Chapter 2: Goodbye (SFW)

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July 18, 2015
"We have an early flight to catch tomorrow, I'll help you pack now so you can hangout with Henry for the rest of the day" Jennifer said.
"He's been really sad ever since I told him mum" William said.
"You're his best friend William, of course he's sad!!" Jennifer said.
"I suppose I can mail him something for Christmas and his birthday if I save my allowance wisely" William said.
"That's thoughtful of you dearie, I really hope you remember him everyday and not just on his birthday and holidays" Jennifer said.
"I can't forget him if I tried, he protected me from school bullies for the past 6 years. I owe him once we're adults" William said.
"I have no doubt that you two will encounter each other again, maybe you're both mates and don't realize it yet" Jennifer said.
"He dared me to kiss him last week but that's probably nothing" William said.
"Oh honey, that boy is gay for you!!" Jennifer said.
"I'm flattered but not sure if I'm gay for him back, I mean I like boys but-" William said.
"You don't have to like him back or follow your primal urges if they don't align with your thoughts, but at least keep him as a long distance friend, he's a rare gift" Jennifer said.
"Alright mum, I'll hang onto him" William laughed.
"That's my boy!!" Jennifer laughed.

Time skip

They finished packing and William met Henry in the park infront of the woods.
Maybe we can disappear in the woods he'd hate me forever!!, Henry thought.
William snuck up on Henry, startling him out of his thoughts.
"Aaagghh!!" Henry screamed and ran forward, earning a mischievous laugh from William.
Henry turned around as soon as he heard William's laughter and started chasing him.
"Ahh!! No!! Henry!!" William playfully screamed as he ran into the woods away from Henry.
He eventually tripped and lost his balance only for Henry to catch his fall.
"Are you okay Willy??" Henry asked.
"I am, sorry for scaring you like that" William said.
"It's okay Willy" Henry said, lifting William back to his feet.
They chilled in the woods for awhile before going back out to the park.
They played on the equipment and swings like they were small children again.

Time skip

They went back to Henry's house for dinner.
"Nervous for your long flight kiddo??" Jack asked.
"A little, you can't use internet on the plane and I'll be stuck between my mum and dad" William said.
"Oh yeah plane ride boredom and cramped middle seats are no joke" Jack chuckled.
"You're not helping his nerves Jack" Diane said.
"I don't know if this will help, but you like robotics right?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, why?" William chuckled.
"Wait here, I'll be back" Jack said, heading to the basement.
Diane chuckled rolling her eyes as she plated everyone's food.
Henry and William dug in, eating messily.
A few minutes later Jack came back grinning with a robotics textbook in his hands.
"This can pass the long flight by if you're interested, it's a little heavy though" Jack said.
"It's okay, I'll take it Mr. Emily, thank you!!" William said, springing up and hugging Jack.
Jack chuckled and hugged him back.
"What about my hug Willy??" Henry whined.
"It's coming later, don't worry Hen Hen" William reassured.
They all finished eating dinner and it was time for William to go home.
Henry walked him home while carrying the heavy textbook.
"My arms and hands are burning, holy shit!!" Henry said after putting the book down in William's room.
"Thank you Hen Hen, now what do I owe you?" William chuckled.
"Another kiss if you're comfortable Willy" Henry chuckled.
"I won't see you for a long time Hen, come here!!" William laughed, pulling him in close.
They shared a lingering kiss until a knock startled them both away from each other.
"Yes? Come in!" William called.
"I was just making sure you were back and getting ready for bed" Vincent said.
"Yeah we just got here, I'm on it dad" William said.
"Okay then goodnight boys" Vincent said shutting the door and leaving.
"You heard the man, get to bed Willy" Henry laughed.
"I guess it's time for you to leave then isn't it?" William said.
"Vincent didn't tell me to leave" Henry laughed.
"I'm telling you to leave dear" William scolded with his hands on his hips.
"Okay okay fine Willy, but you can't get rid of me when I see you again" Henry said.
"Is that a bloody threat?" William asked.
"Yes Willy, now walk me downstairs and give me a hug before we separate forever or something" Henry said.
William walked Henry downstairs and they hugged.
Henry was reluctant to let go but had to eventually, and cried on his walk home.

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