with her, but she is right." Said Caroline.
Vera: Miss Josette Saltzman, escorted by Miss Penelope Park. [People applaude and Josie and Penlope walk down the stairs smiling. Josie sees Lizzie's look and pretends to fall, she takes down Sasha with her.]
Caroline and Stefan sigh. Damon looks annoyed.
Vera: (gasps) Oh, my God.
Woman: What?
Woman: Did you see that?
Penelope: What are you gonna do when I'm not here to fight for you anymore? [Josie is still on floor.]
Josie: What's that supposed to mean?
Penelope: You want to know? Read the letter.
[We go back to Hope and Audrey.]
Audrey: I'm next.
Hope: Good luck.
Audrey: You, too. Where the hell is Landon?
"Of course he is late." Said annoyed Klaus.
Hope: He's probably late.
Lela: I'll go, look for him, if you want.
Hope: (nervous smile) It would be good.
Lela: Okay. Audrey, Jed, good luck.
Audrey: Thanks. [Lela leaves.]
Vera: Miss Audrey Mikaelson, escorted by Jedidiah Tien. [Audrey looks at Hope concerned.]
Hope: I'll be okay. Go!
Mikaelsons smile at them.
[Audrey nods and starts walking down the stairs.]
Jed: (annoyed) I told them to use Jed!
Audrey: Stop complaining and smile. [Both of them are smiling as they walk down stairs.]
Vera: Miss Renée Ford, escorted by James Stephens. [Next couple walks down the stairs. Hope is standing alone. Landon stands next to her. Lela is behind, but doesn't interrupt couple. Hope gives her thankful nod and then turns to Landon.]
Hope: Hey. Where have you been? [Landon doesn't answer, Hope frowns.]
Hope: You okay? Why do you smell like a bar?
Landon: Penelope Park told me that you are keeping a secret... about my mom. She says that we met her and that I don't remember it... but you and your sister do. She's lying, right? [Hope starts breathing hard.]
Hayley hugs Hope. Hope smiles at her.
Landon: Just tell me she's lying, Hope.
[Hope doesn't answer.]
Landon: You know, I wasn't always the most honest person, but... you were the one that taught me the value in being truthful. And the truth... I can't be here right now. [Landon leaves.]
"I told you..." started Klaus.
"Boy had right to be angry, Niklaus." Said Elijah. Klaus scrowled.
Hope: (near tears) Landon, Landon. [Hope is breathing hard. Audrey is looking at her worried and is about to go to her, but Jed stops her.]
Audrey: She looks like she's gonna cry. She needs me.
Hope smiles at Audrey.
[Lela goes to Hope.]
Jed: Lela seems to be handling it.  [Audrey still looks concerned.]
Hope: I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't.
Lela: Just five more minutes. Get through this and it'll all be over. [Hope wipes her tear. Lela gives Hope her hand and they walk down the stairs together.]
"They look cute together." Said Freya.
Landon: Hope, if that's you, I... [Landon turns around and gasps when he sees Nia, who has snakes instead of hair.]
"Of course he gets attacked. He is the biggest danger magnet ever." Said Audrey.
Landon: Perfect.
Nia: Landon, right? I don't want to hurt you, but I will. So please just come with me.
Landon: Who are you? Please don't say Medusa.
Nia: Sorry about this. Just doing what I have to do. [Bell rings and Nia's snakes turns into hair. She looks confused.]
"What's happening?" Asked Marcel.
[We see MG was the one ringing bell. MG vamp speed and injects Nia, which makes her pass out.]
Landon: How did you know the bell thing would work?
MG: I read everything I could on Gorgons, and there was one line in one book that said three tolls from a bronze bell would disrupt their power. It was all myth, but... the only other option was straight-up decapitation and... I didn't feel like I should take the whole murder route, considering what's happened lately.
"He is the cutest." Said Caroline.
MG: Are we cool?
Landon: We're even.
