39) The Moment of Truth

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The sun was already filtering through the curtains and the room was filled with brightness, but two naked bodies still laid tangled in limbs and bedsheets, blissfully unaware until a phone starting ringing continuously, making one of the tangled body to groan in annoyance and search for the nuisance with half lidded eyes. Taehyung found the annoying object only to silence it without even looking, but unfortunately it started ringing the very next second, making him swipe the call button and snap at whoever was at the other end.

"WHAT?" Taehyung's half asleep brain listened to the person on the other side before telling them to fuck off in a polite way and disconnecting the call. But it was enough for his boyfriend's sleep to get ruined and he too woke up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.


"Go back to sleep." Taehyung muttered, cutting Jungkook off and pulling him close.

"What's the time?" Jungkook asked, his voice groggy from sleep or from all the screaming he did at night.

"I don't know. Now, sleep." Taehyung spoke, trying to make Jungkook sleep once again.

"Then check the time, Tae. What if we're too late?" Taehyung groaned upon hearing it.

"Late for what? And who cares about the time? It's morning whenever we decide to wake up." Taehyung grumbled in annoyance at having his sleep disturbed.

"Well then I guess it's morning now. Because I am wide awake and I don't think I can go back to sleep again." Jungkook spoke, trying to get out of Taehyung's deathhold.

"I think I was too gentle with you last night since you seem to still have so much energy." Taehyung muttered, earning a smack on his chest.

"Gentle and you? Do you even know the meaning of gentle? The only reason my ass isn't on fire is because of the painkillers I took before sleeping. If not, I don't think I will be able to move, let alone walk today. Now get off me, you idiot and let me go. I need to pee." Jungkook pushed Taehyung's dead weight off his body, making him groan in annoyance while Jungkook took that chance to get off the bed and limp towards the washroom.

"Nice ass." Taehyung commented, staring at Jungkook's bare ass as he limped away, earning a finger. Taehyung rolled around on the bed, lazily while he waited for Jungkook to come out. If it was up to him, he would've kept Jungkook in bed for the whole day. But unfortunately for him, his friends were the biggest thorn in his love life. He sighed and decided to get up and clear the mess they've created so as not to scare off the resort cleaning staff. The whole room was in disarray with clothes thrown around haphazardly, vases and centerpieces knocked off. Some broken and some still intact. There was a puddle of water on the floor from the vase which had fallen down and Taehyung was already exhausted from just seeing the mess.

He sighed and got out of the bed and started picking up everything. He threw the broken vase into the dustbin along with the flowers that were on the floor. But he decided to leave the water for the cleaning staff since he didn't have anything to mop up the water with. He then proceeded to pick up their clothes and put on his shorts before shoving the clothes in an empty bag and stuffing it inside their suitcase to take back home. They were leaving today anyway. Taehyung gave the whole room a once over to see he didn't miss anything or there wasn't any other mess that needed cleaning up when the washroom door opened and Jungkook walked out with a towel around his waist.

"You took a shower?" Taehyung asked, surprised since he was inside for barely five minutes.

"No dummy. I didn't want to walk around naked. Hence, the towel. I will take a shower later. Now give me a short." Jungkook replied, snarkily as if it was the most obvious thing.

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