Chapter 30: My Sour British Brat

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William stood there silently annoyed by being trapped in Henry's embrace and having to listen to his awful fantasy about them being soulmates again.
"Sorry to spoil the moment asshole, but I reckon I have to go and shit" William said into Henry's ear.
"Ope my bad Willy, I probably won't be too far behind you, maybe we should have a contest on opposite ends of the bathroom to see who can fart the loudest!!" Henry laughed.
"Sometimes it's like you've never aged when you're not trying to impregnate or shag me" William chuckled.
"I have a youthful spirit and sense of humor Willy, what can I say?" Henry laughed.
"You can say your apologies for sexually assaulting, harassing, and psychologically terrorizing me, but it seems that you aren't and won't ever truly be ready to carry that conversation" William said.
"Big British vocabulary defense mechanism caught your tongue again Willy?" Henry laughed.
"Yes actually, that's what happens whenever you repeatedly and willfully cross my boundaries" William said sternly.
"Now now my sour British brat, I didn't mean it as an insult but if you wanna take it that way, then please know that your frustration and extensive vocabulary only arouse me more than they should" Henry said.
"Your unsolicited arousal and unwanted sexual advances towards me are fucking insults Henry!!" William scolded.
"You know what Willy? Go ahead and have your fucking shit, you'll be on toilet duty today for 2 hours as soon as you clock in!! It'll give you plenty of time to think about what you've said and done to me since I came back yesterday!!" Henry snapped, letting go of William.
"Gladly, as long as it keeps me the hell away from you stupid cuntfucker!!" William shouted, slapping and backhanding Henry in the face twice, before storming out of the office and slamming the door.
William had a poop, wiped, flushed, washed his hands, then clocked in.
"Hey William, how's it going?" One of the janitors who came in asked.
"Alright, but there's some stubborn gum stuck to the bathroom stall walls that won't scrape off for shit" William said.
"Oh man, let me help you out with that" the janitor said, following William to the bathroom after he clocked in.
Once the janitor got busy, William escaped through the narrow horizontal window, and jiggled the exterior camera facing the outdoor perimeter until it loosened.
Once it was loose enough, he pulled the most crucial wires, tightened the camera back in place, then completely crawled out and ran off.
He kept running until he made it to the Christian owned shop that he used to steal from as a kid.
Over ten years later, and these old buggers still don't believe in cameras, censors, or audio capturing, this is bloody perfect!! William thought, as he browsed around quietly.
He grabbed two lavender tote bags, got a shopping cart, and stole name brand toiletries he'd never buy, makeup that hasn't actually been affordable since 2019, 2 weeks worth of groceries, cleaning supplies, dish soap, laundry detergent, and other household items that would cost over $300 at a corporate discount and bargain store.
William made sure to grab an orange flower bouquet and Henry's favorite snacks and candy before leaving to pretend he was sorry and actually dwelled like Henry wanted him to.
He lugged the cart all the way back to his apartment complex not giving a single damn who judgmentally stared at him along the way.
"Oh hi William, did that maintenance man from last night fix your leaky faucet and broken stove?" Gage asked, stopping William at his doorstep.
"No he didn't, he's my ex best friend, my boss, and my occasionally unwanted booty call, not a bloody maintenance man!" William huffed.
"Oh no I'm so sorry about that, I won't let him in without your permission again" Gage apologized.
"It's alright, he seems to charm everyone except for me" William said, unlocking his door.
"Stay safe, I'll keep a lookout on him and cover for you" Gage said, beginning to walk away.
"Thanks Gage, I appreciate it" William said, as he entered his apartment and unloaded the shopping cart.
Once William finished unloading everything from the shopping cart, he locked his front door and began to place and organize everything where it belonged.
After he was finished setting up his apartment, he grabbed Henry's fake apology present, left and locked the door, got into his car, and drove off until he stopped at a gas station to fuel up his car.

Henry's POV:
"That's weird, why the fuck is this camera out?!" Henry muttered, rebooting it over 5 times to no avail.
He got up from his chair and left his office to go look for William.
After all the employees said that they haven't seen him, Henry went outside to go look for William.
After not finding him, he stood under a shaded area at the front of Freddy's and waited.
He called William's phone only to be met with the voicemail that shouted "Aiya this is William Afton, get to the fucking point or don't leave a message!!"
"Your voicemail greeting's so hostile baby, what's up with that hmm?" Henry began laughing.
"Anyways, you better bring your ass back to work and fix the camera that you broke on purpose or else I'll give you more consequences!" Henry finished scolding.

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