[Hope is dancing with Landon. Audrey is dancing with some boy. Audrey notices Klaus is watching them and smiles. Klaus smiles back. Caroline goes to Klaus. Audrey whispers two spells.]
Boy: What spell is that?
Audrey: To strengthen hearing and block others from listening to us.
"You shouldn't listen on someone else's conversations." Said Klaus.
"Sorry." Said Audrey sheepishly.
[Boy looks at her confused, then follows her gaze and realises she is listening to Klaus and Caroline. Klaus talks to Caroline without looking.]
Klaus: Don't worry. I'll behave myself.
"Yeah. He's house trained!" Said Kol.
"Did you miss the dagger?" Glares Klaus.
"Don't even joke! You won't go anywhere near uncle Kol with that dagger!" Said Audrey. Kol smirks at Klaus.
"Heard your daughter?" Said Kol smugly.
[After few seconds, Klaus turns to Caroline.]
Klaus: Thank you, for allowing your daughters to be involved in this mess. (Quietly) For trusting me. [Audrey looks confused.]
"I didn't understand what you ment by that." Explained Audrey.
Boy: Who are they?
Audrey: My father and his crush and i'm nosy daughter, who wants to know what they are talking about. [Boy laughs.]
"You are right about noisy daughter" Said Klaus and gave Audrey playful glare. Stefan looks jaelous.
[Caroline looks at Klaus with small smile.]
Caroline: Years ago, when the girls were really little, I was in trouble. I was scared, I just, I put the girls in the car, and I drove. And I ended up in New Orleans... looking for you. [Audrey looks surprised.]
"It was when your son decided to lock you up in basement with knife that causes unspeakable pain." Said Audrey and sent Marcel a glare. Marcel groans at yet another jab from Audrey.
Caroline: You weren't there, but... but the point is, I think a part of me has always known that... you weren't the villain of my story.
"He killed Elena, Jenna, Made your ex boyfriend run for the hills, killed Tyler's mom, turned Stefan into ripper... want me to continue?" Said Damon to Caroline.
"You tried to compel Elena to kiss you, used Caroline as your puppet and blood bag, had sex with girls including Caroline and reporter girlfriend when they were on compulsion by you (you compelled them sex or not, it's still assault.), killed Jeremy, killed pregnant woman, caused Bonnie's grandma's death, daggered uncle Elijah when he was trying to help you, woke up Esther and Mikael, tried to drive Stefan into Ripper mode multiple times, killed your brother's best friend on his birthday... want me to continue?" Said Audrey. Damon glares at her, Audrey glares back. Klaus kisses Audrey's head.
[Caroline is looking at Klaus. Klaus looks away, looking conflicted. Then turns to Caroline and they get close to each other, their heads touching. Audrey looks away.]
Stefan look very jaelous. Caroline kisses him. Klaus looks away.
"Hey! That hasn't happened. In that you were dead and i was different." Said Caroline.
[When Klaus and Caroline are about to kiss, Bell rings and Caroline pulls away.]
Caroline patts Stefan's hand.
Caroline: I... I think we need to get back to the school. It's time.
Klaus: We'll be right behind you. They can have the next five minutes dancing.
Audrey: Hey! Can you ask that woman to dance?
Boy: (confused) Why?
Audrey: I'll ask my father and then we'll change partners and make them dance.
"Audrey!" Said Klaus.
"Sorry. It's first time i saw you had interaction with someone, who isn't familly or you didn't have to. I was just excited for you." Said Audrey. Mikaelsons(excpet Klaus) chuckle.
Boy: Under one condition.
Audrey: What?
Boy: I want a date.
Audrey: (smiles) Okay.
Mikaelson men glare at boy.
"Who is he?! Glared Kol.
"Old friend." Said Audrey.
"Do you go on date with all of your old friends?!" Said Klaus.
"I didn't even went on that date. And we became friends after." Said Audrey.
"Why not?" Asked Freya.
