Chapter 19: Cara

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Contessa's POV:

Exhaustion finally dragged me under, the cacophony of the dinner table fading into a distant hum. Sleep, however, was a fleeting visitor.  I jolted awake, heart hammering against my ribs, a single word echoing in the quiet darkness: cara.

"Hold the fuck up, did she just?"

Had Wyvern really called me that?  Sitting up abruptly, I threw the covers back, the cool air of the unfamiliar room sending a shiver down my spine.  I replayed the scene in my mind, dissecting every detail, every word exchanged.  There it was, clear as day.

She chuckled again, the sound warm and reassuring.  "Sorry, cara. Didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to let you know it's dinner time. Meet the others."

But it was the way she'd said it, the subtle softening in her tone, the warmth that had flickered in her eyes.  And then, the abrupt, almost inaudible word: "cara."

I groaned, burying my face in my hands.  It had to be my imagination, right?  Wyvern, the ruthless leader of one of Italy's biggest mafia, using a term of endearment reserved for lovers?  The idea was ludicrous, but I couldn't be mistaken...right?

I rose from the bed, my bare feet padding softly across the cold floor.  I moved to the window, pulling back the worn curtain to reveal a sliver of moonlit sky.  The city sprawled beneath me, a tapestry of twinkling lights and inky shadows. 

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to be practical.  Wyvern's feelings, whatever they were, were irrelevant.  I'm here as a medic, a prisoner of circumstance, not a lovesick girl.  I have a responsibility to myself, to survive this new life and find a way back to freedom. To my mama.

Yet, as I gazed out at the moonlit cityscape, a single word hung stubbornly in the air: cara.  And with it, the unwelcome ember of hope refused to be extinguished.


The following morning, a sliver of sunlight peeked through the blinds, rousing me from a restless sleep.  The previous night's revelation about "cara" still lingered in my mind, a secret melody playing on a loop.

Breakfast was a simple affair of toast and coffee shared with Tiffany, who bubbled with nervous excitement about her new role as assistant chef.  I, however, found it hard to muster much enthusiasm.  My thoughts kept drifting back to Wyvern and the unexpected warmth I'd witnessed.

Our reverie was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in," I called out, my voice hoarse from sleep. The door opened a crack, and I was greeted by the sight of Sofia.

"Sofia!" I exclaimed.

Sofia grinned, her smile tinged with a wince.  A bandage peeked out from under the sleeve of her leather jacket, a reminder of their recent encounter.  I crossed the room in two strides and pulled Sofia into a tight hug.  The familiar scent of leather and Sofia's signature lavender perfume washed over me, a wave of relief washing over me.

"Contessa," Sofia chuckled, her voice slightly breathless.  "Easy there, you'll split me open again."

I stepped back, my eyes lingering on the bandage.  "How's the shoulder?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"Healing," Sofia replied, flexing her arm gingerly.  "Doc's orders: take it easy for a while. I'm not happy about it, but hey, I gotta follow orders sometimes, right?"

"You definitely should." I smiled, glad she's fine.

"How's your arm though?" Sofia asked, looking down my bandaged arm. I looked down as well, "oh! Well I actually forgot about this already so guess it's healing well?"  I shrugged.

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