Chapter 14

266 11 14

Genevieve's Narration:

Five-year-old Genevieve sat in the cozy living room with her brother, Damian. They were surrounded by a colorful array of small toy bottles, scattered haphazardly around them as they played.

From a young age, I came to realize that I viewed the world through a different lens than everyone else.

"Look!" she exclaimed, holding up her little toy potion proudly. She had just concocted a new mixture using the play potion her brother had given her.

Her brother, who had been studying the instructions, looked up thoughtfully at her creation. "Well, that's not following the instructions. You're supposed to follow them exactly," he pointed out, holding up the bottle she had made. "There's a proper way of doing things."

Genevieve gave her brother a playful look. "That sounds boring," she remarked with a grin.

Including my brother.

Her brother frowned disapprovingly. "That's not nice. I know we come from a family lineage that favors Slytherin, but there's no need to be mean," he mock scolded her with a playful tone.

Genevieve huffed in response and swiftly snatched the instructions from her brother's hand, tearing them apart with a mischievous grin, causing him to gasp in surprise.

It wasn't him I was challenging; it was the world.

The Hogwarts Express train stood majestically in front of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, bustling with children moving about, laughing and chatting with excitement.

Genevieve and Damian stepped off the train together. Damian affectionately patted her head as they walked, noticing Genevieve in her neatly pressed school uniform. Despite her beautiful silver hair being a bit messy, her hazel-grey eyes surveyed the school grounds with a hint of disdain.

But of course my brother knew that.

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"Remember, you belong here as much as anyone. They're lucky to have you."

That's what worried him.

"Agreed," Genevieve nodded, noticing a few passing students casting curious glances in her direction.

"Hey," her brother called out, catching her attention. "Flower, please try to make friends, okay? Don't be too mean."

"I did make one; his name is Newt Scamander," Genevieve replied confidently.

Damian nodded approvingly. "Good. Now goodbye, I'll meet you inside."

"And wear the tie," her brother added, holding up the school tie.

Genevieve shook her head stubbornly. "I don't need the tie." With that, she started walking towards the crowd of students, leaving her brother looking after her with concern.

"Well, be polite, and good," her brother reminded her, calling after her. "And be friendly."

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In their first year, Newt and Genevieve walked down the hallway together, chatting and smiling as they made their way to their classes.

Now, how does the song go?

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