Chapter 5: Interview and Hire

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They arrived in the Freddy's parking lot and walked inside the establishment.
William was instantly overstimulated by many smells, noises, and weird lighting or lack there of.
"It can be a bit overwhelming at first but you'll get used to it, it'll be fine" Scott said.
When they were away from the bustle and laughter William filled out the application and waited.
Luckily Fazbear Entertainment wasn't prideful on employee's appearances, so that helped ease some of the pressure.
"Hi my name's Sally and I'll be interviewing you today" a high pitched voice greeted, startling him out of his daze.
William looked up and met her intense gaze behind her coke bottle glasses.
He couldn't tell if her eyes were blue or green, and she looked like a mix between female and male.
She could've easily passed for an Allan instead if she was taller, had a deeper voice, and a smaller chest that didn't stretch out her lavender t shirt.
Purple and lavender definitely aren't her colors!!, William thought.
He smelled something weird, like pheromones and they weren't coming from him.
Oh no, is she in heat?! I'm definitely not shagging her for this job!!, William thought.
"Um sir are you still there?" Sally asked.
"Yes my apologies, I recently moved back and I'm getting used to Americans again" William said.
Her energy scared him and he wasn't sure why, but he didn't want to be mean.
"Oh okay!" She said, sitting in front of him with her legs open, making the smell stronger.
Why is she in heat at a family friendly restaurant?!, William thought, trying not to gag.
"You're William Afton at least 18 years or older, correct?" Her cough medicine voice asked.
"Yes that's correct" William said.
If he wasn't distracted by her appearance before, he definitely was now.
She looked even more rough up close, he noticed a weird shaped scar next to her brow that looked like the letter Y at some angles and a crescent at others.
"Are you a U.S. citizen or at least a legal alien able to work in the United States?" Sally asked.
"Yes" William answered.
Her lightbulb shaped nose was literally sniffing out whether he was an alpha or omega, causing him to shift uncomfortably.
He had his hidden pocket knife ready incase she tried anything and he'd file a harassment complaint to the owner, boss, and CEO for good measure.

Time skip

"Congratulations Mr. Afton, you're hired immediately!!" Sally screeched.
"Thank You" William said, leaving immediately after she handed him his uniform and name tag.
She doesn't look as friendly as she acts, William thought as he changed in one of the Men's stalls.
Once changed and dressed, he left and was greeted in the main area by a man who looked to be the same age as his late mother.
"Hey what's up, I'm one of the cooks and my partner over there is one of the servers. We'll train you in no time" he said.
"Alright" William said.
After food prep and server training he moved onto the technical aspects of the restaurant.
"Hey man!" Two older men closer to Vincent's age greeted in the arcade and stage area.
One was an electrician and programmer, and the other was an HVAC technician.
He got a little sweaty, dirty, greasy, and stinkier than he already was, but the men were patient and laid back so it was alright.
Lastly he was trained in cleaning and sanitation.
Luckily the rest of the staff were nice and made up for the unsettling interview.

Time skip

It was nighttime and the pizzeria closed. The cook made William a mini personal sized cheese pizza as a thank you for his efforts.
William hugged and thanked him before devouring it and guzzling a small Coke Zero after.
Scott gave him a ride home and congratulated him on getting the job.
William cleaned himself head to toe with hand wipes, dry shampooed his hair, brushed his teeth and fell asleep.
After his first work week he earned his paycheck, had his water turned back on, and took a proper nighttime shower.
Another week went by and he had his electricity back, he could eat his shrimp ramen noodles and watch YouTube on a slightly bigger screen.
Whenever he was at work, he kept hearing about the boss coming back but didn't give it much thought.
Though he loved all his coworkers except for Sally, he wasn't exactly eager to meet the person in charge.

Henry's POV

He received an email about a newly hired employee at his Freddy's location in Hurricane.
His return was coming up in less than a week and he wasn't usually interested in opening those emails but the employee's name peaked his curiosity.
"William Afton?! My Willy's back!!" Henry cheered in his hotel room.
"You tried staying away from me but you just walked right into my trap, I'll be back soon Willy!!" Henry chuckled, shutting his laptop and falling asleep.

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