Chapter 32: You Have Me

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Contessa's POV:

Valentina's lips stretched into a humorless smile, her gaze flickering between Enna and me. "Just having a little chat with the new... plaything, Wyvern. What's special about this one?" she drawled, her voice dripping with veiled hostility.

Enna walked until she's right beside me, brushing past Valentine. "Valentina," she said, her voice low and dangerous, a stark contrast to her usual stoicism. "This is Contessa Darby. My Partner."

The emphasis on the last word hung heavy in the air, a silent declaration that echoed through the tension-filled balcony. Valentina's smile faltered for a split second, a flicker of surprise crossing her features before a mask of icy composure settled back in place.

"Partner?" she scoffed, her voice laced with disbelief. "Don't be ridiculous, Wyvern.  We both know this is just another one of your games."

Enna's lips curved into a smirk, a hint of possessiveness glinting in her eyes. She didn't respond verbally. Instead, she took a step closer to me, her eyes locking with mine. 

Then, in a move that stole my breath away, Enna leaned in and captured my lips in a searing kiss.  It was a kiss fueled by possessiveness, a blatant claim that left no room for argument.  My surprise quickly melted into a surge of desire as I responded with equal fervor.

The world around us faded away, the only thing that mattered the press of Enna's body against mine, the heat of her touch.  We kissed with an intensity that spoke volumes, a silent message for Valentina and anyone else who dared question our bond.

When we finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, Valentina was gone. Her stiletto clicks fading into the distance. The other evidence of her presence was the lingering scent of her expensive perfume and the hostile energy that still thrummed in the air.

Enna's eyes held a flicker of amusement as she gazed down at me.  "That," she murmured, a hint of a satisfied smirk playing on her lips, "was for your benefit, Tesoro."

I crossed my arms, a pout forming on my lips. Glancing away from Enna, I focused on the twinkling cityscape, each distant light a silent observer to the unexpected drama that had just unfolded. 

"Contessa," Enna's voice, usually a smooth melody, now felt rough with unspoken concern.  She reached for my hand, but I swatted it away, the childish gesture surprising even myself.

"You could have warned me," I mumbled, my voice thick with a mix of hurt and anger.  "Who even was she?"

Enna sighed, a sound laced with exasperation.  "Valentina Gallo," she answered, her voice devoid of its usual stoicism.  "Someone from my past.  Someone who clearly hasn't moved on." 

Her explanation did little to soothe the turmoil within me.  The possessiveness in Valentina's voice, the way she'd spoken of me with such disdain, it had all chipped away at the fragile confidence I'd been building.  

Silence stretched between us, thick and uncomfortable.  Just when I thought the night was beyond salvaging, Enna surprised me again.

She stepped closer, her movements deliberate, each step echoing in the quiet night.  Before I could react, she cupped my face in her strong hands, her touch sending a jolt through me.

"Tesoro," she murmured, her voice a husky whisper that sent shivers down my spine.  "Don't let her get to you.  You have nothing to fear."

Her gaze held mine, a storm brewing within its depths.  Then, in a move swift and unexpected, she leaned in, her lips capturing mine in a kiss that stole my breath away.

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