CH:3 ☠️

39 3 0

3rd Person's POV:

"Woah. This place is big." Jeongin mumbled with big eyes looking around. He spotted a familiar face and rushed towards the person. "Hey, Hyunjin Hyung!" He waved at the male, who waved back kindly at him. "You are also in this wing?" Hyunjin questioned and Jeongin sighed and nodded.

"Yes. Let's hope we have the same trainer as well." Jeongin said. "What is the name of your trainer?" Hyunjin questioned, internally praying that they both have the same. "His name was Lee Minho." Jeongin replied and Hyunjin sighed in disappointment. "Uh, I got this girl called Lee Iseul." Jeongin nodded sadly as well. "Well, we still can see each other during the mealtime and free time as well, or we can chill together." Hyunjin raise an eyebrow. "I don't think we are here to chill, Innie." Jeongin looked at him and nodded chuckling.

"Ahem. Gather here everyone!" They heard a man who was holding mic and was standing in front of them, along with some other trainers beside him. Hyunjin counted that in total there were six male trainers and three female trainers except the head trainer who was holding the mic and standing in front of them. The guy looked stressed, and it won't be a surprise if Hyunjin gets to know that he was sleep deprived as well.

"Let's start the teaming. You have to go to the same training room every day till your rank is changed and your trainers will be changing accordingly. After each monthly evaluation and the trainers grading, you will be promoted to the next rank." He instructed and then another trainer who was beside him handed him a paper, which he started to read. "All the trainees who are under Ms. Moon Byeol, go to training room 1. Trainees of Lee Minho go to room no. 2. Jeong Wonho, go to room no. 3. For Lee Iseul, go to room no. 4. For-"

Hyunjin followed the other students who were going to room no. 4 and looked back at Jeongin, who gave him a thumbs up and Hyunjin returned a smile. He went inside the room and was in awe of the training room and the interiors. He liked the combination of colors inside the room- Black, red and gray. It was a very wide room with lots and lots of different sections. Shooting arena, combat arena, boxing arena, there was archery and target practice there, which he found quite different and out of place as nowadays, by the time you will prepare an arrow to shoot, the enemy would have shot you down.

He looked around with sparkling eyes. He got to know earlier from someone that the trainers themselves arrange the training rooms and these are their own personal rooms, which is assigned to them where they teach all of their students every year. There was a white board as well, along with all the materials required and lockers as well for the students on the side with an attached washroom separate for girls and boys.

The door to the hall opened and in came a tall female, who looked quite serious. The students got up and bowed at her making her nod back at them. "Well, you all might know me by now, but I will still give you a formal introduction. My name is Lee Iseul and I have been assigned as all of your trainer. Welcome to District 9." She looked at each and every one of them but then her eyes landed on Hyunjin and she tilted her head. Hyunjin was staring back at her, and she was looking at him with an unexplainable expression.

"Ma'am, can we choose our own lockers or that will be assigned to us later?" A student questioned, making Iseul break the eye contact. "The lockers have been assigned already. The number of your student ID is written on the lockers. You can go and check them. But first let me take your attendance." She opened the register that she was holding.

One by one she called out the names and the student went to her where she was standing. She talked to them a bit and noted down somethings as well. "Hwang Hyunjin." Hyunjin stood up from where he was standing and approached her.

"Hello, Ma'am." Iseul looked at him skeptically. "Which wing were you first assigned?" She asked Hyunjin, who looked at her confused. "I-I don't understand the question, ma'am." Iseul chuckled. "You took the personality test, right?" She asked and Hyunjin nodded. "Which wing was assigned to you, originally?" Hyunjin gulped. "West wing." Iseul smirked and nodded. "Well, you can now go and check your locker, Mr. Hwang." She replied and sent him away.

Hyunjin sighed and secretly put a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart. He went to where the other students were and checking their locker, putting things out or arranging them. He opened and saw combat shoes, gloves, their personal dragger, safety gears, extra clothes, etc. He was peacefully checking them, until his eyes landed on a note that was stuck to the last wall of the locker. Hyunjin took it and looked at it secretly. His eyes widened after reading it.

"My eyes are on you, Mr. Hwang."

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