Chapter 13: Sally the slag's spinoff

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Sally's POV:
She saw someone who looked vaguely familiar but
couldn't place them because her memory was as she
put it herself, "shit on a stick."
They were next to a woman who looked very similar
to them and 3 children.
The person looked happily unaware of their surroundings, until they accidentally glanced at her.
She glanced right back at them with her curious, inviting, and predatory stare.
They froze in shock as the woman and children kept walking ahead.
"Y/N are you okay?!" The woman called out, once she realized her brother wasn't nearby anymore.
Y/N?? That name sounds familiar, Sally thought.
"Yeah, I misplaced my wallet and phone. I'll meet you guys inside when I find them!" Y/N called back.
That was a lie, Y/N recognized Sally and saw this as
opportunity to enact the vengeance he imagined for
nearly a year.

William's POV:
The woman and her oldest kid smiled and said a brief polite hello back before walking off to the main area with the 2 smaller kids.
William saw Sally and Y/N staring at each other outside in the parking lot.
He knew Henry wouldn't be happy, but he was nosey and felt the urge to protect Y/N incase Sally tried anything.
He exited Freddy's, stealthily crept opposite of Sally's vantage point, and hid underneath a nearby car with his pocketknife ready.
"It's been awhile hasn't it Al-? Wait, do you still go by Allan??" Y/N asked.
"Wait..who are you how do you know-?!" Sally stammered in shock.
"Hah! You really don't remember me huh?! I'm Y/N, your ex boyfriend from the internet.
The one you talked overly dirty to and manipulated into sending nudes" Y/N said.
"But that was a long time ago and I told you not to send anything you weren't ready to" Sally said.
"That's exactly how you fooled me into thinking you were a trustworthy person. I thought you were different and serious about me" Y/N continued.
"You were also an adult and made your own decisions" Sally said.
"I wasn't very bright or mature for my age and you knew that, and it's exactly why you preyed on me"
Y/N said.
"That's not true!! I never preyed on anyone!!" Sally shouted.
"Oh it is true and I'm the fucking proof!!" Y/N shouted back.
"You're childish and making stuff up, you need therapy and you're hung up on the past" Sally said.
"I'm not making anything up and you weren't anymore mature than me at the time, you're only 2 years older than me. You have no business calling me such things when you were a childish piece of shit!!" Y/N cried.
Sally started to walk away until Y/N ran up behind her and pushed her down with all his strength.
"I'm not done confronting you bitch!" He shouted, kicking the bottom of her butt.
"I was too friendly breaking up with you but it's time to say what I should've said" Y/N continued.
"There's nothing to say, you're the one who broke up with me and blocked me" Sally said.
"I broke it off because you admitted you were too big of a chicken to do it first" Y/N said.
"I'm sorry you're still angry, I really really wanted to stay friends because I thought you were an amazing person but now I'm glad we didn't" Sally said.
"Yeah a wannabe cheater that openly admitted to having whole ass crushes on other guys after gaslighting you that you're the only one they wanted kinda changes you for the worst" Y/N said.
"I told you I felt bad" Sally said.
"Oh yeah you always emphasized how bad you felt about x y z but refused to actually listen to your guilty conscious or do anything to help both of us get through it and feel better" Y/N said.
Sally stayed quiet but was unable to move because Y/N was now stepping on her wrists.
William was bewildered and impressed by hearing Y/N unapologetically air out his raw pain.
So she is a creepy fucking slag, William thought.
"I'm glad we didn't stay friends either, you were a toxic, mean, jealous, possessive, disloyal boyfriend who only liked my boobs and bits and found humor in my anxiety and poor mental health.
I doubt you would've been any better to have as a friend!!" Y/N continued.
"Are you done yet Y/N? I'm really close to getting fired" Sally said.
"No I'm not! You danced with another guy you had a crush on a year before you met me on the anniversary of my great aunt's death and rubbed it in my face all fucking night!" Y/N shouted.
Holy shit that's low and sad, William thought.
"Not to mention you compared and turned our grief into a fucking contest!" Y/N continued.
"You're crazy I'd never do that!" Sally shouted.
"Oh but you did, I felt sad that it was almost 2 years since my great aunt from out of state passed away at the time" Y/N began.
"And?" Sally sighed.
"You implied that your grief was worse than mine because your dead grandma used to live with you"
Y/N said.
Sally loudly released an angry groan and stared into Y/N's eyes with a hateful scowl on her face.
Damn he finally hit her nerve, go Y/N!! William thought.
Sally finally yanked her hands out from underneath Y/N's shoes and stood up despite the pain.
Y/N tried running away from her but he eventually ran out of breath because of his bad stamina.
He didn't realize that he and Sally were now far away from Freddy's in a woodsy isolated area until it was too late.

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