Chapter 20: Saving Lives is my Thing

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Contessa's POV:

I stayed rooted on the spot, my gaze stuck on the hallway Wyvern disappeared to moments ago that I realized too late that Sofia was watching me with a knowing smile.

"That was....interesting." Her voice held a mischievous twinkle.

A warmth crept up my neck. Here I was, flustered by the sight of a woman in messy hair and a t-shirt. I cleared my throat, forcing myself to appear nonchalant. "Yeah," I replied absentmindedly.

"Don't let it fool you though. She's sharp as a tack, even when half asleep." Sofia nudged me softly with her elbow.

I nodded, my gaze drifting back to the doorway Wyvern had vanished through. The image of her, all soft curves and smooth skin, stayed stubbornly in my mind.

"Oh by the way," Sofia said, her voice breaking into my thoughts, "don't forget, someone will be by later to give you the rundown on being a medic here. show you what you need to know about patching us up after a rough day. It won't be all sunshine and stitches, but it's an important job."

A wave of relief washed over me. I hadn't expected such a structured approach to healthcare, especially in a place like this. "That's good to know," I admitted, forcing a smile.

"Yep," Sofia said, clapping me on the shoulder with surprising force. "Just be prepared for the unexpected, Doc. We get into all sorts of scrapes." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "And who knows, maybe you'll even get to patch up the boss lady herself someday."

The suggestion sent a shiver down my spine. The image of Wyvern, wounded and vulnerable, was both unsettling and strangely alluring.

"We'll see about that," I said, pushing the unexpected thought away. "Right now, I need to focus on learning the ropes."

Sofia nodded, her smile genuine. "That's the spirit. Now, how about I walk you back to the infirmary?"

"Lead the way," I said, waving goodbye to Vitale and Tiffany, who simply waved me off.


The afternoon sun streamed through the window of the infirmary, casting a warm glow on the rows of neatly labeled medications. I flipped through a well-worn medical textbook. Here, in the cool stillness of the infirmary, the sterile scent of disinfectant a familiar comfort, I tried to reclaim a sense of normalcy.

A knock on the door startled me. Must be the trainer Sofia mentioned. Straightening my posture and wiping a stray strand of hair from my eye, I called out, "Come in."

I expected Sofia or perhaps a gruff-looking man with "medic" tattooed across his bicep. Instead, the door creaked open to reveal a sight that left me speechless.

Wyvern stood there, looking considerably more composed than her earlier appearance. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, highlighting the sharp angles of her face. But what caught my attention was the woman beside her.

This woman was tall and statuesque, with an olive complexion and eyes the color of molten gold. Her smile, aimed at Wyvern, was dazzling, revealing a set of perfect white teeth. Her body, clad in fitted black pants and a clinging white tank top.

"Contessa," Wyvern announced. "This is Leanna. She's the ER doctor who regularly patches us up."

Leanna extended a hand towards me, her smile widening.  "It's so nice to finally meet you, Contessa," she said, her voice as smooth as honey. "Wyvern tells me you've got some medical training under your belt."

"Some, Enough to get by, I hope." I shook her hand, conscious of how smooth it is compared to mine.  "But I was a Pre-med student," I replied, my voice betraying a hint of defensiveness.  Giving up that life felt like a lifetime ago, a stark contrast to the reality of this new world.

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