Chapter 20: Our shared goodbye kisses meant nothing

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Henry joined William in the bathroom and got undressed, looking at dirty clothes, towels, and washcloths strewn all over the grimy tile floor.
The counter that was mostly covered with dental, hair, makeup products, lotion, and deodorant wasn't any better to look at.
"It looks awful in here Willy, I'll help you get it cleaned up and organized" Henry said.
"Why Henry? You don't even live here and I don't want your help" William sighed.
"Because I love you, and your messy living situation pisses me off, it's like you don't give a fuck about yourself" Henry said.
William sighed and turned on the shower, before he and Henry got in.
"Aaaahh!! Why's it so hot??!!" Henry growled.
"It feels nice like this you giant hairy wuss!!" William laughed.
"Stop being fucking rude" Henry said.
"You're the one who broke into my flat and waited for me" William said.
"Because you never returned from the police station and I'm still slightly mad, but that didn't stop me from being worried about you" Henry said.
"Maybe it should've" William chuckled, lathering his scalp with equate anti dandruff shampoo.
"Smartass, would you rather have went missing or been killed?" Henry sighed, lathering his hair with mint shampoo.
"Aaahh that hurts my fucking nostrils, get your minty shit out of here!!" William whined.
"It's not shit, it actually works well and feels amazing, you should try it" Henry laughed.
"Fucking Suave? Doesn't that shit make you go bald?" William cringed.
"Oh and your Walmart shampoo is better huh?" Henry laughed.
"Fuck you Henry" William sighed, closing his eyes and rinsing out his shampoo.
"That's rude Willy" Henry teased, smacking William's left buttcheek out of nowhere.
"This isn't that kind of shower Henry, please don't do that again" William scolded, putting a bit of bergamot conditioner in his hair.
Henry huffed in disappointment and rinsed out his shampoo before putting mint conditioner in his hair.
"Just because you're mad that I won't shag you, doesn't mean that you get to torture my nostrils in my own goddamn shower!!" William yelled.
Henry glared down at William's frontal nudity.
"Are you hexing my cock just because I hurt your ego and feelings?" William laughed.
"No I'm impressed by your bush, I didn't take you for a man who had pubic hair" Henry chuckled.
"Thanks, I trim and shape it even though no one's going to see it" William said.
"I'm literally looking at it right now Willy" Henry laughed.
"Whatever" William sighed, closing his eyes and rinsing out his conditioner.
"This overly hot water is probably making you mad" Henry said.
"No it's not, you're making me mad" William said, opening his eyes and washing the conditioner residue off his hands.
Henry laughed at William's actions before also rinsing out his conditioner.
William washed his face with equate gentle skin cleanser and Henry washed his face with charcoal eucalyptus bar soap.
"How does that not burn?! Fucking Christ Henry, put that shit down!!" William scolded after rinsing his face.
"It feels refreshing Willy" Henry panted.
"I don't care Henry, it's not good for your face!! Rinse that shit off now before it gets worse!!" William scolded, taking the soap bar away.
"I guess our kittens won't get in much trouble" Henry chuckled.
"If they have my blood and dna, they might" William chuckled, squeezing equate sensitive skin body wash onto his washcloth.
"I think we're both pretty good at scolding everyone except for each other" Henry said.
"We're both pretty bad at compromising and agreeing with each other" William laughed.
"And why's that hmm?" Henry sighed, lathering his body with the same soap bar.
"Because I don't want to fucking shag you, and you're still trying to get inside my hole despite the fact that I've already told you no multiple times today!!" William shouted.
"Hush Willy, I don't want your neighbors to hear anything besides you moaning my name so that they know you're mine" Henry lowly chuckled, placing one hand over William's mouth, and the other around the back of his neck.
William let out a muffled protest whine, gave Henry a pleading gaze, and pet his beard.
"Damn you and your sexy silver eyes" Henry sighed, letting go of William.
"I don't mean to flatter you, but your olive green hazel eyes don't look awful" William chuckled.
"So, you've de escalated to giving me backhanded compliments? I don't appreciate that, but at least it's a start" Henry said.
"I'm not starting a mating bond with you Henry!! In fact, I don't even want to be your friend!!" William growled.
"But what about our goodbye kisses?? There was chemistry between us!! I felt it, and I know that you did too!!" Henry cried.
"Just forget about our shared kisses from 9 years ago, they meant nothing because I didn't even have an attraction to or a crush on you!!" William shouted.
Henry burst into tears from what William said, and cried while scrubbing and rinsing his body.
William just stared in bewilderment at how he instantly tore Henry down without trying to.

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