Chapter 25: Just A Scratch

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Wyvern's POV:

The air crackled with ozone and the acrid tang of cordite.  Bullets whizzed past my head, a metallic chorus that drowned out everything else.  The Corvi Neri, those devil incarnates, had finally made their move, and the once peaceful northern territory was now a warzone.

Sofia, a whirlwind of fury and bullets, cleared the flank, her shotgun booming in a deadly counterpoint to Luca's precise bursts of automatic fire.  The rest of the Dragoni Rossi fought with a ferocity born of loyalty and the desperate need to protect our turf.

Smoke hung thick in the air, obscuring the outlines of enemy fighters as they poured out from behind abandoned buildings.  Adrenaline surged through me, a primal cocktail that sharpened my senses and dulled the fear.  I wasn't just their leader; in this moment, I was a shield, a protector, my every move fueled by the need to keep my people safe.

Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through my shoulder.  The world lurched sideways, the sharp tang of blood filling my mouth.  A yell ripped from my throat, a primal cry of defiance against the pain that threatened to engulf me. 

Sofia materialized at my side, her face grim.  "Wyvern!" She roared, her voice barely audible over the din.  "Hold on! Luca, cover us!"

Through a haze of pain, I saw Luca unleash a relentless hail of gunfire, creating a protective shield as Sofia half-dragged, half-carried me towards the nearest alley.  The world spun, the sounds of battle fading into a dull roar. 

We found cover behind a crumbling brick wall, the stench of garbage and gunpowder filling the air.  Sofia fumbled with a first-aid kit, her hands shaking slightly with concern.  "Hold still," she grunted, her voice gruff but laced with a worry that warmed a forgotten corner of my heart.

"Just a flesh wound," I rasped, more to reassure her than myself.  The pain was intense, but the bullet hadn't hit bone. 

She pressed a bandage against the wound, her slim fingers gentle.  "Stay down," she ordered, her gaze flickering back towards the battle raging on a few meters away.  "I'll finish this."

A surge of defiance fueled me.  "No," I growled, pushing her hand away.  "I'm not done yet.  We need to..."

The ground erupted with a deafening blast, the brick wall beside us crumbling under the force of a nearby explosion.  Dust and debris rained down, choking us in a thick cloud.  Coughing and spitting, I fought for vision, my breath ragged and shallow.

"Wyvern!" Sofia yelled, her voice muffled by the dust.  "We gotta get out of here!"

She was right.  The Corvi Neri were relentless, and our temporary shelter was no longer safe.  With a groan, I struggled to my feet, the pain in my shoulder a constant throb.  

Sofia was already scanning our surroundings, her eyes narrowed with determination.  "We need to flank them," she grunted, pointing towards a narrow alleyway choked with overgrown weeds.  "It's a gamble, but it's our best shot."

I nodded, the sting of blood and the fog of adrenaline clouding my judgment.  Taking a deep breath, I gritted my teeth against the pain and followed Sofia into the dense undergrowth.  The way was treacherous, the weeds clawing at our clothes, the smell of damp earth suffocating.  But we pressed on, a silent vow of defiance fueling our every step.

Finally, we emerged from the other side of the alleyway, finding ourselves behind the enemy lines.  Surprise was our only weapon, and we used it ruthlessly.  A well-placed grenade from Sofia, followed by a burst of gunfire from me, sent the Corvi Neri scrambling in confusion. 

The tide of the battle began to turn.  The Dragoni Rossi, fueled by a renewed sense of purpose, pushed back with renewed vigor.  Luca's voice, a battle cry rallying the troops, echoed through the battlefield. 

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