Chapter 12

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3rd pov:

Newt was in the midst of applying ointment to the Kelpie when a crash sounded, immediately putting him on edge. "What was that?" Bunty asked, a hint of alarm in her voice. "I don't know," Newt muttered, his attention divided. Turning to Bunty, he instructed firmly, "I want you to go home now, Bunty."

"Shall I call the Ministry?" Bunty inquired nervously. "No, I want you to go home. Please," Newt reiterated as he swiftly ascended the stairs. With a flick of his wand, he magically dried his clothes as he moved.

Reaching the door, Newt approached cautiously. Pushing it open slowly, he strained to hear voices emanating from the living room area.

Peeking around the corner, Newt was about to raise his wand defensively, but he halted upon recognizing two familiar faces: Queenie and Jacob.

Jacob held a broken vase momentarily, then dropped it in favor of a joyful greeting. "HEY! NEWT!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable as he made his way over.

"Get over here, you maniacs," Jacob insisted, enveloping Newt in a tight hug, to which Newt responded warmly.

"We hope you don't mind, Newt? We let ourselves in—it's raining out there—cats and dogs! London's cold!" Queenie explained as she hung up her coat.

"But you were supposed to have been Obliviated!" Newt exclaimed as Jacob released him. "I know!" Jacob declared, his happiness evident. "So . . . But . . ." Newt stumbled over his words, still processing Jacob's retained memories. 

"It didn't work, guys. I mean, you said it Newt, the potion only erases bad memories. I didn't have any. I mean, don't get me wrong, I had some weird ones. But this angel . . ." Jacob gestured towards Queenie, "...this angel over here, she filled me in on all the bad parts, and here we are, I guess, huh?" he finished with a chuckle.

"This is wonderful!" Newt exclaimed, a broad smile lighting up his face. Glancing around, he inquired, "Is Tina here too? Evie was pouting all month that she couldn't meet her." Queenie's expression dimmed slightly as she replied, "Oh, it's just us, honey. Me and Jacob."

"Oh," Newt acknowledged with a slight nod. "Why don't I make us some dinner, huh?" Queenie suggested. "Yes!" Jacob eagerly agreed.

A little later, they were all seated at the table as Queenie began to plate the meal she had cooked. "Tina and I aren't talking," she revealed. "Why?" Newt inquired, looking confused. Queenie deftly plated Jacob's food before explaining, "Oh well, you know, she found out about Jacob and me seeing each other, and she didn't like it because of the law. Not allowed to date No-Majs, not allowed to marry them. Blah, blah, blah. Well, she was all in a tizzy anyway because of you," she pointed at Newt.

"Me?" Newt asked, his confusion deepening.

"Yeah, you, Newt, and Genevieve. It was in Spellbound. Here—I brought it for you—" Queenie pointed her wand at her suitcase, causing a celebrity magazine to zoom over to her, which she then showed to Newt.

Spellbound: Celebrity Secrets and Spell Tips of the Stars! On the cover was an idealized Newt and an improbably beaming Niffler, with photos of Genevieve showcasing a devious smirk. "THE ALCHEMIST HAS ARRIVED!! BEAST TAMER NEWT TO WED!" was emblazoned across the front.

Queenie turned the pages, revealing an article about Genevieve with a huge photo of her with a her legs crossed and a bold smirk on her face titled, "The Youngest Author of the Most Popular Alchemy Books: Genevieve Pendragon; Is She the Future of Alchemy? " On the adjacent page, a photo displayed Newt, Theseus, Leta, and Bunty at Newt's book launch. "Newt Scamander with fiancée, Leta Lestrange; brother, Theseus; and unknown woman," Queenie read aloud before turning back to Newt. "Honestly, I'm surprised that Genevieve even sent me a letter for you. I mean, since..."

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