1. it's gina now

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                             IT'S GINA NOW

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Hawkins, Indiana. The town where nothing has happened and nothing ever will happen.

That's the town that Regina's (now going by Gina) father had chosen for their new stitched together family to live.

Gina didn't want to move in the first place, but no one could deny Neil Hargrove, not even his new wife who came along with a thirteen-year-old girl, Gina's new stepsister. Heavy on the step.

Their family isn't perfect by any means, Gina's father has always been messed up in some way, becoming more angry since Gina's mom left, mostly taking it out on her brother, Billy.

Billy definitely isn't perfect either, taking after Neil more day after day.

Gina, however, tries her hardest not to become her father, but it's almost impossible to break the cycle.

Currently, the Hargrove-Mayfield hyphenate situation is on the way to their new home, with Neil, his new wife, and Max in one car, and Gina and Billy following behind in their own.

They pull up in front of a white, dingy, one-story house that seriously needs to be cleaned.

What a humble abode.

Gina parks her car and puts her headphones on as everyone starts unloading the boxes from the car and to the front porch.

"Regina, don't just stand there," Neil says to her, looking at the girl who has her arms crossed over her chest and the scowl that has been stuck on her face for the past week with the low voice he uses before he starts to shout.

She begrudgingly picks up a box as she corrects him with a scoff. "It's Gina now, Dad." She turns around to go towards the house's front door, but Billy is standing right in front of her as she turns.

"An alter ego doesn't make you a different person, Regina," he says to her with an unlit cigarette between his lips.

Gina only scowls at him and walks away; why does he have to be so creepy?

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ After a few hours of organizing her new room, Gina decides to go for a drive around to try and find something fun to do in this town.

As she nears the front door, Max appears almost out of nowhere. "Can you take me to the arcade?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Gina mumbles as she grabs her keys and walks out of the house.

A little while later and a lot of angry muttering, Gina finally finds the arcade and drops Max off, not saying a word before she speeds off.

Gina finds a small gas station on the edge of town and stops at it. As she goes inside, she sees a kid working the register, surely he won't care about what she's about to do.

"Can I get a pack of Camels?" Gina asks him, almost as if she's been doing this for years.

The kid doesn't change his expression. "How old are you?"

Gina gives a sly smile. "Old enough."

"Do whatever you want, as long as you pay for them."

"How much?"

"Eighty cents." The kid hands her the pack, sliding it across the scratched metal counter.

She clicks her tongue, feigning shock as she feels around her pockets. "Looks like I'm eighty cents short."


"Goodnight!" she calls out as she leaves the store.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Max and Gina eventually make it home, but not without being chewed out by Neil

Where were you?

Who were you with?

Don't come home so late!

Stop slamming the door, Regina!

Blah, blah, blah.

Since moving across the country is about the biggest change in someone's life, Neil and his new wife decided that it'd be best for the kids to start school the day after they moved. Not even a chance to settle in. Thanks, Dad.

In the morning Gina will be surrounded by a whole new group of people, of which she intends to make no friends with.

mhm i bet you didn't see this coming 🤸🤸



sooo i decided that after two chapters (woah) (so long) of what i wish i'd said, it needed lots more work and thinking so there will probably not be that many updates as i will be doing this and school and planning that and stuff yk


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