"I was kinda busy with dead parents and uncle." Said Audrey.
"It's not funny." Said Hope.
["Always" by Gavin James is playing, contestants are dancing.]
Lela: You doing okay?
Hope: Fine. Let's just get through this like you said. [Audrey seems to be lost in memory.]
[Audrey approaches Klaus and Caroline.]
Audrey: Hello, Ms. Forbes.
Caroline: What did i say?
Audrey: Sorry, Caroline. I just wanted to borrow my dad.
Klaus: What for? [Audrey turns to him smiling.]
Audrey: To dance.
Klaus: I thought you were dancing with Nathan.
"I should have guesses you were planning because of that smile." Said Klaus.
Audrey: His name is Noah and he can wait. I want to dance with my daddy. [Audrey grabs Klaus hands.]
Klaus: (to Caroline) Sorry, duty calls. [Caroline smiles and nods. Klaus and Audrey start dancing.]
"It was last dance i was talking about." Said Audrey.
[Audrey starts breathing hard. She's starting to tear up. Jed looks at her confused.]
Klaus rubbs her hand comfortingly.
[Audrey has teasing smile.]
Audrey: So... What is it between you and Ms. Fo- Caroline?
Klaus: What?
Audrey: Oh, come on! You two have so much sexual tension it can't be cut with dagger. There is a story there.
Stefan looks jaelous again, but Caroline assures him.
"True. Staying in same space with these two was nightnare." Said Audrey.
[Klaus glances at Caroline, who is dancing with Noah.]
Audrey: Don't worry! She can't hear us.
Klaus: Don't you have better things to do?
Audrey: (grining) Nope. [Audrey nods at Noah and when Klaus spins her, Noah spins Caroline. Audrey goes to Noah and 'accidentaly' pushes Caroline to Klaus. Klaus sents her a glare. Audrey winks at him.]
Mikaelsons look amused by Audrey.
"You need your daughter's help to get a girl?" Teased Kol. Klaus glared at him.
[Caroline looks amused by Audrey's antics and dances with Klaus. Audrey and Noah stand aside and watch them dance.]
Audrey: I just got my father a girl. I don't mean to brag, but if there was a competition for the best daughter title, i would win. [Noah laughs.]
Some laugh. Hope looks away.
[Lizzie is watching Hope and Lela dance. Josie goes to Lizzie.]
Lizzie: They're about to announce the winners. Where have you been?
Josie: I was getting the note that Penelope wrote me. She's leaving the school.
"Good." Said Caroline.
Lizzie: (smiling) Oh, yeah, I knew that. I overheard Dad talking to her parents.
Josie: And you didn't think to tell me?
Lizzie: The devil's exorcising herself from our lives. That's good news. Why are you acting all annoyed?
"Even blind could see Josie still had feelings for her. Why would she kiss Penelope if she didn't?" Rolled her eyes Audrey.
osie: I can't believe this. She's been telling me all along, but I could never hear it. You never consider anybody's feelings but your own.
Lizzie: What? That isn't fair.
Josie: Isn't it? It's bad enough that you didn't think I'd want to enter, but not a single part of you thought that I could even win.
"I don't like seeing them fight." Said Caroline.
"They need this fight and they are siblings. Of course they'll fight, but they will make up to." Said Stefan.
Lizzie: Jo, I'm not a mind reader, okay? If you wanted to win...
Josie: Of course I wanted to win. But the second you dropped out, you gifted your entire plan to Hope.
Lizzie: Because of science.
Josie: Lizzie, listen to yourself. Science?What about your sister's feelings?
"I don't think if she guessed you wanted it, she would do it, sweetie." Said Caroline to Josie.
[Audrey's breath gets even faster. Her chest is moving up and down.]
Jed: Audrey! Are you okay? [Audrey doesn't seem to hear him.]
Mikaelsons look at her concerned.
"I'm okay. I-- i guess i wasn't mentally prepared for this." Said Audrey.
