Chapter 38: Twisted Sense of Love

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The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound that dared to break the heavy silence in Tiffany's hospital room. Contessa sat beside the still form, her hand gently tracing patterns on the back of Tiffany's gauze-wrapped hand. The exhaustion etched on her face, a mirror image of the dark circles under Enna's eyes.

"Contessa," Enna began, her voice barely a whisper. "We should go home and rest. You have injuries of your own."

Contessa shook her head, her voice tight. "I can't leave her, Enna. Not now."

Enna knew the feeling all too well. The fiercely protective urge to stand guard, to ward off any unseen threats. But Contessa looked like a shadow of herself, and Enna couldn't bear to see her push herself any further.

Just then, Sofia entered the room, a small tray laden with coffee cups and pastries balanced precariously in her hands. "Thought you ladies might need some fuel," she said, her voice a welcome break in the tension.

She set the tray on the table beside them and caught sight of Enna's bloodshot eyes. "Wyvern, seriously, you look like you haven't slept in a week. You should get some rest."

Contessa finally turned towards Enna, her gaze lingering on the dark circles under her lover's eyes. "Enna," she said softly, concern replacing the exhaustion in her voice for the first time. "You look terrible. When did you last sleep?"

Enna shrugged, then sighed. "Forty-eight hours ago."

Contessa's eyes widened in shock. "Forty-eight hours? Enna, that's insane. You need to sleep."

The concern in her voice was a balm to Enna's soul, a reminder of the connection that still tethered them together.

Enna knew Contessa was right.  Sleep wasn't a luxury, it was a necessity.  She needed a clear head to deal with the aftermath of the attack, to strategize their next move.  More importantly, she needed time to process the decision that gnawed at her gut.

"Alright," she conceded, surprising herself with her own compliance. "I'll go home for a few hours. But I'll be back first thing in the morning."

Contessa stood up, her movements slow but determined. She walked towards Enna and enveloped her in a hug. The familiar warmth seeped through the fatigue, a bittersweet comfort.

"Go get some rest, love," Contessa whispered. "Then come get me in the morning."

Enna held her close, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. This wasn't just about sleep, it was about more. It was a pause, a space for her to breathe, to face the painful truth that threatened to tear their world apart.

With a final lingering look, Enna turned and walked out of the hospital room, her mind already racing towards a difficult choice. As she stepped out into the cool night air, she knew that whatever decision she made, it would forever alter the course of their lives – together, or apart.


The Rossi mansion loomed large in the pre-dawn light, its grandeur offering a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within Enna. Exhaustion gnawed at her, but sleep remained a distant dream. Instead, she found herself drawn to the familiar comfort of her home office.

Walking through the vast, echoing halls, she reached the familiar comfort of her office. The faint scent of leather and old books hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the antiseptic sterility of the hospital.

With a tired sigh, Enna slumped into her chair, the silence broken only by the rhythmic tick of the grandfather clock in the corner. Her gaze fell upon the well-stocked liquor cabinet, a dark temptation against the backdrop of her turmoil.

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