[Mg is sitting on Mill house's stairs.]
Penelope: Hey. Have you seen Josie?
"Can we all appreacte the fact that Penelope is the first person who remembered Josie and then started looking for her? She has her faults, but you can't her love for Josie." Said Audrey.
"She hurts Lizzie." Said Caroline.
"Because she is trying to protect Josie." Said Audrey.
"By hurting Lizzie she is hurting Josie, too." Said Caroline.
"Like i said she has her faults." Said Audrey.
MG: She's probably having the time of her life, like I was until Prince Charming showed up and turned me into the pumpkin. I have hate in my heart.
"He is so adorable. How can someone brake his heart?" Said Audrey.
MG: I'm ready for battle. We're gonna duel.
Penelope: No. No, we're not doing that. I'm holding you to our deal. As of this moment, Lizzie Saltzman's cancelled.
[Hope and Audrey come. Hope is holding axe, Audrey is holding sword.]
"Axe is hard weapon to fight with." Said Klaus.
"I like it." Said Hope.
Audrey: Penelope! We are going to save Josie. Wanna come?
Hope: Do we need her?
Penelope: (worried) What happened?
Audrey: Her possessed biological mother buried her alive in the cemetery. [Penelope without hesistation, quickly, takes the shovel and follows.]
"See? Posie forever." Said Audrey.
"What is Posie you keep talking about?" Asked Elijah.
"Penelope and Josie's ship name." Answered Audrey.
MG: We're coming with you.
[Alaric opens the safe, but it's empty. He calls Dorian.]
Dorian: Hello, Ric.
Alaric: Where is it?
Dorian: Asking for a friend?
Alaric: I need the Knife, Dorian. My daughter's life is at stake.
"I'm surprised it didn't ask knife from you." Said Klaus.
"Well... You were kinda uncnscious for that." Said Audrey.
Dorian: That's why I moved it. I knew the monster was gonna make a play.
Alaric: I need you to bring it to me now.
Dorian: Hero 1, Ric: you don't give the bad guys what they want, especially if we don't know what it does. I mean, this thing could spawn Armageddon.
"It has Josie!" Yelled stressed Caroline.
Alaric: It has Josie!
Dorian: We'll save Josie, Ric. We're not giving up this Knife.
[Audrey, Hope, Mg and Penelope are jogging.]
Hope: MG, listen for her breathing.
MG: Hold on. I hear something. Shovel. [MG digs. Zombie gets out of ground and attacks Mg.]
"Aah!" Yelled Caroline and Davina and jumped startled.
[Penelope tries to get it off with shovel.]
MG: That won't work! [Audrey cuts zombies's head off and when it falls off, she stabs in the brain.]
Audrey: Have you never watched movies? To kill a zombie, you got to go for the brain. Everybody knows that.
"True." Said Hayley.
Penelope: Yeah, every nerd maybe. [Audrey rolls her eyes. Hope and MG see zombies coming out of ground.]
MG: Walkers. [They look around and see zombies are coming out of everwhere.]
People look worried.
"Don't worry. They weren't much of an opponent." Said Audrey.
[Rafael and Lizzie are dancing slowly. Lizzie looks happy.]
Lizzie: There's a clothing-optional rock quarry nearby. It's cold, but I figured since we won't be getting much sleep tonight, it could be refreshing.
"No." Says Damon and Stefan hil glaring at Rafael.
Rafael: Lizzie, I'm sorry, but I can't. I know it's a dick move to do this on your birthday, but... it would be even worse to lie to you. Now I'm yours, and I'm here tonight, and I want to be the best date that I can be, but the other stuff is not gonna happen.
"Seriously?! On her birthday?!" Glared Caroline.
"It's not just a dick move. It's cruel. You can't break up with someone on their birthday! He could just say he isn't in mood for sex and break up with her next day." Said Audrey.
Lizzie: I don't understand. Last night...
Rafael: Last night was a mistake.
"See why you shouldn't date?! Boys are bad." Said Klaus.
"You are male, too, you know?" Said amused Audrey.
"Exactly!" Said Klaus. People laugh.
[Lizzie looks closed to tears. Rafael and Lizize continue dancing. Lizzie's eyes fill with tears.]
Lizzie: Where's my sister?
"She only know remembers her? When she needs her." Scrowled Hope.
[MG slices off zombie's head.]
MG: Whoo! Two for two, baby.
Hope: We can handle the rest. Just find Josie.
Salvatores tense up again.
MG: Right. Got--
Audrey: Take Penelope with you.
MG: Why?
Audrey: Me and Hope can handle it.
Penelope: Thank you. [Audrey nods.]
Hayley smiled at Audrey.
[Penelope goes to Mg and MG vamp speeds out with Penelope.]
Hope: How do you want to do this? Magic?
Audrey: I've not practiced my sword skills for a while.
Hope: Fine by me. [Hope slices zombie's face with axe. Audrey does same with sword.]
"Badass." Said Davina.
[MG and Penelope start to dig.]
