Chapter 9: Irresponsible Boss

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William ran into the kitchen crying and covering his hickey.
"Are you okay William?!" The server asked.
"Don't tell anyone, but the boss kind of assaulted my neck" William whispered.
"Oh my god I never took him for such a freak!!" The server whisper yelled.
"He's worse than that..more than a creepy weirdo if you will" William whispered while making coffee.
Coincidentally, Creep by Radiohead started playing on the kitchen radio.
The server burst out laughing and William shuddered, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.
Yeah that's right he's mine bitches, Henry thought watching and listening to the cameras.
Once the coffee was done William added flavored creamer and took it back to Henry's office.
"I overheard your guy's little gossip session, more than a creepy weirdo huh??" Henry laughed.
William nodded gently setting the coffee down on Henry's desk.
"That would be correct, I'm also a CEO, business owner, and your boss" Henry said.
"Someone can be accomplished and dodgy at the same time you know" William sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, yourself for example. You had straight A's and went on to earn a certificate and degree in robotics, but you stole from elderly Christian owned shops that didn't believe in cameras and censors when we were growing up" Henry said.
"You're comparing low level sexual assault to petty retail theft? C'mon now Henry!" William scoffed.
"I'm just saying Willy, you're not as better than me as you think" Henry laughed.
"Thanks for the reminder, I'll be stealing from them again if they're still alive and open for business" William said.
"And spend several days and nights in a holding cell?? That's not a good idea Willy" Henry said.
"As long as it gets me away from you, I'm fine with that" William said.
"It won't, because I'll bail you out and you'll just be stuck with me again" Henry said.
"At least I still have my own place to live and you're not welcome or invited" William huffed, crossing his arms.
"Gatekeeping the most ghetto apartment complex in Hurricane isn't a flex Willy" Henry sighed.
"Bitch I already told you I'm dirt fucking broke!! It's all I can afford!!" William groaned.
"Then come live with me once your lease expires" Henry said.
"Oh no I couldn't do that even if I actually wanted to" William said.
"I have plenty of room for you, though I'd prefer you naked and leaking all over my bed" Henry chuckled.
"Yeah no, I don't want to leak slick anywhere, especially in your fucking house" William said.
"I'll clean you with my tongue and wash the sheets and mattress protector, it's no big deal" Henry said.
"I don't want to be wet with slick in the first place no matter where I am and who I'm with, and I also don't want your tongue anywhere near me let alone on my bits and bum!!" William growled.
Seeing William worked up made Henry's penis throb and ache with need.
William wrinkled his nose in disgust at the smell of Henry's rut.
"I'm not wanking or sucking you off Henry, I'll reluctantly kiss your lips, but that's it!!" William sighed.
"That's fine, but can I touch myself while you kiss me??" Henry pleaded.
"No! Horny pathetic Alpha's off rut suppressants don't get any kisses!!" William scolded, crossing his arms and making eye contact.
"I'm leaving all of my tasks to you then, because I'm not an efficient worker when I'm horny like this" Henry sighed.
"Would you like me to find your rut suppressants as well Henry?" William asked.
"Yeah, it's getting worse and harder to restrain myself!!" Henry panted.
"Is it alright if I tie you up and gag you before you completely lose control?" William asked.
"Yeah that's fine, but please be fast!!" Henry grunted.
William ran backstage for some spare rope, grabbed a brand new microfiber cloth and tie from the supply closet, and rushed back to Henry's office locking the door behind him.
William tied Henry to his office chair, gagged him and frantically searched the entire office, every drawer and locker, miscellaneous boxes and organizers, and Henry's work bag but didn't find any rut suppressants in or out of their packaging.
"Guess I'll have to go to the pharmacy if that's alright with you" William said.
He named every drugstore until Henry nodded yes, looked up the nearest locations and named them until Henry nodded yes again.
William pulled it up on his GPS and ran out of Henry's office.
The crew looked at William with concern asking if everything was okay.
"Henry's feeling ill right now and needs to be left alone for awhile until I'm back with medicine" William said, running out the exit.
He got in his car, sped to the pharmacy, and ran to the line cutting off an angry old man on a scooter.
"Hey that's rude young man!!" The old man groaned, hitting William's ankle with his cane.
"Don't fucking try me you old wank sock, I've already been harassed and assaulted at work today and now I'm picking up emergency rut suppressants for my irresponsible boss!!" William growled, snatching the old man's cane and crushing the assorted sandwich cookies in his basket.
"Oh man that was the last case!!" The old man whined.
"I'll happily pay for that and your medication on my boss's dime" William laughed, flashing a platinum silver debit card.
"I don't want your boss's pity money young man!!" The old man whined.
"I'll throw in a voucher for Freddy's, you can bring your grandchildren" William said.
"Fine!!" The old man huffed.

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