Chapter 27: William's living teddy bear

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⚠️TW⚠️: Childhood comfort, fluff, nurturing, parents fighting and arguing

Flashback: March 9, 2014
William's 11th birthday party

Henry, Jack, and Diane were the only 3 left after all the other party guests went home.
They stayed until shortly after sunset, and left Henry there to stay overnight.
As soon as they left, Vincent and Jennifer started fighting and throwing empty purple solo cups at each other.
"You stole my paychecks and deposited them into your bank account again, you need to learn to live within our means and think about William instead of being a selfish lavish cunt!!" Jennifer yelled.
"I had to pay the fucking water bill last minute on top of a loan debt!!" Vincent yelled.
"Ahh shit, here they go again on my birthday!!" William huffed, quietly running upstairs.
Henry followed after him and shut the door.
William plopped down on his bed and started crying, causing his shimmery purple dollar store eyeshadow and blackest black mascara to run down his temples and cheeks.
"I'll be back Willy" Henry said, opening the door and heading to the nearby bathroom.
He grabbed a tissue box and makeup wipes off the counter, and a mini bottle of tiny ibuprofen tablets from the medicine cabinet and went back to William's room.
William sat up, had trouble breathing, almost started to choke, leaned his forehead on one hand, and aggressively rubbed his eyes with the other which further ruined his makeup, made some get in his eyes, and caused them to burn and sting.
"Stop that Willy, please relax for a minute!!" Henry begged, setting the stuff down on the bed, and gently pulled William's hands away from his face.
William stared back with messy, smeared, glossy tear filled eyes.
"It's okay Willy, now blow into the tissue for me" Henry said, cupping William's chin, and holding a tissue against his nose.
William blew all his snot into the tissue as Henry cleaned his nose and nostrils.
"I'm sure that feels better" Henry said softly, pulling out a makeup wipe, and gently wiping off William's crusty ruined eye makeup.
"Let's go rinse out your eyes" Henry said, walking William to the bathroom.
Being on the taller side for their age, the sink was a bit too low, so they opted for the shower head.
Henry turned on the water, and held William's eyes open so they rinsed thoroughly.
"It feels cold and I can't see anything Hen!!" William whined, after Henry turned off the water.
"Better Willy??" Henry chuckled, after gently drying William's face with a towel.
"Yeah thanks Hen Hen!!" William chuckled.
"Of course, now go lay down while I sneak us some food, snacks, water, and soda" Henry said.
William laid back down on his bed, and Henry soon joined him with the promised snuck food and drink.
"What do you want to watch Hen? I think we should watch Ghost because it's PG13 and we're technically not supposed to watch it!!" William chuckled.
"Yeah let's watch it!!" Henry laughed in agreement, snuggling under the covers with William.
"Owww!!" William winced, rubbing his temples after pressing play and dropping the remote on his comforter.
"Oh shit, you should definitely take an ibuprofen before it gets worse Willy" Henry said, handing him a water bottle and pill.
William had trouble swallowing pills but somehow managed before it dissolved into wet sandy powder.
"Oh my god what are they doing Hen?!" William giggled at the pottery scene.
"That's one of my dad's favorite songs too, holy shit!!" Henry laughed.
Henry massaged William's head for the first half of the movie while he ate chips.
They ate snacks and food, and drank soda while watching the rest of the movie.
When the credits rolled, William muttered a barely audible "I love you Hen" as he fell asleep.
"I love you too Willy" Henry chuckled lowly, kissing his nose, and gently rubbing the middle of his palm.
"I'm still conscious stupid!!" William laughed lowly, grabbing Henry's thumb.
"Hey! Let go!" Henry whined, pulling his hand away to no avail.
"No, you're like a living teddy bear" William chuckled, falling asleep for real this time.
Henry sighed, chuckled, and eventually also fell asleep.

Time skip to morning

"William wake up!! I can't move!!" Henry protested, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"Oh shit!! I'm sorry Hen!!" William laughed sleepily, letting go of Henry.
They got out of bed, got ready, changed, and ran downstairs.
They scarfed down a couple microwaved leftover pizza slices, guzzled a can of cherry cola, snatched some more snacks and water bottles, then ran out the door and to the park.
They played tag in the woods, and swung on the swing set until it was time to get to school grounds before they'd be considered tardy or truant.
Henry wrapped his arm around William's shoulder and walked him to his class, before leaving for the nearby middle school.
"Dude I think Henry Emily likes you" one of William's classmates said.
"No I don't reckon so, he's just my best friend" William nervously laughed.
"You're blind, he's smitten and y'all will definitely have kittens together when you're both grownup!!" the creepy classmate laughed.
"Haha no!! I'm not sure about that!!" William laughed.
"Whatever you say William, don't forget to invite me to the wedding" the classmate laughed.
"I don't even know your name" William sighed.

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