Chapter 29: It Drives Me Crazy

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Wyvern/Enna's POV:

Contessa's head lolled against my shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. My office walls had never seemed so utterly... romantic.  Okay, maybe romantic wasn't the right word.  Steamy? Definitely. But right now, all I craved was the quiet aftermath, the soft rise and fall of Contessa's breathing a soothing counterpoint to the frantic drumming of my own heart.

The is air thick with the afterglow of our... reconnection.  I traced a lazy circle on her back, a satisfied smirk playing on my lips.

"So," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep, "how exactly did I end up in my own bed last night?"

A playful smirk tugged at my lips. "Now that is a fascinating story, yo—

"Oh god, what did I do?" Contessa groaned, burying her head on the side of my neck.

I chuckled, caressing her hair. "You were a riot, Contessa. Singing karaoke with the pigeons at 3 am is one thing, but serenading the trees? Now that was entertaining as fuck."

Contessa groaned, burying her face further into my neck.  "Never mind, Don't tell me. Did I sing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' again?"

"Five times, my love," I chuckled,  "with increasing gusto each time."  The memory brought a smile to my face.  Contessa, normally so composed and in control, had transformed into a belting powerhouse, her rendition of Freddie Mercury a masterpiece of drunken enthusiasm (and questionable pitch).

"Then," I continued,  "came the small matter of scaling the base wall."

Contessa's head snapped up, eyes wide.  "Wait, what?  I climbed a wall?"

"Attempted to climb," I clarified, a hint of amusement in my voice.  "More like a series of impressive, albeit drunken, lunges."  I winced internally.

Contessa's face had turned a delightful shade of scarlet. "Oh no," she groaned, burying her face back in my chest.  The muffled groaning vibrating against my chest.

I couldn't help myself. A full-blown laugh erupted from my chest, the sound echoing through the office. Contessa swatted at my arm playfully, but the smile blooming on her face was genuine.

"Okay, okay," I chuckled, wiping a tear from my eye. "But back to the epic story.  Sneaking you back in, especially past Tiffany without waking her up was the most difficult."

A laugh escaped her lips, and she finally sat up, curiosity etched on her face. "So spill then. How'd you manage it?"

Here, I paused dramatically.  "So, with the grace of a shadow and the stealth of a... well, not a particularly stealthy creature," I admitted with a smirk, "I managed to maneuver you, fully clothed thankfully, into your bed."

Contessa finally emerged from her hiding place, a playful glare in her eyes. "You make it sound like I was a sack of potatoes," she huffed.

I threw my head back and laughed, "Perhaps not a sack of potatoes," I conceded, wiping a tear from my eye. "More like a particularly enthusiastic koala clinging to a eucalyptus tree."

A blush crept up Contessa's cheeks, but this time it was accompanied by a smile.  "Enna," she began, her voice a mock-stern whisper, "you are a terrible influence."

I chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from her cheek. "What? I'm—

But then the door to my office swung open with a loud bang, shattering the peaceful silence. Luca, his face flushed and hair askew, burst into the room without a single knock.

"Wyv, there you are! Just who I was looking for!" he exclaimed, oblivious to the tableau before him.

Contessa's head shot up, startled. "Luca!" she hissed, scrambling to sit up properly. Our little post-coital cuddle session was abruptly brought to an end.

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