Chapter 31: Mama's Party

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Contessa's POV:

The limousine glided effortlessly through the sprawling city, the sleek black exterior a stark contrast to the vibrant cityscape blurring past the windows. Enna sat beside me, a slight frown creasing her brow as she reviewed some documents on her tablet. Across from us, Sofia scrolled through her phone, while Luca regaled Tiffany with some outlandish story, his booming laughter filling the luxurious interior.

My stomach churned with a nervous mix of excitement and apprehension. Tonight was Mama Rossi's birthday party, a lavish affair that would see the Rossi mansion overflowing with business partners, old family friends, and a who's who of the city's underworld elite. Most of whom, I was certain, wouldn't hesitate to judge my every move.

"Nervous, Tesoro?" Enna asked, her voice a low rumble as she finally looked up from her tablet.

I forced a smile, though I knew it probably didn't reach my eyes. "A little," I admitted. "It's not exactly my scene, mingling with all these... high rollers."

Enna reached across the plush seat, squeezing my hand gently. "Don't worry," she reassured me, her voice warm and understanding. "You'll do great. Just stick close to me, and if anyone gets out of line..." She trailed off, winking at me. "Just tell me."

"It's okay, I can handle myself...I think." I replied, smiling at her.

She chuckled, "I know you can, but still, they should know better than to mess with my love."

"Alright lover girl, I will tell you right away." I replied, rolling my eyes at her cheekiness.

As the limousine pulled up to the imposing wrought-iron gates of the mansion. "Alright, people," Enna declared, her voice laced with mock seriousness, "we're about to enter the lion's den. Remember the plan: smile, mingle, avoid discussing any... sensitive business matters, and for the love of all that's holy, don't sleep with any of the Vipera's women."

"Definitely not again." Luca replied, shaking his head vigorously. Sofia chuckled at him, with Tiffany joining in.

As we stepped out of the car, the strains of classical music drifted out from the open doors. Enna offered me a reassuring smile, her hand brushing against mine.  The silent gesture of comfort sent a warmth through me, chasing away the last vestiges of doubt.

"Ready, Tesoro?" she murmured, her voice a low rumble.

I met her gaze, a newfound confidence blooming within me.  "Ready," I replied, my voice firm.  "Let's do this."


Stepping into the grand foyer of the mansion, I was immediately assaulted by a cacophony of sounds – lively chatter, tinkling glasses, and the rhythmic beat of a string quartet tucked away in a corner. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the opulent space, illuminating a sea of well-dressed men and women, all conversing in hushed tones.

The air crackled with a tension that went beyond mere social awkwardness. This was a gathering of power players, every word, every gesture, a calculated move in a game I barely understood. Despite Enna's reassurances, I couldn't help but feel a prickle of self-consciousness as curious eyes scanned us. Tiffany, ever flamboyant, seemed to revel in the attention, her fiery red dress and infectious laughter turning heads wherever she went.

A confident smile played on Enna's lips as she steered me through the crowded room, her eyes scanning the gathering. We were an imposing duo, Enna radiating an aura of power, and me... well, I tried my best to project an air of quiet competence despite the nervous flutter in my stomach. Everywhere we turned, heads swiveled, eyes lingering on us with a mixture of curiosity and speculation.

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