Chapter 17: Something To Do

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Sunlight, pale and tentative, peeked through the gaps in the heavy curtains, dappling Contessa's face in a mosaic of light and shadow. She stirred, the events of the previous night swirling through her mind like a fragmented dream. The gunshots, the terror, the unexpected comfort of Wyvern's embrace – it all felt surreal, a stark contrast to the luxurious surroundings of the bedroom.

A soft rapping at the door jolted her fully awake. "Contessa! Wake up, sleepyhead!" came Tiffany's voice from the other side of the door, laced with an uncharacteristic excitement. "You gotta see this!"

Contessa groaned, the throbbing ache in her arm a unwelcome reminder of the night's events. "Yeah," she mumbled, forcing her eyes open. "Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing Tiffany, a wide smile plastered on her face. She bounced into the room, arms laden with shopping bags that threatened to topple over.

"Guess what?" Tiffany practically sang, her voice bubbling with infectious enthusiasm. "Somebody went shopping for us!"

Contessa blinked, the fog of sleep slowly clearing from her mind. "Shopping?"

"Uh-huh!" Tiffany exclaimed, dropping the bags onto the plush bed with a soft thud. "A whole new wardrobe for both of us!"

Contessa sat up, curiosity piqued. She watched as Tiffany eagerly tore open the bags, revealing a cascade of clothes. Inside were comfortable jeans, casual t-shirts, soft sweaters, and even a pair of sneakers. A wave of relief washed over Contessa. These were clothes she could actually move around in, clothes that wouldn't scream "slut" to the entire world.

Then, nestled amongst the new clothes, Contessa spotted the familiar brown paper bag from the store she'd visited last night. A jolt of surprise shot through her. She'd completely forgotten about it in the chaos that followed.

Contessa reached for the bag, a knot of apprehension tightening in her stomach. Who brought this home? She wondered.

"Oh hey, this totally is your style" Tiffany exclaimed, admiring the clothes inside the bag. "Like you bought it yourself." She added unknowingly.

Contessa managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I guess so."

Tiffany rummaged through the clothes some more, pulling out a simple cotton dress in a soft shade of blue. She held it up against Contessa's body, her eyes sparkling. "This would look amazing on you! Try it on!"

Taking a deep breath, Contessa attempted to tame her bed hair. "Maybe later," she said, her voice sincere. "But right now, I need to talk to Wyvern."


Contessa set off on her quest, navigating the labyrinthine hallways of the Rossi mansion. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional creak of floorboards and the distant murmur of servants. She made her way towards the common areas, then the formal living room, but Wyvern was nowhere to be found.

Frustration began to gnaw at her. Where could Wyvern have disappeared to so early in the morning? Just as she was about to give up, Contessa bumped into Nicola, who was hurrying down the hallway with a bunch of gardening tools in her arms.

"Contessa," Nicola startled, her eyes widening in surprise. "Can I help you with something?"

"Actually, yes," Contessa said, forcing a smile. "Have you seen your sister? I need to talk to her."

Nicola tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Let me see...She usually spends her mornings in her office. You could try there."

Contessa thanked Nicola and continued her trek, a spark of hope igniting in her chest. She found Wyvern's office at the end of a long corridor, a mahogany door imposingly marking the entrance. Taking a deep breath, Contessa pushed the door open, ready to face Wyvern.

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