MG: Josie. I hear you. Hold on. [When they reach the coffin, MG opens coffin. Zombie gets out of it and attacks MG. Penelope stabs zombie in the head with full force. Hope and Audrey catch up with them.]
Hope: MG, we're running out of time.
Audrey: Watch out! [Audrey pushes zombie off Hope with magic. Hope stabs him in the head.]
"Good team work." Complimented Elijah.
"Thank you." Said Audrey and Hope.
Penelope: Damn it, MG, get up and find her.
MG: There's too much noise.
Hope: Well, listen harder. Pretend you're on a beach or something. [MG hears muffled cries.]
MG: I got her. [MG vamp speeds and starts digging. Hope, Audrey and Penelope follow. They help MG dig. Josie's hand shows up.]
Salvatores are sitting at the edge of their seats.
[Penelope and MG grab her hand and pull her out. Josie is crying.]
Salvatores sigh out in relief.
"she is okay. Josie is okay." Said Caroline relieved. Others look relieved, too.
Josie: The talisman. It worked. What's it supposed to do?
Hope: Make quiet things heard.
[Klaus is laying on bed. He is still unconscious. Audrey takes off spell and Klaus wakes up. Hope and Audrey look nervous.]
"You shouldn't have done that!" Scolded Klaus.
"And what else were we supposed to do? Leave you in a coma?" Said Audrey.
"Yes. If it would keep you safe!" Said Klaus.
Audrey/Hope: Dad? [Klaus looks around confused.]
Klaus: What happened? When did we get here? [Audrey and Hope share a look. They seem to be fighting by their eyes.]
Klaus: Hope! Audrey! What happened?
Audrey: You... you were controlled by creature that brought you back. [Klaus look at Audrey and Hope worried.]
Klaus: Are you okay? Did i--
Hope: No, you haven't harmed us. We knocked you out before you could.
Klaus: I'm sorry.
"How long was i out?" Asked Klaus.
"Almost an hour." Said Audrey.
Audrey: It really wasn't your fault and we are all fine.
Klaus: For now. What if it takes over again? You have to get away from me.
"Listen to me/your father!" Said Klaus and Hayley.
Hope: We handled it before and we can handle it now, too.
Klaus: What if you can't? What if you won't be fast enough this time? I don't want to hurt you.
Audrey: You won't hurt us. Can we change the topic? Please?
Jo: She could have died because of me.
Alaric: But she's okay. And it wasn't you. I know that now. It's... whatever takes over. I mean, something is driving these monsters. A-a dark presence, we just can't figure it out. And until we do,
we're just at its mercy.
Jo: This is wrong. This isn't safe for any of us. We have to get this thing out of me. Tell the girls to siphon its magic from me.
"But it would kill her!" Said Caroline.
"She knows." Said Damon.
Alaric: But the magic's probably the only thing keeping you ali... [Jo doesn't say anything and look at Alaric. He realises.]
Alaric: Oh. Right. [Alaric and Jo hug.]
Jo: Josie thinks you're lonely. Are you happy?
Alaric: I am happy right now in the arms of my demon-possessed baby mama. [Alaric chuckles.]
Some look at Alaric sympathetically.
Jo: I'm serious.
Alaric: I will be happy when the girls are grown. I promise.
Jo: Do they know what happens when they turn 22?
"What will happen?" Asked Freya.
"The merge." Answered Caroline. Freya realises she isn't gonna say more and turns back to screen.
Alaric: No. Not yet. And we... don't want them to know until we've exhausted all options. That's why Caroline's missed their birthday. She's following some lead.
Jo: You tell Caroline I said thank you for being my girls' mom. [Both of them cry.]
Caroline smiles sadly.
[Hope reads messege from Alaric.]
Audrey: What does Alaric want?
Hope: (angry) He wants twins to siphon Necromancer's magic from Jo and dad.
Audrey: But it is the only thing keeping them here!
Klaus: (Realises) That's the point. I have to die, so Necromancer can't use me.
Audrey grabs Klaus's hand, like she's making sure he is here. Hope looks at Klaus sorrowfully.
Hope&Audrey: No!
Klaus: Littlest wolves...
Audrey: Absolutely not!
Hope: We will find another way. I'll tell Dr. Saltzman the same. You aren't dying!
Klaus: (sadly) I'm already dead, sweethearts. We knew it would happen...
Hope: I'm not letting you die again!
Sob escapes Hope. Audrey tightens her grip on Klaus.
Klaus: (sighs) What other way is there?
Audrey: Necromancer wants knife, right? We will give it to him.
"It's not a good idea." Said Klaus.
Klaus: No!
Hope: (to Audrey) Do you know where knife is?
Audrey: If Alaric had it, he would give it in exchange of Josie, so... probably Dorian or Emma has it. Come on! We need to find them quickly!
Klaus: You aren't giving enemy what it wants! [Klaus grabs Audrey and Hope's hands to stop them from leaving.]
Klaus: Can't you see? That's the whole reason Necromancer brought me back. You are falling for his manipulation.
Audrey: (crying) You think i care? I don't. I don't care about Necromancer and Malivore and that stupid knife. I don't bloody care! What i care about is my dad who is about to die! AGAIN!
