Chapter 23: Wyvern

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We pulled back into the familiar, unassuming building, the city lights blurring into a distant glow as I shut off the engine. Contessa unbuckled her seatbelt, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Well," I said, kicking the van door shut with a sigh. "That was... nice."

Contessa offered a tired smile. "It certainly was. Thank you again for bringing me, Wyvern. I needed that more than I realized."

"Me too," I admitted, the words surprising even myself. Being around the children, seeing Contessa interact with them, had stirred something within me, a yearning for a normalcy I hadn't known I craved.

Contessa followed close behind, her gaze sweeping across the quiet compound.

"You know," she said hesitantly, "this place isn't quite what I expected either."

I raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in my voice. "Oh? What were you expecting? A secret lair filled with blood-thirsty brooding gangsters?"

Contessa smirked. "Something like that, actually."

I laughed, the sound echoing in the stillness of the night. "Well, it's not all brooding and violence," I said. "Most of the time, at least."

For a moment, we stood there, lost in our own thoughts, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Then, clearing my throat, I decided to take a chance. "Hey Contessa?" I began hesitantly, "Thank you," I murmured, squeezing her arm gently. "For coming with me today."

"It was my pleasure," she replied, her voice sincere. "Perhaps... we could do it again sometime?"

I couldn't help but grin. "I'd like that," I admitted. "The kids would be happy to see you again."

Contessa's smile widened, we continued walking down the hallway, passing the mess hall, the infirmary, towards her apartment when I realized I didn't want this day to end just yet.

"So," I began, trying to gather my courage, "what do you say to a nightcap before you head back to your apartment?"

Contessa tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "Nightcap, you say? Trying to get me drunk?"

I chuckled. "Not exactly, Consider it a 'Thank you' for coming with me." admitted. "And I can whip something up. Something non-alcoholic, of course."

Contessa's smile faltered slightly. "Non-alcoholic?" she echoed, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

I raised an eyebrow playfully. "Well, unless you've suddenly developed a fine taste for bourbon or whiskey, we can do that too."

Contessa laughed, the sound light and musical. "Why not?" She shrugged, "it's not every day you get to drink with your boss right? Lead the way then."

With a nervous flutter of excitement in my stomach, I led the way towards my office.


Across from me, Contessa settled into one of the plush leather chairs, A decanter of amber liquid rested between us on the oak desk, two glasses half-filled with a smoky peaty scotch.  The initial formality of the evening had melted away, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie.

Our conversation, initially focused on the children at the orphanage, had taken an unexpected turn.  We'd discussed the other charities the gang supported anonymously – soup kitchens, shelters for battered women, anything to offer a lifeline to those caught in the city's underbelly.

"You know," Contessa said, her voice soft, "I never knew the Dragoni Rossis were involved in this kind of thing."

"We try to keep it quiet," I admitted.  "Can't exactly have the city's most notorious gang known for handing out soup and teddy bears."

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