Chapter 33: My Daughter

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Contessa's POV:

The warmth from Enna's touch lingered on my hand even as we re-entered the party. Music throbbed, bodies swayed, and laughter filled the air. Enna flitted through the crowd, greeting friends and making small talk.

Enna shot me a conspiratorial wink before grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, handing it to me.

"Just going to freshen up," she whispered, leaning close enough for her breath to tickle my ear. "Be right back."

I nodded, my heart still racing. Looking around, I spotted Nicola and Tiffany, their faces animated by conversation. Perfect.

"Contessa!" Nicola trilled, her voice laced with mock surprise. "Where'd you disappear to with Wyvern? Surely you haven't gotten bored already?"

Tiffany chimed in, her eyes twinkling.  "Don't tell me you two snuck off for a little smooch on the balcony?"

Heat flooded my cheeks, and I stammered a denial.  "No, no, just needed some fresh air."

Their laughter filled the air, light and teasing. Nicola then let out a skeptical snort. "You do seem a little flushed, Contessa. Did the balcony breeze have something to do with it?"

Before I could respond, a new voice cut through the merriment.  "Contessa, my dear. May I have a word?"

Standing there with a gentle expression was Mama Rossi,  "Of course, Signora," I replied, unsure what to expect.

Mama Rossi gestured towards a secluded alcove, away from the prying eyes of the partygoers.  Nicola and Tiffany's playful banter died down as they watched us leave, their curiosity piqued.  A knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach. Had I done something wrong?

I followed Mama Rossi, my mind racing with possibilities, as we retreated into the cool, shadowed corner.

The alcove was swallowed in a cool, dim light, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the party. Mama Rossi studied me intently. 

"Contessa," she began, her voice surprisingly gentle, "you and Enna... something's different, isn't there?"

I fought down the urge to fidget, my heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs. "Different? I... I don't know what you mean, Signora."

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.  It wasn't a mocking smile, but a knowing one, a smile that sent a warmth through me despite my nervousness.  "Don't play coy, child.  The way Enna looks at you... the way you two interact... it's different now."

My cheeks burned. Could it be that obvious? Is Enna ready to tell her mom? But before I could voice any of these anxieties, Mama Rossi continued, her voice taking on a softer tone.

"Enna... she hasn't been easy with relationships. She throws herself into her work, always pushing herself.  But seeing her with you..."  She paused, a hint of a wistful smile gracing her lips.  "'s a joy I haven't seen in her eyes for a long time."

Relief washed over me, mingled with a surprising warmth.  "Enna... she makes me happy too, Signora."  The words tumbled out before I could stop them, raw and honest.

Mama Rossi's smile widened, this time reaching her eyes.  "That's all a mother wants, Contessa," she said, her voice filled with warmth.  "To see her child happy. And with you, Enna seems... different. Lighter, more content."

There was a beat of comfortable silence between us, then Mama Rossi reached out, placing a gentle hand on mine.  "Just take care of her, Contessa," she said, her voice dropping to a low murmur. "She deserves someone who appreciates her fire, and all the quiet moments in between."

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