29) Turmoil

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"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Mina yelled at her sister as she finished narrating everything that happened at the amusement park.

"You think I am making this up? I can't even bear to imagine Taehyung-ssi with someone else let alone actually see it happen. So, how can you think I would make up something so disgusting like this?" Ji-ah countered, making Mina worried. She had come looking for Ji-ah after she didn't come out of her room to have breakfast. And the sight that greeted her when Ji-ah finally opened the door was that of pure chaos and destruction. The whole room looked like it had been through a tornado. But what caught Mina's eyes more was the way Ji-ah looked.

She was still in the same attire that she wore yesterday to the park. Her hair was all messy and looked as it hadn't seen a comb for weeks while her face was smudged with tear and mascara stains. And her eyes, her eyes looked empty, devoid of any emotion. But that soon changed when Mina started questioning her. Especially when she took Taehyung's name, the expression on Ji-ah's eyes changed completely and it went from empty to angry in a split second. It took Mina a while to coax out all the information out of Ji-ah amidst all her crying and blubbering. And now she wished she hadn't done that. Because if what Ji-ah said was true, then it will ruin everything for her.

"You said it yourself, you didn't see anything. So how can you be so sure that they were doing something nasty inside?" Mina asked, desperately hoping for it to just be a misunderstanding.

"Because I can recognize Taehyung-ssi's voice even blindfolded. I didn't need to see him to know it was him inside." Ji-ah replied, her voice quivering.

"So? Maybe he needed his friend's help with something. Or maybe that friend of his needed Taehyung's help. Who knows? Just because they were together inside the shower room, doesn't mean they were having sex. Did you ever stop to think that maybe those strangers misjudged the situation and you too jumped in with half baked information and misunderstood everything?" Mina questioned.

"And what could possibly require them to share the same shower stall? You weren't there, Unnie. So you can't understand it. It wasn't just the locker room incident. That beggar friend of his has Taehyung-ssi wrapped around his finger. I don't know what kind of magic he has done on him, but Taehyung-ssi listens to his every word. He even made Taehyung-ssi give up our lunch table that he booked using his VIP status so that we don't have to wait in line like the others. And when I voiced my opinion, he yelled at me and told me that whatever his friend says goes.

Maybe he filled Taehyung-ssi's head with disgusting thoughts. Or he has trapped him somehow. He said they were roommates back in London, right. So maybe he found out Taehyung-ssi was rich and is taking advantage of his kindness and generosity. Why else would anyone stay in someone else's house for such a long time even if they're friends? He has been here for almost two months now and it doesn't look like he has any intention of leaving anytime soon. What kind of a friend freeloads in someone's house no matter how close they claim to be?" Ji-ah asked, her voice filled with venom and hatred while Mina was lost in her own thoughts.

'No no no, I can't let anyone find out about this. If what Ji-ah suspects is true, then I need to make sure this marriage happens before the whole family finds out. If they did, they would disown him and throw him out. And all my plans will go in vain. I can't let that happen.' Mina paces back and forth in the room as she thinks of all the possible scenarios and ways her plans could go awry.

"If what you say is true, then no wonder why he never even spared a glance at you. His inclinations lied elsewhere. I can't believe that the younger son of the Kims is a disgusting faggot. Who would've thought." Mina spoke with disgust, making Ji-ah angry.

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