Chapter 11: Henry is a bloody creep

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"I've liked you since we were kids Willy, I wanted to marry you and have kittens later down the line" Henry sighed.
"Eww Henry, don't tell me you already knew what mating was at 7 years old!!" William wretched.
"Of course not Willy!! I knew kittens were made when alpha's and omega's loved each other very much, but I didn't have the first clue about why or how it worked like that" Henry laughed.
"Thank goodness!!" William sighed.
Henry laughed and would've fell out of his chair if he wasn't still tied up.
"Did you only befriend me to court me once we were late teens??" William asked, causing Henry to stop laughing and compose himself.
"No, I heard a quiet little British voice singing and followed the sound" Henry said.
"Oh yeah, I think I ran away from you!!" William chuckled.
"Yes and it hurt my feelings, so I just followed you home after school because I didn't wanna scare you even more" Henry said.
"What the fuck Henry! You're telling me you've always been a bloody creep?!" William shouted.
"I've always been protective Willy, sometimes even a little overprotective" Henry chuckled.
"I don't think your stalking, harassment, and being hyper sexual is very protective behavior Henry" William scolded, crossing his arms.
"I can still be protective despite having those traits Willy, I have a broad range of characteristics, feelings, and emotions you know?!" Henry huffed defensively, glaring at William.
"Yeah, a broad range of creepiness, entitlement, one sided attraction, and willful ignorance of my boundaries!!" William screamed.
"Well I'm tired of being subtle about my feelings and desires, now stop screaming at me like a British madman" Henry said.
"Would you rather have me scream at you in American instead?!" William screamed.
"No, I'd rather you stop screaming before customers and other staff hear you" Henry said.
"Oh god forbid an angry screaming British man exposes your true colors and tanks the business that you've worked so hard for with the help of your family's generational wealth!!" William yelled.
"Go ahead Willy, go out there and expose me to everyone and see if they believe you, make my establishment crumble!" Henry scolded.
William ran out of Henry's office and locked himself in the dark parts and services room.
He hugged an empty slumped over spring Bonnie suit and cried into it, causing some of the spring locks to activate and make a loud noise.
He got startled, jumped away, fell backward, and landed on his back into an open box of miscellaneous metal parts.
"Owww fuck!! Now Henry's going to be even more upset with me!!" William whined in pain.
"Holy shit are you okay Will??" Steve the HVAC technician asked, as he walked in and turned on the light.
"The boss is angry with me because I don't want a fucking relationship with him, even though he's a nice guy to the public, so no!!" William groaned.
"Oh man that's rough, is that his mark?" Steve asked pointing to the crook of his own neck.
"Yes, how bad is it now?" William asked.
"Awful, but I have some large skin colored bandages that can help cover it" Steve said, crouching down and helping William up.
"Thank you" William said, following him to the locker room.
"You can always come work with me when he gets to be too much. He's young enough to be my son, I'm not scared of him reprimanding and yelling at me" Steve chuckled.
"What if he fires you or something? I appreciate it but I don't want to put your job on the line and get both of us in trouble" William said.
"I understand your concerns, but I'm not afraid of him, I'm the oldest of 4 alpha sons and they were vile, plus I raised 5 of my own alpha sons.
He's dreaming if he thinks he's gonna punk me around" Steve said.
"Damn Steve, you sounded like a no nonsense bad bitch in your prime" William chuckled.
"I might've surpassed my prime long ago but rest assured that I'm still a bad bitch who doesn't put up with nonsense!!" Steve laughed.
"He got mad at that creepy girl Sally for harassing me and not taking her heat suppressants on the job, but he didn't take his rut suppressants either and he also sexually harassed me verbally before and after assaulting my neck!!" William complained.
"They both sound terrifying, please protect yourself and remember your worth Will" Steve said, sticking the bandage over William's hickey.
"Thank you!!" William cried, hugging Steve.
"I promise you not all alpha's are like him, you're handsome and wonderful to be around. I'm sure you'll eventually find someone who's worthy of being with you" Steve said, hugging William back.
William finally calmed down and felt more at ease as he breathed in Steve's metallic, sweaty, musky scent.

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