11) Unmasked

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"I AM HOME." Namjoon yelled as soon as he stepped foot inside the home.

"Aish, when will you stop behaving like a child? Even if you don't yell, we can all see you. By the way, how come you are home so early?" Mi-Su asked as she poured water in a glass for her son.

"The client that I had a meeting with canceled at the last minute and wanted to postpone it. I had kept my whole afternoon free just for this meeting. But since they canceled, I had nothing to do at the office. So, I decided to come home early. Where is YoonSeo?" Namjoon explained, gulping down the water.

"She is in the kitchen with Jungkook." Now that statement got Namjoon's attention, who raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Jungkook? What's he doing in the kitchen?"

"He asked me if he could bake a cake for everyone as a thank you for letting him stay here. And I said Yes. I feel he is a good guy and Taehyung is lucky to have such good friends."

"You seem to have a high opinion of him in just two days. I don't know why, but I find it weird that Taehyung brought someone along with him and is even letting him stay in his room. And he even allowed him to ride his precious bike. He never lets his friends stay over ever. And those are the friends he had known since kindergarten. Always giving excuses such as, 'it's an invasion of his privacy and he doesn't like sharing his living space, yada yada yada. But after living in London for three years, he seems like a completely changed person." Namjoon mused.

"Are you sure you are not just saying this because you are still salty about the whole bike thing? I seriously don't know when you three will grow up and start behaving like adults." Mi-Su spoke, feeling exasperated.

"I am not. You are just way too trusting. It's not good to trust someone so easily." Namjoon defends himself.

"That's not true. I trust him because he is Taehyung's friend. I know my son. He is a good judge of character. He has never made a single friend beyond the ones who had been with him since kindergarten just like you said. So if he had made a new friend after not making one for years, then he surely must be special. Taehyung seems to trust him implicitly. And I trust my son. Hence, I trust Jungkook." Mi-Su reasons, making Namjoon roll his eyes.

"By that logic, you shouldn't trust Ji-ah at all. Since Taehyung seems to hate her guts and wants nothing to do with her." Namjoon puts some safe distance between him and his mother as soon as he said that, not wanting to get smacked on the head.

"That's because he doesn't know her yet. And he doesn't hate her. He is just mad about the whole marriage thing. I think he is still not ready to get married. And that's why he was being like that. But now that he has agreed to give Ji-ah a chance, it will just be a matter of time before he will be singing a different tune. I just hope everything works out in the end and he will see that Ji-ah is the best choice for him and for our family." Mi-Su prayed, folding her hands.

"I wouldn't be holding my breath if I were you, Eomma. When has Tae ever changed his mind once he decides on something? I think it'll be more productive to start thinking of a way to let the Kang's down in a gentler way than keep giving them false hopes. I am going to my room now. Please tell YoonSeo to bring some food to our room. I didn't have my lunch yet since I was supposed to eat lunch with my client." Namjoon leaves the room after saying that, leaving Mi-Su to her own thoughts.

She knew in her heart of heart that her son is just too stubborn and hard headed to listen to anyone. He had always done what he wanted despite the consequences. So why would this time be any different. But she just hoped to God that her son would change his mind just this once and agree for this marriage. Because even she doesn't know what will happen if he doesn't agree.

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