Chapter 15: Trouble Follows You

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"Contessa?" Sofia drawled, a hint of amusement creeping into her voice.  "What a surprise. Isn't it a bit late for a shopping spree, especially for someone under house arrest?"

Contessa swallowed hard, trying to project a facade of nonchalance.  "Uh, hi Sofia," she managed, her voice barely a whisper.  "Just browsing."

Sofia leaned against the counter, her arms crossed.  "Didn't Wyvern tell you girls to stay in your rooms?"  Her voice was deceptively calm, but Contessa sensed an undercurrent of something else – maybe even a flicker of understanding.

Contessa winced. This wasn't going as smoothly as she'd envisioned.  "Okay, okay," she admitted with a sigh. "Look, I just needed a break. The mansion, it's... suffocating, you know?"

Sofia pushed herself away from the counter and began walking towards Contessa, her movements deliberate, almost teasing, A sly grin playing on her lips. "Suffocating, huh?  Well, can't blame you, Wyvern insists on keeping you home for...awhile."

"Exactly! And I just need fresh air."

"Sure," Sofia stopped just a beat too close, her steely eyes glinting with something akin to amusement.  "But that doesn't answer what you're doing here, at 9pm?"

Contessa swallowed hard, a bead of sweat trickling down her temple "Maybe I just... crave..." she paused, desperately searching for anything plausible.  "Cotton candy?"  She gestured towards a nearby stand, the sickly sweet scent suddenly nauseating.

Sofia threw her head back and laughed, a full-bodied sound that surprised Contessa.  It wasn't mocking, but genuine, almost playful.  "Cotton candy?  At this hour?  Contessa, you're a terrible liar."  But her smile faltered slightly, a flicker of something else crossing her eyes.  Something Contessa couldn't quite decipher.

Contessa felt a flicker of embarrassment, quickly followed by a sense of desperation.  "Sofia, listen," she began, taking a step closer. "I'm going home okay? Let's pretend this didn't happen and all will be fine." She said, while walking slowly backwards.

"Deal?" Contessa adds, please say yes, I don't want Wyvern to kill me.

"I don't know Contessa," Sofia raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in her eyes. "I mean, Wyvern will be thrilled when I tell her."

Contessa swallowed hard, the veiled threat hanging heavy in the air.  She couldn't stay here much longer. Time to make a break for it.

"Well," she started, feigning a yawn, "it's getting late. Back to my priso—mansion, I suppose."  She turned towards the door, her heart hammering against her ribs.

Reaching for the handle, she was about to push it open when a sudden movement caught her eye.  A group of men on motorbikes roared down the street outside, their faces obscured by helmets. But what sent a jolt of terror through Contessa was the glint of metal in their hands – guns.

"Get down!" she screeched, holy fuck! They both hit the floor as a deafening barrage of gunfire erupted outside.

Contessa pressed herself flat against the ground, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs.  She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed the hail of bullets wouldn't find them.

The shooting seemed to last an eternity, but in reality, it was probably just a few seconds.  Finally, the deafening silence that followed felt heavier than the gunfire itself.

Contessa peeked over the fallen rack, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The street outside was deserted, the bikers long gone. The store was a mess, shattered glass sparkling on the floor like deadly confetti. Smoke hung heavy in the air, stinging her eyes. Shakily, she got to her feet and scanned the shop for Sofia.

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