Chapter 6: He's back!!

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It was a pleasant Friday afternoon, work went smooth as usual until he heard everyone shout
"Hey boss you're back!! How'd it go?!"
William slightly peaked his head out of the hallway expecting to see a tired middle aged grouch, but saw a tall, chubby, bearded strawberry blonde man who was happy and cheerful instead.
Oh shit it can't be!!, William thought, pulling his head back and leaning against the wall as his heart thumped out of his chest.
"It's okay William, there's nothing to be afraid of I'll protect you" a familiar high pitched voice said, pulling him into a hug.
"I don't want your bloody protection, let me go Sally!!" William spat, reaching for his pocket knife.
"I know I'm short and look fluffy, but I'm pure muscle underneath" Sally said.
"Yeah right, get your giant fucking tits out of my face, I'm not into women!!" William shouted.
"Woah there, is everything okay over here?" A deep male voice asked.
"Oh yes we're just fine boss" Sally said.
"Well I'm not!! She's fucking harassed me ever since she interviewed and gave me the job!!" William shouted.
"Hmm is that true Sally?" Henry asked.
"No it's not!! He's lying!! I'd never-!!" Sally panicked.
"Stop it! I expect to see you in my office, now beat it Sally!" Henry scolded, cutting her off.
Sally let go of William and ran down the hallway crying.
"Are you okay?" Henry asked, lifting up William's chin to look at him.
William stared back at him frozen in silence.
"I don't remember you being so nonverbal Willy, she must've done a bad number on you" Henry said.
"She doesn't take heat suppressants on the job" William finally spoke up.
"What?! That's very unprofessional, especially in a family friendly children's establishment!!" Henry growled.
"She was in heat while interviewing me and I smelt her pheromones because she sat way to close to me with her legs spread" William said.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I'll have a talk with her. She won't bother you again I promise" Henry said.
William shyly nodded and gestured his head towards the main area.
"Oh yeah you need to get back to work, just clean the tables and sweep the floor" Henry said, heading to his office and slamming the door.
William left the hallway and followed Henry's instructions.
It is him after all..just my fucking luck, William thought quietly releasing a breath.

Henry's POV

Henry sat down in his desk chair, facing and glaring at a pathetically sobbing Sally.
"Stop crying Sally, this is a happy place and you're not being professional" Henry said.
Sally nodded, repressing her sobs while getting reprimanded.
"So I heard you've harassed our new hire and made him feel unsafe" Henry said.
"No he's lying I swear!!" Sally blurted out.
"If that's the case, then why are you so worked up in a fit of crocodile tears hmm?" Henry asked.
"I'm upset that he'd make these kinds of accusations!!" Sally cried.
"Let's check the cameras and audio from his first day on the job" Henry said, logging into the security system on his computer and turning up the volume.
"His body language indicated discomfort and you sat way too close to him, which only made it worse.
He shifted uncomfortably throughout his interview" Henry said.
"He never told me that I made him uncomfortable!!" Sally whined.
"You're trained to spot when someone feels unsafe based on their body language, but you completely ignored his" Henry said.
"You're both being frivolous, I didn't do anything to him!!" Sally snapped.
"I'm being serious and acknowledging your very peculiar demeanor" Henry said.
"No I don't have a weird demeanor!!" Sally yelled.
"Instead of admitting your neglect and owning up, you're crying and yelling at your superior.
I presumed that your work ethic and professionalism was better than this Sally" Henry said.
Henry observed the rest of the security footage from his absence and noticed that William intentionally hid from and avoided Sally whenever he could.
"Am I getting fired?!" Sally panicked.
"I won't fire you, but I'll transfer you to night shift security" Henry said.
"But I'm not qualified for that and I'll be by myself!!" Sally protested.
"You're a quick learner, you'll be fine" Henry said.
"But what if the animatronics get more than just a bit quirky at night??" Sally sobbed.
"I'll have Scott stay tonight and train you for your new night guard position. Until then you're on women's toilet duty. Keep it clean and restocked" Henry said, gesturing at the door for her to leave.
Sally left to the women's bathroom, still sobbing.
William was relieved Henry solved the harassment issue, but he still worried that it was partially to eliminate her as competition.
He didn't want either of them, and his new focus was avoiding Henry.

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