Chapter 18: Famiglia Dragoni Rossi

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Contessa's POV:

The sleek black car hummed along the highway, Luca at the wheel, his dark glasses masking any hint of what he might be thinking. Beside me, Tiffany bounced with barely contained excitement; While my stomach churning with a mix of apprehension and... something else. Anticipation? Maybe.

Now, after what felt like an eternity, the car lurched to a halt. "Welcome to your new home, ladies," Luca announced, his voice a smooth baritone. He hopped out, his gaze flitting between us before he popped the trunk.

"Grab your things," he said, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. We retrieved our meager belongings, the weight of them heavier than usual.

The headquarters wasn't what I'd expected. No sprawling mansion, no gaudy displays of wealth. Instead, a nondescript three-story building tucked discreetly between warehouses. Luca led us through a steel door, the heavy clang echoing in the cavernous space.

Inside, the air vibrated with a low hum of activity. Men, mostly, some with familiar faces, others strangers, milled about, their voices a constant murmur. A massive screen displayed a live feed of some bustling market square, red dots pulsing intermittently. A war room, then.

Luca walked further, exchanging pleasantries with the people we pass by. We entered a long hallway, Dim light cast long shadows in the narrow space, the air thick with the smell of old paint and something metallic I couldn't quite place.

Luca stopped at a door at the end of the hall, his movements practiced.  He unlocked it with a flourish, revealing a surprisingly well-kept apartment.  Sunlight streamed through a large window, illuminating a bright kitchen and a living area furnished with worn but comfortable furniture.

"This is it," Luca said, stepping aside. "Your new digs."

I walked in first, taking it all im.  Tiffany followed, her eyes wide with surprise.  This wasn't the gangster lair I'd envisioned – more like a place a down-on-her-luck librarian might live in.  A disconcerting mix of normalcy and threat. 

"So," Tiffany blurted, breaking the heavy silence, "what exactly am I supposed to do here?"

Luca raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips as she shuts the door behind him. "Well, Contessa's got her medic training lined up. Busy lady, saving lives and whatnot."  He winked at me playfully. "But what about you, tesoro?" he drawled, his eyes locking with Tiffany's, "what skills do you bring to the table?"

Great. Now they expected her to contribute. I opened my mouth to speak, but Tiffany beat me to it.

"I can cook," she blurted, puffing out her chest a little. "Really good, actually. I used to help out at my aunt's diner back home."

A surprised laugh escaped Luca. "A chef, huh? Well, hell, Vitale could use the help. His burnt offerings are a crime against cuisine."

Tiffany beamed, genuinely pleased.

Luca tilted his head, "Or," he said, his voice dropping a seductive octave, "you could learn to fight. I wouldn't mind having you as a sparring partner, and teach you a thing or two."

Tiffany giggled and I can see the rapid reddening of her cheeks and neck, she opened her mouth to speak but I beat her to it,

"Tiff appreciates the offer," I said, my voice tight, "but I think she would be better off helping in the kitchen you know."

Luca glanced at me then back at Tiffany, then he chuckled, popping his glasses back on his face. "Just a thought."  His smile softened.  "Anyway, we'll figure it out. You two get settled in. The boss will be by later to brief you on the rules."

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