CH:57 ☠️

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3rd Person's POV:

The South-West of Neo Nexus was in total chaos. The captured divergents were running with their rescuers from the back doors. They ran down the flight of stairs and now were running through the forest, towards the beach where the jets were awaiting them. "Go! Go! Go!" Changbin and the others were checking the divergents, just in case an imposter is there and sending them in.

Two jets have been already departed, so as they can save as many as they can. Iseul looked at the whole scene and felt like crying because she was not able to help them with anything. "D-Does anyone knows what is happening with those who were in Park's office?" She asked and Felix stopped. He immediately tapped on his earpiece. "Hello? Stray Kids? Can all of you hear me?"

"Yes.", "Yes." "Yeah, I can." Felix furrowed his eyebrows. "Where are the others? Why only Changbin Hyung, Jeongin and Seungmin responded?" His breathing was getting heavy by now. "Hyung? Chan? Minho? Hyunjin? Jisung? Where are you guys? Do you need backups?" He asked in the earpiece but received no response.

He looked at Iseul but shook his head. He turned immediately. "I-I am going back. If someone wants to come, then please come. If-" He was cut off when the whole building suddenly was on fire and was in shreds. "WE NEED TO MOVE! EVERYONE! WE ARE CLEAR NOW!" Chankyu shouted and Felix was dragged in, despite all of his protests by Jackson and Jinyoung. "Felix, we need to move! FAST!" He was shoved inside the jet and before he can get out, the door was closed.

"BUT THEY ARE ALL THERE!" He shouted and banged his fists on the door. "Lix, s-stop-" He heard Iseul's voice and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. Felix sighed and then hugged her, while tears were falling from his eyes.

"Let's pray that they are in another jet."


"Who?" The man scowled at his teammate who was holding a phone in front of him. "They said they are from District 9." He motioned for him to come closer and hand him the device. "Hello?" He yawned, pretending to be not interested. "Hongjoong." He heard the deep voice from the other side. "Yeahh?" He said while stretching. "We need to talk." Hongjoong sighed. "And what made you think that I want to waste my time talking to you?"

"Because you will be profited as well." This got his attention, and he stood straight. "Well, well, well. Let's see what Mr. Chankyu has got there for us?" He smirked and Chankyu started to talk. His men in the room were looking at his change of expression from cocky to and worried one and then to an understanding one and then back to smirking. "So, in conclusion you want our help?"

"We are not only going to ask you for help but help you in return as well." He heard him. "And how?" Hongjoong scoffed. "A lot of South Sea Clan's people are held as a prisoner in both District 7 and 9. We can help you get them back and also help you kill the leaders since we both want that. You just let us stay with you guys and help us. Let's finish this rivalry which our ancestors had and become a peaceful world where both of us will be benefited."

Hongjoong sighed and a serious expression took over his features. "You know what? We hated the system because you divide humans. But since you are now united and want peace and so do we, then we will actually help you guys." He chuckled. "But you should promise to fulfil your promises." He said and heard a chuckle from Chankyu. "We promise." Hongjoong nodded. "So, tell me,

When shall we send our people to bring you guys here?"


"Iseul, calm down." Chanmi put a hand over her shoulder. "H-How can I?" She was throwing a fit in Neo Sydney. "How can you just decide to leave them there??" She shouted at Chankyu. "You need to understand. We and the others won't be alive and standing here if we stopped and waited for them." Chankyu said calmly. He understood her and was feeling really broke from inside as well, but he knew he had to do some sacrifices.

Iseul stood up and walked outside, leaving everyone in the room behind. "All jet's keys are here, right?" Chankyu asked and they nodded. "Why? Can she really escape like that? Alone?" Jeongin asked. "She can." Seungmin answered. Iseul went outside of the elevator and walked towards the beach. He eyes caught the boy sitting on a rock and was looking blankly at the ocean.

The breeze was softly hitting Felix's blonde hair and he looked peaceful as ever. Iseul sat down beside him and mimicked his actions. "Lix-" She couldn't form a sentence. Felix said nothing and didn't even glance at her and instead put an arm over her shoulder, pulling her into a side hug. "It's none of your fault." She said and he scoffed with teary eyes. "It's none of yours as well."

They both sat in silence for a while, until they heard some footsteps and saw Hana approaching them. "Both of you should come back now. Chankyu sir has talked with South Sea Clan, and we have to pack up now so as we can leave as soon as possible." She said and stopped. "Are the commoners coming with us as well?" She asked and Hana shook her head. "They are going to the Stayland Islands. That is another Island where divergents have made a hiding base but we still have to deal with the leaders so we will be going to be with the South Sea Clan."

She stood there awkwardly, and the pair of twins were looking at her anticipatingly. Iseul spread her arms and motioned her to come as well. Hana went and engulfed both of them in a hug as well, crying with them as well. Changbin sighed and wiped his own tears while watching them from afar.

"Let's wish their sacrifices won't go to vain."

To Be Continued........................

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