Chapter 14: What am I here for?

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Mama Rossi, however, seemed determined to dispel the awkwardness. Clearing her throat, she fixed a smile on Contessa and Tiffany, So, Contessa, Tiffany," she began, her voice surprisingly gentle, "Nicola tells me you two helped her with the roses this morning. Very kind of you."

Contessa, wary but eager to make a good impression, offered a polite smile. "We, uh, just happened upon her in the garden," she stammered, trying to sound casual. "We were... enjoying the fresh air."

A flicker of amusement crossed Nicola's face, so fleeting Contessa almost missed it. Luca, the man with the salt-and-pepper beard, who Contessa presumed to be Wyvern's third-in-command, gave a barely perceptible shake of his head.

A flicker of a smile played on Nicola's lips. "Contessa is being modest, Mama. They were quite the experts. My roses are indebted to their help."

A low rumble emanated from Wyvern, who remained focused on something unseen. Was it amusement? Contessa couldn't tell. However, a sliver of tension seemed to dissipate from the air.

Sofia cut through the pleasantries. "Signora Nicola enjoys her roses," she said in a clipped tone. "Perhaps you ladies can offer your assistance more often."

Contessa felt a prickle of annoyance. Were they to be relegated to gardening duty now? Before she could formulate a response, Wyvern finally spoke.

"That's enough, Sofia," she said, her voice sharp. "They are guests here, not servants."

Sofia bowed her head, a flicker of something resembling defiance quickly masked by an air of stoic efficiency. Wyvern then turned towards Contessa and Tiffany, her gaze penetrating.

"We have... matters to attend to," she stated, her voice leaving no room for argument. "I expect you both to remain in your rooms for the rest of the day. Falco will bring your meals."

Contessa's stomach clenched. Locked in again? She opened her mouth to protest, but Wyvern's icy glare silenced her. Without another word, Wyvern pushed back her chair and rose, her movements swift and decisive. Sofia followed suit, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. The remaining occupants at the table watched her go, a wave of tension dissipating with her departure.

Mama Rossi cleared her throat again. "Well, that was..." she trailed off, searching for the right word. "Direct."

Nicola shot Contessa and Tiffany an apologetic smile. "Don't mind my sister. She can be... intense at times."

Contessa managed a weak smile, feeling a knot of apprehension tighten in her stomach. "We understand," she said, unsure if it was entirely true.

The remainder of breakfast was an exercise in polite small talk, mostly between Mama Rossi and Nicola. Luca remained silent throughout, his eyes studying Contessa and Tiffany with an almost clinical detachment. As for the woman with the downcast eyes, she barely spoke, her sadness a palpable presence that cast a shadow over the table.

Finally, Falco led Contessa and Tiffany back to their room, his presence a constant reminder of their limited freedom. As the heavy oak door shut behind them, Contessa sank onto the chaise lounge, a wave of frustration washing over her.

"Confined to our rooms?" Tiffany exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "What kind of hospitality is that?"

"This was exactly what happened to me the first time." Contessa sighed, "but for now, we should probably do as Wyvern said. It's best not to provoke her."

"As if we have any other options."


Days bled into weeks, then weeks into a month. The initial thrill of escaping the Gilded Cage had faded, replaced by a suffocating sense of monotony. Contessa's new life at the mansion felt like a prison all over.

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