[Klaus and Audrey are dancing. Audrey looks nervous.]
Klaus: Relax. You are doing good.
Audrey: Really?
Klaus: Really. And there is no need to worry. Look at them and then look at us. We will obviously win. [Audrey's mood brighten ups.]
Audrey: Of course.
Audrey smiles at memory.
[Jed groans because of how hard Audrey is clunching his hand.]
"You are breakinghis hand!" Said Davina.
"I didn't want to. I didn't notice i was." Said Audrey with small voice.
Woman: And the winners are.... Audrey and Klaus Morgan!
"Morgan?" Asked Freya.
"Well, we couldn't go with Mikaelson." Said Audrey.
[Audrey screams and hugs Klaus happily. She is jumping up and down in happiness.]
Audrey: We won! We won!
Audrey and Klaus smile at each other. Hope looks jaelous.
[Lela and Hope see Lizzie and Josie are arguing. ]
Lela: What are they arguing about?
Hope: I don't know. Wait... [Hope uses spell to listen on Josie and Lizzie.]
"I taught her." Said Audrey smugly.
"And i taugh you." Said Kol with equally smugness.
Josie: Do you know how good it would feel to actually be competing? In Mom's dress? Did you even consider how Hope would feel wearing it?
[Jed gets his hand out of Audrey's.]
Jed: Audrey! You are hurting me. [It snaps Audrey out of memory lane and looks horrified when she sees Jed's broken hand and runs. Jed runs after her.]
"Oh, sweetheart." Said Hayley. Klaus huged Audrey to his chest.
[Hope and Lela don't notice Audrey and Jed leaving, because they are too invested in Lizzie and Josie's drama.]
Lizzie: (to Josie) She looks fantastic. She should feel amazing.
Josie: Will she still feel amazing when she learns where it came from?
Hope looks uncomfortable, knowing it will show her break down.
Lela: (to Hope) So?
Hope: They are talking about my dress.
Lela: What about it?
Hope: Shh..
Lizzie: (to Josie) What do you mean, where it came from? It was a gift from some guy who used to crush on Mom.
Josie: From Klaus Mikaelson, Lizzie. Hope's dad. [Josie leaves. Lizzie looks at Hope with sadness and worry. Hope teara up.]
Klaus reaches over to Hope and hugs her, too.
Lela: What?
Hope: My dad gave it to... My dad chose this dress. [Hope can't continue talking, sshe is breathing hard, tears rolling down her face.]
"Shh... Tiny wolf. I'm here and i'll be in future, too. It won't happen again." Said Klaus to Hope.
Lela: Hope? [Hope looks around to find Audrey, but she can't.]
"Sorry." Said Audrey.
"It's okay. I should have noticed you leaving." Said Hope.
"You were distracted and i wouldn't want you to follow me anyway." Said Audrey.
[Audrey runs outside. Everything is shaking or breaking around her as she runs. Jed is following.]
Jed: Audrey?
Audrey: (Growling) Leave me alone!
Jed: Audrey, what hap- [Audrey turns around, her eyes are yellow, her magic makes lights explode.]
Freya looks at Audrey worried.
Audrey: (Growling) Leave! It's an order! [Magic burst out of Audrey and throws Jed away. She looks at him and then continues running. Jed doesn't follow this time.]
Vera: May I have your attention, please?
Vera: (echoing) Without further ado, it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls. From the Salvatore School, Miss Hope Mikaelson.
"Congrulation, princess." Said Klaus to Hope. Hope gives him a small smile.
[Lights turn on Hope. Hope is crying and things start to shake. Lizzie looks concerned. Lela hugs Hope.]
Lela: It's okay. Just let it out. Don't hold it back! [Hope cries into Lela's arms.]
People look at Hope sadly.
[Audrey falls on ground and cries. She doesn't seem to have energy to stand up.]
People look at Audrey with pity, too. Audrey hides her face into Klaus's neck. Hope does the same.

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