Chapter 3: British Birthday Boy

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July 19, 2015
Thankfully Vincent and Jennifer let William take the textbook with him on the flight.
He missed Henry more than he thought he would, and thought about when Jennifer said to hang onto him the day before.

Time skip

They landed in England and took a cab to their new estate.
William messaged Henry throughout the entire car ride until he arrived at his new home.
"You'll probably run into some culture shocks, but hopefully you'll adjust in a couple years or less" Vincent said.
"I have an accent and speak the dialect I'll be fine" William sighed.
"Yes but the U.K. is quite different from the U.S. and you're not legally a British citizen yet" Vincent said.
"Oh bloody!" William sighed.
"It's okay, you'll get through it and build somewhat of a community" Vincent said.
"Vincent love, I think we should give him some space and time to process" Jennifer said.
William went upstairs to his new room and plopped down on the mattress, unlocking his phone and video calling Henry.
"Hello Willy, I was waiting for you to call" Henry chuckled.
"Hiya Hen Hen, it feels silly to admit this but-" William began.
"Spit it out c'mon Willy!!" Henry laughed.
"I miss you more than I thought I would" William sighed.
"I am pretty hard to forget, especially when I literally kissed you twice" Henry chuckled.
"You were my only kiss for now and it was recent, of course I remember it Hen!!" William chuckled.
"Don't hesitate to tell me if you ever kiss any others" Henry said.
"Eww I'm not kissing another Brit Hen!!" William shuddered.
"What about other Europeans??" Henry teased.
"I don't even like Europeans!!" William whined.
"What do you like then Willy?" Henry asked.
"I don't know mate, I haven't even had my first heat cycle yet" William said.
"Some alpha's and omega's are late developers don't feel bad Willy" Henry said.
"I'm indifferent to be honest" William said.

Time skip

March 9, 2019
William woke up to his phone loudly ringing.
The screen read "VIDEO CHAT FROM HEN HEN"
Oh shit I'm only in boxers!! eh what the hell.. I'm sure he won't mind, William thought as he pressed answer.
"Hello Hen Hen..isn't it late for you over there?" William chuckled.
"Yes but it's your 16th birthday, happy birthday British birthday boy!!" Henry chuckled.
"Thank you Hen Hen, I'm glad I woke up to this, it's been years since we chatted face to face" William said.
"It has, you look so different now" Henry chuckled.
"So do you Hen, you have a full on beard now, it looks amazing!!" William laughed.
"Thanks Willy, got any plans after you finish secondary school?" Henry asked.
"Yeah, I'm heading to uni and studying robotics" William said.
"Nice, I'm jealous. Still have one year left of high school here..I just had to be born in December I guess" Henry sighed.
"At least you'll be old enough to find and knot a mate in 9 months" William chuckled.
"Nah Willy, I'm not interested in the omegas that Utah has to offer" Henry said.
"I'm sure there has to be cute omegas somewhere in the local area" William said.
"I don't want them and I'm not interested in having fuck buddies" Henry sighed.
"I feel you Hen, the amount of alphas I had to fight off last month was crazy" William said.
"You had your first heat cycle last month Willy??" Henry asked in surprise.
"Uh yeah it started in the middle of my last class for the day and I didn't have any heat suppressants" William said.
"Oh no dude..that must've been so awkward" Henry cringed.
"It was, my inner thighs were covered in slick and it was so wet and uncomfortable, all my alpha classmates smirked and stared me down" William said.
"That's fucking creepy dude, stay away from those fuckers" Henry said.
"They've stayed away from me since I stabbed and sliced at their knots for chasing and cornering me on my way home from school" William said.
"Not to condone violence or anything but atta brit!!" Henry laughed.
"I wasn't originally from here Hen" William sighed.
"You still speak with a British accent and dialect, and two British people mated to conceive your existence" Henry laughed.
"Eww Hen I don't want that visual!!" William wretched.
"I forget you have a vivid imagination that doesn't take much to over activate" Henry laughed.
"You've been quite nasty and feral since your many rut cycles over the years Hen" William sighed.
"Yeah my parents put me on rut suppressants but I forget to take them" Henry said.
"Bloody hell, you're mental Hen!! I reckon I should go before you unsettle me further!!" William cringed.
"Aww birthday boy don't leave me so soon!!" Henry pouted with a mimicking whine.
"Yeah I'm done, bye bye now Hen" William sighed, ending the video chat.

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