Chapter 27: Just The Two Of Us

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Contessa's POV:

The rhythmic beat of the engine thrummed a steady counterpoint to the nervous fluttering in my stomach. Sofia drove with a focused intensity, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. Every so often, she would steal a glance at me, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"So, spill it, Contessa," Sofia finally said. "What's going on between you and Wyv?"

My cheeks flushed a warm pink. "Honestly, Sofia, I'm not entirely sure myself," I admitted. "It's all a bit... unexpected," I continued, fiddling with the hem of my dress. "Just a month or so ago, she wasn't even sparing me a glance, let alone talking to me, you know?"

Here I was, all dolled up, about to embark on a date with the Wyvern, Capo Donna of one of Italy's Mafia Families. The woman who almost killed me, held me captive in her mansion, and who, against all odds, I found myself drawn to in a way I couldn't quite explain.

Sofia hummed thoughtfully, tapping the steering wheel with a manicured fingernail. "Unexpected, huh? Or maybe..." she trailed off, a knowing glint in her eyes, "unavoidable?"

"Unavoidable?" I repeated, brows furrowed.

She chuckled, a low, throaty sound. "Think about it, Contessa. The tension between you two has been thick enough to cut with a scalpel ever since Wyvern killed a man for you back at the Gilded Cage. The way she looks at you, the way you light up whenever she's around..."

I couldn't deny it. The way Wyvern's eyes lingered on me a beat too long, the way her touch sent shivers down my spine – it was all there, simmering just beneath the surface. But to admit it, to acknowledge the growing attraction between us, felt like stepping into uncharted territory.

"Maybe you're right," I finally conceded, a nervous laugh escaping my lips. "Maybe it was always going to happen, this... connection."

Sofia grinned, her smile wide and knowing. "There you go! Now, don't go all shy on me. Tonight's your chance to see where this unexpected, unavoidable connection leads."

"Maybe I will." I replied, looking out the window. The sleek black car hummed along the highway, the cityscape fading into a glittering tapestry of distant lights. Beside me, Sofia placed a reassuring hand on my knee, but my stomach still churned with a nervous energy I couldn't quite shake.

"You okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah," I mumbled, forcing a smile. Deep breaths, Contessa. You've faced down worse. "Just a little out of my comfort zone, that's all."

Sofia chuckled, a soft, melodic sound. "Believe me, Wyvern's probably feeling the same way. Dating isn't exactly high on her priority list."

My eyebrows shot up. "Wait, you're telling me the notorious Wyvern has never been on a date?"

"Nope," Sofia confirmed. "Too busy leading us, I guess. You're her first."

A strange mix of emotions flooded me. Surprise, a flicker of something akin to pride, and a renewed dose of nerves.


We stepped out of the car, the cool evening air a welcome contrast to the heat of the day. Following Sofia's lead, we ascended a discreet elevator that opened directly onto a stunning rooftop terrace. Twinkling fairy lights cast a warm glow over the scene, and the panoramic view of the city stretched out before us like a glittering sea.

But my breath truly hitched when I saw Wyvern. She stood beside a table adorned with a white tablecloth and a single flickering candle, her back to us. She was dressed in a black dress that hugged her curves perfectly, a stark contrast to her usual fatigues. Her hair was styled in a loose bun, revealing the elegant line of her neck.

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