Chapter 21: Not to get your hopes up

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Henry got out of the shower, dried himself off, and moisturized with shea butter body cream.
William stood frozen in shock under the steaming hot water, unsure of what to say or do.
He didn't exactly feel bad about or find some twisted  enjoyment in making Henry cry.
Henry left the bathroom, put on a clean tank top and boxers, and plopped down onto William's bed, crying into one of the pillows.
William washed, rinsed, dried, and moisturized his body, all whilst zoning out between each step.
He went over his barely noticeable acne with equate which hazel soaked on a cotton ball and moisturized his face once it dried.
Look at me, heartbroken by, desperate for, and crying over a rude British brat who's covered in Walmart brand products..fucking WALMART!! Henry thought, screaming into and punching the sides of the pillow.
"Oh, you're still here, punching my pillow and dirtying it with your snot" William laughed.
"Ah shit, I'm sorry about that" Henry sniffled, letting go of and pulling away from the pillow.
"It's alright Henry, I'm just glad you didn't wank off in my sheets" William chuckled, applying women's gel deodorant, and putting his boxers on.
"I'd rather cum in your boxers" Henry laughed.
"Gross!! Why are you still here being creepy after I hurt your feelings to the point of tears?!" William yelled.
"Because I'm not the type to leave or ignore my mate after a fight, I'm staying whether you like it or not" Henry sighed.
"Fine, but at least switch to aluminum deodorant!!" William huffed, getting into bed and passing out.
I don't use aluminum free deodorant, what the fuck is he talking about? Henry thought, before realizing that he forgot to apply his deodorant.
He got back up to apply deodorant and brush his teeth, then shook William awake out of frustration and feeling insulted.
"What the fuck Henry!! I was sleeping!!" William whined, slapping his hands away.
"Yeah, with stank ass breath William! Your molars look terrible! Did you even utilize the NHS back in England as a teenager?!" Henry huffed.
"I did actually, but then Vincent went to prison and my mum died from covid shortly before my 18th birthday!!" William shouted, holding in tears.
"Oh shit! Your mom passed away?! I'm so sorry Willy, you could've reached out to me instead of grieving alone and suffering in silence" Henry said.
"It's alright, I didn't want your help back then and I still don't want it now" William said.
"Still stubborn and prideful I see" Henry sighed.
"No it's not that, I just don't want to give you the wrong idea and get pregnant" William said.
"Our mating cycle and bond is inevitable Willy, the only things that are holding it back are suppressants and your stubbornness against nature" Henry said, cupping William's jaw.
"Please let go of my face Henry, you don't get to be simultaneously affectionate and degrading" William said sternly.
"I'm only being mean back because you started all of this Willy, you've insulted me, talked back, and bad mouthed me to anyone who'd listen all day" Henry said, stroking William's cheek with his thumb.
"Stop sexually harassing me then, it'll only give me more to talk about" William said.
"That's perfectly fine, I don't want our chemistry to be a secret" Henry said.
"More like your undisciplined one sided sexual attraction, I'm sure you only want me simply because I don't want you to have me" William huffed.
"That's not true! I'll always be in love with you, whether you choose to reciprocate it or not!!" Henry cried.
"Use your imagination and wank off then, or hire a male escort who looks enough like me and call him William, because I don't want you and I won't give you my bits that easily!!" William shouted.
"I'm not going to marry and impregnate a gold digging manwhore who exploits himself and fucks every local male anti gay politician for money!!" Henry growled.
"Easy now Henry, you don't have to slander those men just because they're not your type and you dislike what they do for a living" William chuckled.
"Would you date or fuck them?" Henry asked.
"No! I'm not trying to catch anything or go even more broke than I already am!" William scoffed.
"That's good, you're still ridiculously smart" Henry sighed in relief.
"Yeah, not to get your hopes up or anything, but in a hypothetical situation, I'd rather shag you" William chuckled.
"Really hmm? Tell me more!!" Henry pleaded.
"Because you wouldn't shag anyone else, be it for work purposes or plain infidelity" William said.
"Is this your way of telling me that you trust me?" Henry asked.
"Not really, I still don't trust that you're not going to get me pregnant" William said.
"Fair enough, now go brush your teeth! Your breath stinks all the way from here" Henry said, letting go of William's jaw.
"Fine, I'll go before you tell me a third time" William sighed, rolling his eyes as he got up and left.

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