Chapter 10: A Breath of Fresh Air

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Sunlight streamed through the ornate windows of the grand dining room, illuminating a scene of domesticity at odds with the Dragoni Rossi's usual image. At the head of the polished mahogany table sat Mama Rossi, her silver hair pulled back in a tight bun, a steaming cup of tea cradled in her wrinkled hands. Wyvern, dressed in a surprisingly casual pair of jeans and a loose sweater, sat across from her, meticulously dissecting a croissant.

Nicola sat next to her mother, chattering animatedly with Talita who sat at the other end of the table. Sofia and Luca, Wyvern's lieutenants, occupied the remaining chairs, their usual stoicism replaced by a veneer of morning drowsiness. Falco, the meticulously dressed family factotum, stood discreetly by the sideboard, a silent observer.

The air buzzed with the gentle clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation. However, a subtle tension lurked beneath the surface. Mama Rossi's gaze, usually sharp as a hawk's, kept flitting towards a closed door at the far end of the room.

Finally, she set down her teacup, "Enna," Mama Rossi began, her voice a melodic contralto, "who is the young woman occupying the guest room?"

Wyvern paused, the croissant momentarily forgotten. Her gaze flickered to Sofia and Luca, a mischievous glint dancing in their eyes. They knew, of course.

"Guest bedroom, Mama?" she said, feigning surprise. "What guest bedroom?"

Mama Rossi raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Don't play coy with me, cara mia. Nicola saw a young woman being escorted by you to that room a few days ago. She hasn't been seen since."

Wyvern cleared her throat. "Ah yes, just someone who needed a place to stay for a while," she said casually, hoping the lie wouldn't be too transparent.

Mama Rossi raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "And for how long will this 'someone' be needing a place to stay?"

Wyvern shrugged, her gaze flitting to Sofia and Luca again. They were practically vibrating with suppressed laughter.

"Just a few days," Wyvern mumbled, feeling a blush creep up her neck. "She's... not feeling well."

"Not well enough to come down for breakfast?" Mama Rossi pressed, her voice laced with amusement.

"She's... resting," Wyvern stammered, feeling increasingly flustered under her mother's scrutiny.

Sofia snorted, spraying milk across the table. "Resting for a few days? Does she have the plague?"

Luca stifled a laugh, but his shoulders shook uncontrollably. "Maybe she's a vampire," he suggested, a playful grin on his face.

Wyvern glared at them both, her cheeks burning. "It's none of your concern," she snapped, a hint of steel creeping into her voice.

Mama Rossi chuckled, the tension dissolving under her warm gaze. "Of course, darling," she said, her voice laced with affection. "But you know we all like to know who our houseguests are."

"She's... shy," Wyvern stammered, struggling to maintain eye contact.  "She's not used to... large gatherings."

Falco, ever the picture of efficiency, spoke up in his usual monotone. "Perhaps a change of scenery would be beneficial, Signorina Enna.  The young lady might appreciate some company."

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