Chapter 13: The Widening Circles

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Sunlight streamed through the opulent drapes, casting a warm glow across the room. Contessa stirred, the plush bed a stark contrast to the hard cot she'd grown accustomed to.  A soft giggle beside her broke the silence.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!"  Tiffany's voice, surprisingly chipper, broke through the silence.  Contessa turned to see her friend, already dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose t-shirt, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Good morning," Contessa mumbled, stretching luxuriously in the plush bed.  "This feels nice."

"Come on, let's explore!  I bet this place has a killer garden, wouldn't you say?"

Contessa hesitated. She had a feeling the door might be locked, just like it had been when she was alone. "Do you think we're allowed?" she asked, her voice soft.  "Last time, I was locked inside of here."

Tiffany scoffed, already striding towards the ornately carved door.  "Locked door? Who says this one is locked?"  She grasped the handle and gave it a casual turn.

To Contessa's surprise, the door swung open with a soft click.  A wave of relief washed over her, quickly followed by a surge of curiosity. She wasn't sure if they were even allowed to leave the room. Wyvern had been cryptic about their movements, and what they're doing here.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Contessa asked hesitantly.  "What if Wyvern gets mad?"

"Relax," Tiffany said, giving the door a casual push. "Besides," she continued, a sly grin spreading across her face, "wouldn't it be fun to see what secrets this place holds? This mansion is ours to explore... for now at least."

Contessa hesitated for a moment, then a smile tugged at her lips.  Maybe a little exploration was just what they needed.  With a newfound sense of curiosity, Contessa followed Tiffany out of the room, stepping into the unknown with a mix of trepidation and excitement.

The hallway stretched out before them, a maze of opulent doors and ornately framed paintings.  They followed the sound of trickling water, their steps echoing on the polished marble floor.

As they rounded a corner, a breathtaking view unfolded before them.  Sunlight streamed through massive glass doors, revealing a sprawling garden beyond.  Vibrant flowers bloomed in colorful bursts, manicured hedges sculpted into whimsical shapes, and a crystal-clear fountain gurgled in the center.  It was an oasis of peace and beauty, a stark contrast to the harsh reality they'd left behind.

Contessa gasped, her eyes wide with wonder.  "This is..." she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

"Incredible, right?" Tiffany chimed in, her eyes sparkling with delight.  "Come on, let's get a closer look!"

Without waiting for a response, Tiffany grabbed Contessa's hand and pulled her towards the glass doors.  As they stepped outside, the cool morning air caressed their skin, carrying the sweet scent of blooming roses with it.

Contessa took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air for the first time in what felt like forever.  The weight of the past few days seemed to lift a little, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism. 

They walked hand-in-hand along the manicured paths, marveling at the vibrant blooms and the soothing gurgle of the fountain.  For a moment, their troubles seemed to fade away, replaced by the simple joy of exploration.

As Contessa and Tiffany meandered deeper into the vibrant labyrinth of the garden, a melodic laugh drifted through the air, catching their attention. They rounded a corner, their steps slowing as they came upon a scene both idyllic and unexpected.

A young woman sat amidst a cluster of rose bushes. She was surrounded by an impressive display of gardening tools, her brow furrowed in concentration as she carefully pruned a rose stem.

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