Chapter 21: Good Night

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Wyvern's POV:

The engine purred as I navigated the city streets, the 5pm traffic a blur of headlights and taillights. Beside me, Leanna hummed softly, her gaze fixed out the window.

"So, tell me about the new medic," Leanna finally said, her voice breaking the silence.

I kept my gaze on the road ahead, my jaw clenched tight. "Contessa? She's... competent. A pre-med student, though she hasn't had much experience in the field."

"Competent, huh?" Leanna chuckled, the sound light but laced with something I couldn't quite decipher. "Or maybe... intriguing?"

I shot her a sideways glance, surprised by the knowing glint in her eyes. "Intriguing?" I scoffed, a touch too quickly. "What makes you say that?"

Leanna's smile widened, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "Come on, Wyvern. You can't fool me. There's something about that woman. The way she looks at you... the way you look at her."

My cheeks flushed, a traitorous warmth creeping up my neck. "I barely know her," I muttered, defensive.

"Maybe not," Leanna conceded. "But there's a spark there, wouldn't you say?"

I gripped the steering wheel tighter, the image of Contessa's intense gaze flashing through my mind. There was definitely a spark, a pull I couldn't explain. But the life I led, the constant danger and precarious balance of power, it wasn't conducive to... attachments.

Leanna seemed to sense my internal struggle. She reached out, placing a gentle hand on my arm. "Just be careful, Wyv," she said, her voice soft. "This world you live in... it doesn't allow for weakness."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the harsh reality I lived in. Emotions were a luxury I couldn't afford, not when betrayal could lurk around every corner.

"I know," I sighed, the weight of her words settling on my shoulders. "I'll be careful."

Leanna squeezed my arm gently before turning her gaze back to the window. We rode in silence for a while, the only sound the hum of the engine and the city's low murmur. As we reached the hospital, a towering structure bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, Leanna turned to me, brushing a soft kiss against my cheek.

"Take care of yourself, Wyv," she whispered, before stepping out of the car and disappearing into the hospital entrance.

I watched her go, a wave of conflicting emotions crashing over me. Leanna was right. This life wasn't built for attachments, yet the undeniable pull I felt towards Contessa, the way her presence stirred something deep within me, was a complication I couldn't ignore.

Slipping the car into gear, I pulled away from the hospital, the city lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of uncertainty. Contessa, Leanna, the fragile peace of our crew – everything felt precariously balanced, teetering on the edge of a change I couldn't predict.


The mansion loomed ahead, Instead of heading straight back to the base, I found myself turning towards its familiar silhouette, drawn by an unexpected urge. I needed a moment, a break from the tangled web of emotions Leanna's words had woven.

Parking the car in the familiar driveway, I took a deep breath before stepping out. The cool night air wrapped around me, carrying the faint scent of jasmine from the sprawling gardens. As I approached the grand entrance, the soft glow of lamplight spilled out from the windows, painting warm squares on the manicured lawn.

The front door swung open before I could knock, revealing Nicola standing in the threshold, her hair shimmering in the lamplight.

"Enna!" she exclaimed, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Didn't know you're coming home tonight."

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