Chapter 14: S-A-V-E Y-N !!

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⚠️TW⚠️:Sexual Assault/Knife Violence
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Sally tackled Y/N and knocked the wind out of him as his chest smacked the ground.
The pain from the impact spread throughout the rest of his upper body, temporarily impairing his ability to move.
Sally released a sinister high pitched giggle as she flipped Y/N over and pinned his wrists down.
He froze in silence and shock as she bit his chin, neck, and shoulders.
"Mmm I've always wanted to bite you Y/N" Sally cooed, parting Y/N's lips with her teeth and shoving her tongue inside as he whined in pain.
Y/N was still frozen as Sally slid her short chubby hands with chipped nail polish underneath his shirt, unclasped his front closing bra, squeezed his boobs, and pinched his nipples, making him whimper in pain and protest.
"We both know I pinch real nice baby" Sally teased after breaking the kiss.
She lifted up his shirt and smirked at his exposed boobs rising up and down from his anxious rapid breathing.
"Even if you don't lactate, I'd love to make you squirm pretty omega" Sally said, suckling Y/N.
He softly cried as she sucked on his poor nipples and his vagina became slick, making it worse.
"Mmm my pretty baby's producing a lot of slick huh?" Sally teased, trailing kisses and bites down
Y/N's stomach until she reached his waist.
Sally pulled down Y/N's pants and smirked at the strong scented expanding wet spot on his panties.
If only these Walmart granny panties were actually the deterrent they're stereotyped as!! Y/N thought.
Sally pinned Y/N's hips and thighs down, kissing his vulva through the wet fabric.
"Hope you don't mind if I pull your pretty panties down with my teeth" Sally cooed, before doing exactly that.
Sally trailed kisses and bites up and down Y/N's
V-line and inner thighs until they left multiple hickeys that only she could see.
Once Y/N dripped more slick, Sally started rubbing his clitoris until he grew overstimulated and begged for her to stop.
Sally pulled her hand away and started licking Y/N's clitoris instead.
Y/N tried pulling on Sally's hair to get her off of him, but instead it aroused her more and she stuck her middle and ring finger inside him.
She licked and fingered him at the same time until he got tired and gave up.
Y/N almost passed out until he saw a tall, dark, and handsome figure running towards them in the distance holding a mysterious object.

William's POV:
He sped to the woods by car and tracked them both down by the smell of their pheromones.
"Leave him alone you cunt fucking hog!!" William shouted, sprinting behind Sally repeatedly stabbing and slicing at her shoulders.
Sally rolled over ready to fight back, but William sliced the webbing of her thumb and stabbed her opposite wrist as she instinctively covered her gash.
He sliced multiple cuts on her upper arms and repeatedly stabbed her boobs and stomach.
He jabbed his pocketknife into her knees as deep as the blade would go then hastily pulled it out.
He retracted the blade and repeatedly bashed her head with the handle until she passed out.
William dropped his pocketknife back into the front of his boxers and checked on Y/N.
"I'm so sorry she sexually assaulted you" William said, pulling Y/N's panties and pants back up, clasping his bra shut, and pulling his shirt back down.
"Thank you um William" Y/N said weakly, reading his name tag as William carefully lifted and held him bridal style.
Y/N opened his phone to concerned frantic messages from his sister.
"My sister's worried about me, maybe I should get back to Freddy's" Y/N said.
"Screw Freddy's, we're going to the fucking police station!!" William yelled, running to his car with
Y/N still in his arms.
He carefully sat Y/N down in the passenger seat and buckled him in.
He got in, buckled up, and sped off to the police station.
Y/N's phone rang and he answered to his sister asking where he was with anger and anxiety in her voice.
He was still too frozen in shock to react or verbally respond, so William took the phone instead.
"We're on our way to the police station right now Miss, one of my coworkers just sexually assaulted
Y/N, but he's safe with me now" William said.
"What the fuck are you serious?!" Y/N's sister shouted.
"Unfortunately yes, please call the police and tell them that the assailant is injured and passed out in the nearby woods" William said.
"What do they look like and what's their name?"
Y/N's sister asked.
"She's Y/N's ex and her name's Sally, she's short, fairly chubby, has a massive chest, light blue or green eyes behind coke bottle glasses, a big round light bulb nose, and a weird scar next to her eyebrow that looks like a crescent and the letter Y" William said.
"Oh no it's that person, I told Y/N to let them go. I'm meeting you guys at the police station" his sister said.
"Alright we'll see you there" William said, hanging up the phone.
"Hi, how is everything?!" Henry cheerfully asked
Y/N's sister.
"One of your employees sexually assaulted my brother and I'm going to the police!!" Y/N's sister shouted.
"Oh no I'm so sorry about that? Which employee was it? I'll call the police right now, just go make sure your brother's okay!" Henry said.
"It was Sally and she's injured in the nearby woods according to a random British man who answered my brother's phone" Y/N's sister said.
"Okay thank you, now go!!" Henry said.
Y/N's sister left with her kids and Henry went back to his office to call the police and left shortly after to meet with officers just outside of the woods.

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