Chapter 7: Lunch with Jack

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William was relieved that he hadn't encountered Henry since the hallway incident with Sally.
Despite his shift still going smooth and having pleasant chats with customers and coworkers, he couldn't help but feel watched.
Luckily his lunch break was coming up and he could at least get out of Freddy's for a little while.
As soon as his break started, he booked it outside to the parking lot, got inside his car, and sped off.
"Hmm leaving me again so soon Willy??" Henry mimic whined and pouted as he watched William leave on the cameras.
He looked through a small stack of applications until he found William's.
"Ah! here you are Willy!!" Henry giggled, taking a picture of his phone number, email, and home address.
Henry called William and waited for him to answer.
"Aiya what?? Is this another fucking scam call?! I don't have a bloody Amazon account piss off!!" William shouted, about to hang up until snorting and male laughter caught him off guard.
"Is this some kind of shitty prank call??
I'm sure your mummy and daddy think you're a disappointment, this isn't funny!!" William shouted.
"I'm not a scammer or a prankster and my parents are quite proud of me!!" Henry laughed.
"Alright enough, tell me who you are or I'm blocking your number!!" William scolded.
"Is that anyway to talk to your boss Willy??" Henry teased snickering.
"Why are you calling me?? I'm not even on the clock right now!!" William whined.
"I just wanted to chat with my old best friend" Henry mimic whined.
"Yeah we haven't been friends in years, I blocked you for a reason, goodbye!!" William groaned hanging up.
He put his phone on silent and parked infront of a Burger King.
He was so broke that he could only afford the $5 your way meal and by dumb luck he ran into Jack.
"William is that you son?" Jack asked, blinking his wide eyes in disbelief.
"Yeah Jack it's me, how are you?!" William chuckled giving him a hug.
"I'm good, how about you? Tell you what, lunch is on me. We can sit down and catch up" Jack smiled.
"I'd like that, thank you!" William said.
They ordered their food, sat down, and chatted.
"How recently did you come back?" Jack asked.
"Two months ago, I work at the nearby Freddy's" William said.
"Oh nice, Henry owns Fazbear Entertainment and has multiple locations scattered around Utah" Jack said.
"Does he? I had no idea!" William chuckled, taking a huge bite of his oily fish sandwich.
"Yeah he started his own business 3 years ago and it's taken off ever since. I couldn't be more proud!" Jack said, biting into his double whopper with cheese.
"Wow he's done quite a lot since I've been gone" William chuckled.
"He has, he just got back from his business trip observing his other locations" Jack said.
"Kind of like that show Undercover Boss??" William asked.
"Yeah minus the silly disguises and fake names" Jack chuckled.
"How'd he do it??" William asked.
"He hid in one of his mascot suits and wandered around making sure everything ran smoothly" Jack said.
"That sounds kind of creepy oh my!!" William chuckled.
"Yeah he's always been a unique guy" Jack laughed.
"I suppose we can't have him any other way" William laughed.
"Nope he's always been and always will be himself" Jack chuckled.
"I applied to Freddy's a month ago and had no idea he owned it. The girl who hired me was a creep, but other than that everyone has been amazing" William said.
"Well that's good, I've heard he's a nice boss and business owner" Jack said.
"That's what everyone said all week but they never told me it was him" William said.
"Now you know, it looks like someone's blowing up your phone with calls" Jack said.
"Oh shit Henry!!" William panicked, seeing 21 missed calls from Henry's unsaved number on his lock screen.
Another call came in before he could even unlock his phone.
"Henry I'm so sorry..I ran into your dad and wanted to catch up!! I'll pass him the phone as proof, here" William panicked, handing the phone to Jack.
"Sorry for keeping him son, we lost track of time and forgot he was on a limited lunch break in the first place" Jack chuckled.
"It's fine, but don't make a habit of stealing him away from me. I'm gonna need him here quite a lot" Henry said.
"Okay son, mentally noted" Jack chuckled, handing the phone back to William.
"I'll be on my way don't worry Henry" William nervously chuckled.
"Come see me in my office immediately when you get back" Henry said.
"And if I don't?" William asked.
"Don't poke and prod at your superior Willy" Henry teased, lowering his voice deeper than it already was.
"Alright fine, bye now Henry" William sighed hanging up the call.
"It was nice seeing you again Jack, thank you for lunch!" William said.
"You too, no problem son!" Jack said.
They walked out together and parted ways in their cars.

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