Chapter 40: Terrible Plan

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Enna groaned, the throbbing in her head a rhythmic counterpoint to the pounding of her heart. Cracking open one eye, she winced at the assault of light filtering through the curtains. Memories of the night before flooded back – the smoky haze of the bar, Leanna's smug face, and finally, the comforting weight of Contessa beside her.

But the comfort was laced with a bitter aftertaste. The lie she'd told Luca, the scene with Leanna, all fueled by the self-destructive plan that gnawed at her. A plan that had her sneaking out of her own bed, away from the woman she loved.

Stealing a glance at Contessa, Enna found her fast asleep, her face peaceful, vulnerability etched on her beautiful features. The sight sharpened the ache in Enna's chest. Contessa, so innocent of the storm brewing within Enna, deserved a life bathed in sunshine, not the constant threat of violence.

Enna's hand hovered over Contessa's cheek, the urge to reach out, to feel the warmth of her skin, an agonizing battle with the cold logic that had taken root in her mind. She couldn't allow herself that comfort. Not when the price could be Contessa's life.

With a silent vow, Enna forced her hand away. Every muscle screamed in protest, but she ignored it. Gently, she disentangled herself from the sheets, careful not to disturb Contessa's slumber.

Tiptoeing out of the room, Enna felt the weight of her decision crushing her. This wasn't just about leaving Contessa's bed, it was about creating a distance, a coldness that would eventually push her away.

The hallway stretched before her, a desolate path leading to an uncertain future. Enna took a deep breath, the air thick with the unspoken words she couldn't bring herself to say.

"Ti Amo," she whispered, the words a silent echo in the empty hall. "Ma questa vita... non c'è posto per te."

Knowing that Contessa wouldn't understand, that her actions would likely push her love further away, Enna pressed on. She had to be strong, even if it meant breaking her own heart in the process. The safety of the woman she loved, she convinced herself, was worth the sacrifice.


The creak of the floorboard under Enna's weight seemed like a thunderclap in the quiet of the room. Contessa, eyes squeezed shut but senses hyper-alert, lay perfectly still. Each creak, each soft thud of Enna's descent down the stairs, echoed in her mind.

Finally, silence. Contessa waited a beat longer, then slowly peeled open her eyes. The room was bathed in the soft glow of dawn, highlighting the empty space beside her. A pang of loneliness, a familiar ache in this new life, settled in her chest. Why didn't Enna stay?

Enna's whispered words hung in the air, a melody devoid of meaning. Contessa frowned, Italian was a language she wasn't fluent in. She knows Enna said I love you, but the rest was a mystery.

Contessa closed her eyes with a sigh. The echo of Enna's love confession a cruel joke in a language she couldn't understand. Was that what Enna had said? A confession? Or was it a final goodbye disguised as affection? The uncertainty festered in her gut, a poisonous seed blooming with doubt.

She sat up, tears blurring her vision, the sheets tangling around her legs. This sudden shift in Enna's behavior, the veiled sadness in her eyes the night before, the cryptic goodbye – it all pointed to something deeper, something unspoken.

She couldn't stay here, not knowing. She had to find Enna, to understand what was driving this sudden shift. Throwing on a robe, Contessa raced out of the room, determined to clear the air, to fight for the love she deserves.


She found Enna in her office, the room bathed in the cool morning light. Enna stood by the window, her back rigid, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The sight of her, silhouetted against the rising sun, filled Contessa with a strange mix of anger and helplessness.

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