Chapter 31: Old chipped bedpan

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William sped into the parking lot, almost running over the mean old man who he met in the pharmacy line from the day before.
"Oh son of a bitch, people are so rude now!!" the scared old man huffed, trying to catch up to his early teenage grandkids who had no regard for him.
It took all of Henry's strength not to burst into laughter at the situation he just witnessed.
"Kids get the damn door!!" The old man whined as he started coughing.
"HELLO WELCOME TO FREDDY FAZBEAR'S-" Henry began greeting.
"Yeah yeah, I don't talk to bums" the old man sighed.
"Excuse me?!" Henry shouted, standing in front of the entrance.
"Hey you can't-" the old man began protesting.
"I'm the owner and I very well can!!" Henry scolded sternly, crossing his arms.
"But I need to use this shit before it expires" the old man complained, showing Henry the voucher.
"Hmm okay, your grandkids are welcome inside if they wanna be here, you sir aren't and I'll have you arrested for trespassing" Henry said.
The teenagers eyes lit up in joy at the thought of not having to have their miserable entitled grandpa tag alongside them.
"Go ahead and call the damn cops on me, I don't care!!" the old man huffed.
"Very well then" Henry said, letting the teenagers inside with the voucher and closing the door before the old man could wedge it with his cane or foot.
"Thought you were gonna try some shit with me huh, you old chipped bedpan" Henry chuckled, speed dialing Cliff and Reed.
"Hey what's up Henry?" Cliff chuckled.
"I need you and Reed to do me a favor" Henry said.
"Alright sure, Reed get over here! Now what do you need Henry?" Cliff asked.
"The same entitled old bastard who mistreated my soon to be pregnant husband at the pharmacy yesterday is now over here at Freddy's harassing and insulting me like his blood pressure and sugar depends on it" Henry said.
"Oh hell no that's unacceptable, we'll give him a good zap and a sedation shot if we have to" Cliff said.
"Thanks you guys are the best, see you soon" Henry said, grinning sinisterly at the now even more pathetic frightened old man.
"We'll be there in a jiffy" Cliff chuckled, hanging up.
"You're the same crusty old wank sock from yesterday, how lovely to see you again!!" William grinned and chuckled, with hate and disgust lacing his voice.
"Please leave me alone, I promise I'll pay back your boss's pity money!!" the scared old man pleaded and begged in fear.
"It's not pity money if you guilted it out of, threatened, and hurt the soon to be father of my kittens" Henry huffed sternly.
"I didn't-!" the old man started trembling in denial.
"Lies, I called the security surveillance company last evening, and had them ship me an overnight priority copy here at the office" Henry said.
"No! No! No!" the old man yelled, trying to swing his cane at William's stomach.
"What the fuck?! I'm not even pregnant you psycho bell-ends!!" William shouted, backing away and hiding behind Henry.
"Not yet, and even then he has no right to hurt you or anyone else like that!!" Henry shouted with venom lacing his voice, glaring blazing daggers into the old man's crumbling soul.
"My life is over!! I'm ruined!!" the old man shouted and cried, as police sirens and screeching tires grew closer and sounded louder.
"HURRICANE UTAH POLICE!! HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK AND FACE THE OPPOSITE WAY!!" Cliff shouted as he got out of the driver's seat.
"DROP THE CANE OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS OR CAN BE USED AS A WEAPON IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET TAZED!!" Reed shouted as he got out of the passenger seat.
The old man reluctantly complied, not wanting to get physically hurt or brutalized.
"We're going to ask for your first and last name and date of birth, if they don't match what's on your driver's license, then you'll face additional charges and repercussions" Cliff said, handing the old man's license over to Reed.
"Herbert Wilson, June 8th, 1938" the old man croaked out weakly.
"It matches Cliff, let's load him in and take him away" Reed said, handing over Herbert's driver's license.
"You're quite the manipulative scamming con artist aren't you Herbert?" Cliff chuckled, as Reed helped him lift, guide, and load Herbert into the back of their vehicle by the armpit.
"I fucking hate cops, but I have to admit that your guys are pretty impressive when they need to be" William chuckled lowly, into Henry's ear.
"I know they're the best of the best, but not handsome like or as brilliant as you Willy" Henry chuckled.
"Charming, why don't you go have a throuple marriage with them then?" William sighed, walking into Freddy's, and locking himself in the mostly empty spare office.
"William c'mon" Henry sighed, getting ready to follow after him, until Cliff and Reed asked if they can question him in his office.
"Sure as always, but make it fast this time because I need to calm down my mate" Henry said.
"I don't think he's the jealous type" Cliff said.
"Maybe it's best not to keep pursuing him, even if you haven't done anything wrong" Reed said.
"What the hell are you guys trying to say?!" Henry shouted defensively.

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