33) Plan in Motion

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Mina was on cloud nine today. She was brimming with joy and not even her husband's indifference and attitude towards her could spoil her mood and ruin her happiness today. And why exactly was she so happy? Because today she was told by DeiJi that she was sending all three brothers and their partners on a three day trip to Jeju island. But the trip wasn't what made her happy. It was the reason behind the trip. It has been a week since the confrontation between Namjoon and DeiJi took place and a lot of things were said. No one has brought up the topic again much to Mina's dismay because she would've loved to see both Namjoon and YoonSeo in misery.

But the atmosphere inside their home still continued to be cold and tense. And she was surprised that Namjoon even had the guts to stand up to his family. Because in her eyes, Namjoon was a doormat. A perfect puppet for his family. And he would've been her first choice if it wasn't for his marriage to YoonSeo. He would've been much easier to control than Taehyung. But luck was not on her side and DeiJi chose YoonSeo for Namjoon, who was smart and saw through all of Mina's bullshits. But it doesn't matter now. Because in just a few days Taehyung will get engaged to Ji-ah and then everything will go back to how it should've been in the first place if Taehyung hadn't done all that drama.

'Aahhh, I can't believe this is happening. I have to say that old lady is more cunning than a fox. Even I couldn't think of a solution on how to keep this engagement a secret from all three brothers. But she just solved it in a second. Just wait until this trip is over Taehyung. You and that faggot freind of yours are going to get the biggest shock of your lives.' Mina chuckled as she walked towards her cousin's room. She was passing through the corridor when she heard voices coming from inside of Namjoon and YoonSeo's room, making her halt in her place to investigate.

'Namjoon is at the office. Then who is she talking to? Is she on a call? But I can hear multiple voices. Aish, why can't I hear anyone properly?' Mina stuck her ears to the door to listen clearly but even then all she could make out were a few words which didn't make any sense to her. She tried opening the door but was surprised to find it locked since YoonSeo never locked the door when she was alone in the room. Giving up, she stuck her ears to the door once again, but it felt like they were talking in some kind of alien language that she didn't understand. But one thing she heard clearly and it only made her more confused.

'Class? What class? What is YoonSeo up to now? I think I might have to keep an eye on her. If only I could snoop in her room when she is not around.' Mina thought as she left the place, sighing in disappointment. She had more important things to think about anyways. As Mina got closer to Ji-ah's room, she halted in her steps once more when she heard Ji-ah talking to someone on the phone and once again she was curious as to who Ji-ah was talking to and decided to listen in. But it looked like she was late and Ji-ah was just about to end the call with whomever was on the other line.

"Thank you for accepting my request. I owe you one. Take care." As soon as Mina heard this, she barged inside Ji-ah's room taking her by surprise and she looked like a deer caught in headlights, making Mina even more suspicious.

'What's up with everyone acting so suspicious today? First, YoonSeo and now her.' Mina thought as she scrutinized Ji-ah.

"Who were you talking to just now?" Mina asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Oh that. It was just a friend. You wouldn't know him." Ji-ah replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Him? I didn't know you had any guy friends." Mina commented, squinting her eyes.

"He is just a college friend. But why are you here? Did you need something?" Ji-ah asked, trying to change the topic.

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