Klaus tries to comfort Audrey and Hope.
"Shh... It's okay. I'm here. This won't happen again." Said Klaus.
Klaus: (softly) You can't trust him.
Even if you make a deal and give the knife, Necromancer will probably break the word.
Hope: I don't care! If there is even 1% of chance, i'm using it! [Audrey agreed.]
Klaus: I don't want it, Hope, Audrey. I don't want life like that for you two or me. I don't want you to have to be always careful and afraid around me! I can't live under someone else's control and wait when he will feel bored and decides to make me hurt you! I can't do that! I can't live knowing that i'm danger to you. [Audrey, Hope and Klaus are crying.]
Mikaelsons, Stefan and Caroline look at them with pity. They just got each other back and Klaus already has to leave.
Hope: Dad--
Klaus: I can't live with myself, if i will hurt you. Even if it isn't intentional. I can't. We have to do this. [Audrey desperatly clunches Klaus's hand.]
Audrey: Daddy, please. Not again. I can't lose you again. Please. Please. Don't leave me.
Audrey buries her face in Klaus's chest and Klaus pattes her back soothingly.
Klaus: I wish i didn't have to, princess. I want nothing more to be able to be with you two, but we can't. You have to let me go. [Hope and Audrey hug Klaus. All three of them are crying and hugging each other desperatly. None of them want to let go. Like they are afraid if they let go everything will be over.]
Some can't hold back tears at this hearbreaking scene. *neither can i*
MG: I'm serious, Peez. Something clicked while I was taking out those zombies. Uh, it felt right inside, like that was the real me.
Penelope: Meaning...?
MG: I'm a superhero.
"Finally something not sad." Said Kol.
Penelope: (laughs) Like from the comics.
MG: (laughs) 'Cause heroes don't just get the girl... They get all the girls.
Penelope: Oh, totally.
MG: Yeah.
Penelope: Superman is such a slut. [Penelope and MG laugh together.]
Audrey smiles a little, but it looks forced.
[Josie walks past them.]
Josie: Thanks for tonight, MG.
MG: First hero thank you. Uh, accepted! Up, up, and away. [MG leaves.]
Penelope: Hey. What about me? I helped.
Josie: You're the reason I got buried alive on my birthday.
"What? How?" Asked Davina.
Josie: I took your advice. I wanted something, and I went for it. I made the selfish move, and I ended up fighting a zombie.
"Don't think like that. It's not bad to want something for you." Said Caroline.
Josie: There's room for people in this world that just care about other people. Not everybody has to be a showboat. [Penelope walks closer to Josie.]
Penelope: You're right. This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. I happen to be the latter. [Penelope kisses Josie, Josie kisses back.]
People look surprised.
[Josie pulls away.]
Josie: I hate you.
Penelope: I know. [Josie kisses Penelope this time.]
Caroline doesn't like Penelope, but she knows Penelope cares about Josie, so she is split.
[Jo and Alaric are sitting on one bad, Josie and Lizzie on another.]
Lizzie: So, we just siphon the magic out of her until she's... what, dead again?
"Lizzie!" Scolded Caroline.
Josie: Oh, my God. Lizzie, what is wrong with you?
Lizzie: What?
Jo: It's okay, Josie. It's okay. I'm already dead. I was a witch, just like you. And we believe in the natural order of things. I shouldn't be here. I love that I had this, but it's a lie. [Josie and Lizzie tear up.]
Jo: And now I need you to help me make it right. The longer I'm here, the more I remember where I came from. I used to watch you. I used to watch all of you. Like in a dream... where everything is warm and happy. I think I was at peace. So that's where I'll be. Waiting for you.
People look sad.
Lizzie: (crying) I'm so sorry. I was awful to you.
Jo: Oh, Lizzie. You have such a big heart. It's okay to let other people see it.
[All four of them are crying. Jo kneels in front of Josie and Lizzie.]
Jo: Oh, my beautiful girls. You are everything that I could have ever wished for. Everything. Be good to each other. Fight for each other. When you're older, you'll understand what I mean. But I need you to remember that I said it.
Everyone looks at Jo and Lizzie, who have to siphon their mother to death, with pity.
[Jo gives them her hands, so the can siphon her. Lizzie slowly takes it.]
Josie: (Quietly) I can't. I can't.
Jo: Oh, Josette, this is the right thing to do. It's the only thing to do for you. [Josie takes Jo's hand slowly. Tears rolling down her face. Alaric and Lizzie are the same.]
Jo: I love you. I love all of you so much.
[Jo looks at Alaric and her daughters last time and closes her eyes. Josie and Lizzie siphon her. Alaric sits next to Lizzie and hugs crying Lizzie and Josie.]
Legacies(Season 1)
Fanfiction[Book 1] What if Klaus and Hayley had twins? What if Hope wasn't only child and she has twin sister- Audrey? What if instead of staying in New Orleans Audrey decided to follow her father? Audrey was raised by Niklaus Mikaelson. Hope was raised by...